Chapter 3

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'So what do we do now?'

'We go see Hermione.'

'No Ron. I absolutely will not.'

'She's a Healer. She can help.'

'The doctor is going to give me medication.'

'Please Draco; our medicine might be more advanced.'

Draco looked at Ron's imploring face and felt his resolve crack. He did not want to go, but he was willing to bend his pride for Ron. Anything that might mean more time for them together was worth looking into.

'Fine, I'll go.'

Later that night, when Draco was sleeping soundly against Ron's bare chest, Ron was wide awake, covered in a cold sweat and thinking hard. His very structured world had been turned irrevocably upside down. How was it that in the short space of three weeks he had come to care so deeply for Draco Malfoy? Don't feelings like that usually take at least three months? Or so he had thought. He had almost accepted the fact that he might never love anyone in that way and here he was, wide awake and scared out of his mind because of what was happening, or rather what was going to happen. Draco was going to die. Yes, everyone dies eventually, but Draco was going to die a whole lot sooner, and he was going to have to watch him go. A part of him wanted to run away; just toss the sleeping form off his shoulder and bolt. But when he looked down at him, he knew he could not.

The next day he rang Hermione.

'Ronald Weasley, I haven't heard from you in weeks!' said Hermione the minute she recognised his voice. 'And I've been calling and owling!'

'I'm really sorry – '

'Harry said you've been avoiding him as well.'

'I've been occupied. Actually, that's why I called. I need a favour.'

'Oh, that's real nice,' she said sarcastically. 'You call me only when you need something, how lovely.'

'I'm really, really sorry Hermione. I know I've been out of touch, but just listen to me a minute will you? I met someone.'

'What! You've finally met someone? Oh thank God! We've all been so worried!'

Ron swallowed his disgruntlement at the thought of everyone being worried because he had not settled down like apparently everyone else in the known world.

'He has AIDS Hermione and I need you to – '


'He has AIDS and I want you to help him if possible.'

'My God Ron…'

'Will you help him?' asked Ron, ignoring her adverse reaction.

'Of course, but Ron, have you been infected?'

'No I haven't and yes, I'm still going to get tested just to be sure.'

'Don't be upset Ron. I'm just concerned and unless you've been hiding him for a long time this is a new relationship, is it?'

'Yes it is… but I think I love him.'

'You think? Don't risk your life for something you're not sure about.'

'Hermione, don't. I'm not sixteen anymore; I know you mean well, but you're completely out of line.'

'I'm sorry Ron… as a Healer I know it's entirely possible to be in a functioning relationship with someone that's infected, but as your friend I don't want you to be involved in any unnecessary risk.'

'I totally understand that, but you need to understand that I'm more than old enough to make my own decisions, and live with the consequences. There is one more thing though, you know him: Draco Malfoy.'

At this point Ron actually had to move the handset away from his ear. Hermione was screeching at full throttle. When she subsided he took a chance and brought the phone back to his ear.

'If you've quite finished?'

'You didn't listen to a word I said, did you?'

'No, but I might have if you lowered to the decibel.'

'Ron,' she began in a tightly controlled voice, 'do you think it's smart to be involved with Draco Malfoy of all people? Where did you even find him? He's been missing for years.'

'I found him starving on the street.'

'Well if that isn't the very picture! Put him back and walk away!'


'I am serious Ron. Draco Malfoy is bad news – '

'"Bad news?"'

'The terminology is not important!'

'No, what's important is that I haven't hung up on you yet.'

'I appreciate that you haven't, but Ron, let's be serious for a minute. He could be taking advantage of you, and I'm sure Harry would agree with me, as for you mother – '

'Don't you dare tell Harry, my mum or anyone else! I'll talk to them when I'm good and ready.'

'Fine, I won't say anything, but please, if you could just listen to reason!'

'I think I've listened to enough actually. Obviously you're not going to help him so I have nothing more to say. Goodbye Hermione.'

'Ron, wait! I'll help him, of course I will. I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into.'

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Ron rolled his eyes and gave Hermione a paper bag. 'These are the prescriptions the Muggle doctor gave him.'

She rummaged through the bag. 'Our treatments aren't very different. We give potions, they give pills.'

'What does that mean?' asked Ron.

'It means that our treatments are very similar, we just have different ways of administering them.'

'There's no magical solution?'

'Unfortunately not; AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections are more common in the Muggle world because of the differences in protection and contraceptives. With a simple spell we can protect ourselves from most if not all infections and diseases.'

'We can go then,' said Draco.

'No, not yet. I can give you some supplementary potions. It will make your medicine more effective and boost your failing immune system. It's not a cure, but it will help.'

'Thank you Hermione.'

'You know I'd do anything for you Ron, please don't shut me out again.' Ron kissed her on the cheek.

'I won't, and I'm sorry I did. I'd do anything for you as well. That includes baby-sitting those monsters you call children.'

Hermione tapped him affectionately, and then turned to Draco. 'AIDS can be a manageable condition. You could live for many years before you even start feeling ill, but in order to do that you have to be careful. Watch what you eat, what you're exposed to and above all, don't miss even one dose of your meds.'

Draco nodded shortly, then walked out of the room. Ron was about to follow when Hermione stopped him. 'Be careful Ron, with your body and your heart.'

'I will,' he replied, hugging her. 'I better go. I promise I'll ring soon.'

'Well that was a complete waste of time,' said Draco breaking the sullen silence he'd kept up on the journey home.

'No it wasn't. She said the potions will help. It's manageable.'

'Whatever.' He turned his back on Ron, and he saw the barely perceptible shaking of Draco's shoulders.

'Don't be like that, come here.' Draco reluctantly obeyed and snuggled into Ron's offered warmth, burying his face in the crook of the red head's neck momentarily before pulling away.

'How am I supposed to be? I was living in hell before, but now this is worse.'

'It's not worse, you have me.'

'That's why it's worse… I didn't have anything to live for before and now that I do, I'm dying.'

'Shit Draco, don't talk like that.'

'It's true Ron. I would have welcomed it before, there were so many times I thought about and wanted to kill myself, but I couldn't bring myself to do it…' He let out a bitter laugh. 'What a hilariously hysterical, cosmically bad joke.'

'Draco, I know it's hard, but please, you have to try not to get despondent. I want to help you.'

'You want to help me? Make me feel like I'm not dead yet, please.'

'Whatever you want Draco… I'll do anything.'

Draco launched himself at Ron, devouring his lips. Their tongues thrust together and soon nothing was distinguishable between them, only the heat from each others bodies searing their flesh. Just as Draco was about to rip Ron's belt off, Ron stopped him.

'Are you sure this is what you want – are you sure you're ready for this?'

'Yes,' said Draco, drawing close to him again. 'I want you. I want you inside me. Please. Do you want me?'

'Yes, more than anything,' said Ron, his voice cracking. He led Draco to the bedroom they now shared and closed the door. With a flick of his wand, he cast the room into darkness, before making soft bubbles of light float around the room. It was simply put, magical. 'If we're doing this, I want to do it right.' Ron kissed Draco softly. Draco smiled into his lips and sighed.

'Lift your arms,' Draco commanded. Ron immediately complied. He raised his arms and allowed Draco to slip his jumper over his head. His eyes roamed Ron's pale, freckled skin that glowed in the soft lighting, before touching and tasting it. Draco kissed his ear, his neck, his nipples, before kissing his lips again.

Draco shed his clothing then lay down on the bed, staring up at Ron. His movements were assured, but his eyes held a bit of fright, as if he was afraid Ron might hurt him.

'I won't.'

'You won't what?' asked Draco, looking scared, as though he thought Ron might no longer want him.

'I won't hurt you, ever.'

Draco's eyes searched Ron's face. 'Do you mean that?'

'Yes. I will never hurt you Draco. I promise.' He lay down slowly and kissed Draco tenderly. He worked his way down to his neck, and while fondling Draco, whispered a spell to protect him from catching Draco's disease. He trailed his lips down Draco's lithe form.


'Yes?' answered Ron in a muffled voice. His mouth was pressed against Draco's stomach and his tongue exploring his navel.

'Before I started… that is… before I – er worked the streets, I was a virgin.'

Ron raised his head and glanced up at Draco's red face. He did not know if the blush was caused by excitement or embarrassment. He crawled back up the bed until he lay face to face with Draco. 'You've never had sex with someone because you wanted to?'

'No. I know what to do to make other people feel really good, but I've never had anyone do things to me to make me feel good. The most I had before was the odd grope with an equally inexperienced boy.'

'I know we were all young when the war started, but you never…?'

Draco snorted, 'I wanted to wait for someone special if you can believe it… fat lot of good that did me.'

Ron raised himself up so he could stare directly in Draco's eyes. 'I am going to make this special for you.' And true to his word he did.

He worshipped Draco's body, eliciting moans and screams of pleasure. He went down on him, rimmed him and prepared him slowly and tantalisingly before finally entering him. He positioned Draco on his back so they could look at each other. It was not the most exciting of positions, but for his real first time, Ron wanted him to be able to look into his eyes and see the genuine feeling there. He did not want Draco to feel like a piece of meat, not even worth being looked at during sex. He did not want it to be sex, what he wanted, as much as he disliked the term, was to make love to Draco.

'Want to hear a secret?' asked Draco in a stage whisper. He and Ron were tangled together under the covers, cuddling, and kissing whenever they felt like it.


'When we were in school I thought you were the sexiest bloke around. I hated you, but you were fucking sexy, especially when you got mad and your ears turned red.'

Ron laughed softly. 'I think if you'd told me that before I would have cuffed you.'

'Do I look like an idiot? Wait – don't answer that.'

Ron kissed him, ending their playful banter. Then the mood changed.

'Don't, Ron.'

'Don't what?'

'Don't ruin the mood with reality, please. Let's just enjoy what we've just shared.'

'What a poncey thing to say,' said Ron laughing.

Draco smiled. 'What can I say? You bring out the sap and queer in me.'