A/N: Thanks to all my reviewers. I'm sorry that it took so long to update this chapter; I was busy with college stuff, and trying to find a job/

Ok anyways this is the LAST Chapter. I hope you enjoy my story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or New Moon but I so wish I did


Heaven is where the Heart is

He bent down but I stopped him abruptly before he lit the match. "Carlisle, I..."


"Carlisle, I... I have one favor to ask of you please." Carlisle nodded. "Anything Edward, what is it?"

"Tomorrow, at Bella's funeral…" I gulped. I still couldn't believe she had died… because of me.

"Yes, Edward…" Carlisle looked worried.

"Uhh… tomorrow would you place my ashes with her body? Please, that's the last thing I'll ask, nothing more" Carlisle just stared at me, without blinking once before he finally nodded.

"Edward… You know you truly are the strongest of us all. I admire you for your courage; it is never easy to do what you are doing. You truly do love Bella" he whispered sincerely.

"Truly, I do Carlisle, I'll never forget you, there will always be saved a special spot for you in heaven, along with all the rest. Please tell them that and I love them all."

"He nodded then once more, bent down and placed the match on the ground. The flames were ravenous. Carlisle took two steps back, pain in his eyes. "Be happy Edward…" was the last thing I heard beside the growls of the flames. I could see him walking slowly to the house, looking back once more with a painful smile. He knew I was happy.

Although, the flames were violent and disparaging, I became numb to it. I couldn't feel or sense any of it. However, I did feel something else. I felt liberated. Free from this prison, which had chained me for life, binding me to an eternity of damnation.

I could see my body writhing away beneath the hostile flames. But now I actually have meaning of everything. I didn't need life anymore. I needed Bella. These flames were the closest thing to Bella that I can get.

The roaring of the flames suddenly died out. I couldn't feel my body or my mind, but I heard a familiar whisper in my ear.

"I love you Edward…" I tried to look around, but all I saw were the flames and the trees of the forest. But then I sensed something tugging at me where my heart used to be. It didn't hurt, it felt warm. Loving … heavenly.

At once, something changed. Too fast for me to feel. Suddenly I felt even freer. I was in the sky, gliding freely toward the midnight moon. I saw a blinding light, so bright it almost hurt.

It started to die down, when I saw a figure emerging from the light. It appeared graceful, majestically beautiful. An angel …my angel.

She divinely glided closer towards me. She had the most familiar appealing smell. Although, this time I didn't feel the need to control myself. I felt nothing tempting me in that sadistic way at all. This scent was Bella's, the most beautiful, floral scent.

I couldn't just stand here, ogling at her. I started to run, my arms wide open in front of me. As I got closer, I can see her glowing, warm face. It was she. No doubt of it. Isabella Marie Swan, the angel of my dreams.

There she was, just only a few feet away, but it felt as if she was closer than ever. She opened her mouth, her voice, the same as ever, though it sounded as if she was singing.

"Oh! Edward… you came. I knew you would." she cried, launching herself at me and throwing herself into my arms.

I laughed with pure delight. "Silly Bella, of course I would, you know that I can't live without you. Oh! How I've missed you terribly…" I reached out and touched her face slowly.

"This is all my fault..." I said softly. "I love you Bella! I love you more than anything! I will always love you. I'm ever so sorry for hurting you. Especially the way I did! I'm sorry for ever making you believe that you weren't the most important thing to…"

She placed her finger onto my lip, stopping my apology which she clearly deserves.

"Shhhh… don't be upset darling. I know everything now, you were just trying to protect me its okay, and we're in heaven now. Our heaven. There is no worrying here. Not anymore. You're here. We'll be here together forever. Whether you like it… or Not!" she winked and gave a sweet, little chuckle with a gleam of eternal beauty in her eyes.

"I love you Edward. come with me, I want to show you something" she gave me an enticing, seductive smile. I kissed her forehead and her eyes closed the smile still on her face.

She grabbed my hand; what I felt shocked me. She was still unbelievingly warm. I let her lead the way while I hummed the lullaby she loved so much.

Bella led me to the most beauteous, memorable place. The meadow in the forest, where I first told her I loved her, where I killed myself for her endless love. This place seemed even more radiant then I remember.

I kissed her forehead once more and she shifted, raising her lips to mine. I tucked her flowing, silky smooth hair behind her ear. She took me into her arms, flung them around my neck, and I placed mine gently on her hips.

Bella tiptoed up and gently placed her warm, angelic lips on to mine, and then a struck of shock washed through me. This was a kiss of true love. Her hands tangled in my hair, as mine were tangled in hers, gently pushing her towards me.

In the midst of it all, the climax of our heavenly kiss, I felt something tugging through my back. A pair of wings.

Two enormous exquisite wings were also emerging from Bella's back. Suddenly we both were in the midnight sky, still together. Our hands entwined keeping us together. Our wings lifted us towards the moon, the stars smiling down upon us, our lullaby playing beneath the midst of true love.

We looked dazzlingly at each other, her eyes burning fiercely into mine. I leaned down kissed her ears, and whispered once more…

"This is heaven…"


A/N: Review review REViEW!!! Ok anyways this was the LAST Chapter. I hope you enjoyed my story. I am now working on another Twilight fanfic; hopefully I can get it up on time. If you have any questions or anything else just tell me, and I'd greatly appreciate some ideas for my next story. But thank you all I love all my reviewers, so just keep doing your thing haha

Forever Always;;