"What are you planning on doing, onee-chan?" a boy with dark hair and a white cap asked and a sigh escaped from the girl's lips. She slung the light blue racket over her shoulder and bounced the tennis ball a few times before looking at the sky. Her hair draped past her shoulder and down her back to her waist, even when in a high ponytail.

"Does it really matter, Ryoma?" she questioned and the boy was the one to sigh this time.

"No, I guess not, you're always running off doing whatever you want anyways" he murmured.

"Look who's talking" the girl retorted, "always leaving in the middle of matches and buying enough juice to satisfy a family of six for a year! I'm going broke because of your binging!"

Ryoma stood up, picking up his tennis bag, and walked out the door. He completely ignored the girl until he was about to shut the door. "It's your fault you gave me the money" he stated before sliding the door shut.

"Ohhhh, you little prick!" the girl growled through gritted teeth, slamming the door open and racing after him. "Is that how you treat a sister that just came back a few days ago from a trip to the US as an exchange student?!"


"Once we get to your school's tennis courts I'm going to murder you."

"I'd like to see you try."

"You know that I can and will."

"Are you coming to my school now?"

"Don't change the subject!"

"I'm just curious onee-chan."

"No, I'm not, I'm just here to visit a friend that got here because of a scholarship in tennis."

"Oh. So then I guess she's boarding?"

"Hai. She'll be staying in the west wing." Ryoma stopped in his tracks and the girl walked straight past him. When she noticed that he wasn't following her, she turned around. "Is something wrong, Ryoma?" she questioned.

"Are you sure she's boarding in the west wing?" he asked and the girl nodded.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, you see, the west wing is reserved for guys only."



"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, KAGOME?!?!" the girl shouted and the girl in front of her winced.

"Sango, whoa, calm down, it's not like I had a choice in the matter! My dad filled out the form, not me!" the girl, now known as Kagome, whimpered. Her black hair draped over her shoulders and was waist length, her head lowered in submission as she sat on the ground and leaned against a tree to hide from the sun. Her eyes were shut as she drowned in her grief and panic.

"We need to clear this up, this cannot be happening to my dear friend Kagome..." Sango groaned and Kagome let out a timid laugh.

"Actually... I already tried to clear it up... but..."

"But what?"

"The girl's dorms are full..."

"...so you really don't have a choice..."


"I would invite you over to my house but my dad's a pervert... I guess we'll just have to hope that who you're rooming with isn't a pervert either..."

They both released a sigh at the same time when the sound of footsteps alerted Sango.

"Onee-chan, is this the friend you speak of? The one that's boarding in the west wing?"

"Yes, she is Ryoma."

The boy looked Kagome over, as if gauging her abilities. Kagome ignored his gaze and stayed relaxed against the tree.

"Play a game with me" he finally stated and Sango's eyes widened in surprise. Ryoma didn't seem to notice and poked Kagome with his racket when she didn't move. "I said-"

"I heard you the first time, brat" Kagome interrupted as she stood up and picked up the white racket beside her, head still lowered. "Show me the courts and I'll beat the crap out of you, Echizen."

"Gladly, except I'll be the one beating you."

"I don't think you should be doing this, Kagome..." Sango objected as they began to make their way to the tennis courts.

"Why? Afraid that I'm going to embarrass myself to Nanjiroh's prodigy son?" Kagome scoffed and Sango shook her head.

"No... I'm worried about-"

"I know, I know, I was just kidding. Relax, Sango, everything's going to be perfectly fi- whoa..." Kagome cut herself off as she stared at the courts in front of her. "These are ten times better than my last school's..." she whispered.

"Of course they would be, we're one of the top seeds" Ryoma stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. They entered a court and Kagome took a ball from a nearby basket, bouncing it against the concrete a few times before tossing it to Ryoma.

"Come on, mini-'Roh" she chirped, "let's see how good you are."

"Mini-'Roh...?" Sango repeated and Kagome grinned at her as Ryoma made his way to the other side of the court.

"Mini Nanjiroh is too long, so mini-'Roh is going to have to do."

"I... see..."

"Are you done talking over there yet?" Ryoma asked and Kagome nodded, standing straight and letting her racket hang limply at her side as Ryoma served. As it neared her, she didn't move and watched as it bounced off the ground and flew towards her face. She tilted her head to the side and avoided getting hit, a smile on her face.

"Using that already, are you, Ryoma? Getting a little impatient, don't you think?"

"Echizen, 15-0" Sango announced and Kagome raised her racket. Ryoma served again and Kagome dodged, connecting the ball with her racket before bouncing it straight up and catching it.

"No handicaps?" she mused.

"Echizen, 30-0"

"...eyes" he finally stated and Kagome shrugged before shutting them.

"Ryoma, that's unfair! How can she play if she can't even see?" Sango complained and Kagome raised her hand, silencing her. Kagome got in her ready position and Ryoma served again. She dodged and hit it back with ease, adding a little twist of her own onto it. It bounced on the ground in front of the boy and flew right at his head. Surprised, he ducked and the ball flew straight over him, barely missing.

"Kagome, 15-30"

"Wow, Echizen's barely winning, even with a handicap?" a voice mumbled as Ryoma served again.

"Kagome, 30-30"

"Never thought I'd see the day this happened..." the voice stated again.

"Kagome, 45-30"

"Ah?! Echizen's losing?! What's wrong with him, Momo-sempai?"

"How am I supposed to know, Eiji?!"

"Game and match goes to Kagome! Nice try, Ryoma" Sango laughed and the boy glared at her.

"I see I've drawn a crowd..." Kagome mumbled softly and turned to face them, eyes still closed.

"Whaa?!?! Ryoma-kun lost to a girl with her eyes closed?!?" Horio exclaimed and Ryoma glared at him, too. He was getting frustrated and Kagome could tell as he stiffly walked past her.

"Madamada dane, ne? Ryoma-kun?" Kagome teased and he stopped in his tracks for a few seconds before walking off again. "Don't tell me that you're going to run away and skip practice."

"I'm going to buy some juice" he replied and Kagome laughed, Sango at her side. As the rest of the tennis team began to file in and warm up, Kagome walked out and sat down under a tree, relaxing.

"Well, I have to go, Kagome. I'll see you later" Sango sighed and Kagome gave a lazy wave, dozing off. The snapping of a tree twig nearby alerted her and she woke, making sure to keep her eyes shut.

"So you're the one that beat Echizen so easily."

"Hai" Kagome yawned.

"I had a hunch, but I had to make sure. So, what do you plan on doing now?"

"Nothing. Play tennis when ever I feel like it and that's all."

"Really? With your skills you're probably at the national level, Kagome-chan."

Kagome smiled and opened her eyes. "My, you've grown, Syusuke onii-san."

"I'm not your brother."

"Is it so wrong that I think of you as one?" she questioned innocently before Ryoma raced past her and towards the outdoor sinks. "What's that about?"

"Inui's special vegetable juice."

A barfing noise was soon heard and Kagome sweat-dropped. "It must be lethal..." she commented and Fuji smiled.

"I don't think it's very bad but no one seems to agree with me."

"Fuji-sempai!!! It's almost your turn!!!!!!!" a voice hollered and Fuji Syusuke said a quick apology before jogging off. Another person raced passed, hissing, and Kagome sweat-dropped more.

"Something is wrong with you, Syusuke-san... that guy looked pretty tough and even he couldn't handle it..." Curiosity taking over, she stood up and entered the court, curious to see this 'juice' that was making everyone die. She froze the moment she stepped in the court. "...it looks like a war zone..." she laughed nervously and watched as Syusuke chugged the glass filled with the weird green substance. When he stopped, there was still a little left over.

"Did you add something? It tastes different than last time" Fuji stated and crashes could be heard as people fell over. She felt the glass being placed in her hand and looked down to see the watery green liquid. "Try it, Kagome-chan, its good."

Looking around, she saw what looked like dead bodies surrounding her and she gazed back at the vegetable juice. Glancing at a guy with glasses and spiky black hair, he gave her the thumbs-up, saying that it was fine, and she slowly raised the glass to her lips, drinking the remaining liquid. The taste remained in her mouth for a while and she stared thoughtfully at the ground.

"...it really isn't that bad... what's in it, Inui-sempai?" she inquired and Fuji smiled. That was, he was smiling until the aftertaste kicked in and Kagome paled.

"Kagome-chan...?" Fuji murmured worriedly and she scowled.

"...blech..!" she coughed, sticking her tongue out. "Never mind."

"Inui, where are the rest of the regulars?" another guy shouted and Inui, the spiky-haired kid with glasses, turned to acknowledge the captain.

"Ryoma should be back soon, he should've finished throwing up by now. The others will be back one after another in about 5 minute intervals afterwards."

The captain of the tennis team turned his gaze towards Kagome, questioning her without saying a single word. She sweat dropped and glanced at Fuji, who was now also giving her a similar gaze that said "Now that he brings it up, why are you here?"

"I just got transferred here today. I complained that my old school didn't care about their tennis team enough and barely noticed them."

"So Kagome-chan got kicked out" Fuji restated and Kagome flinched.

"You don't have to put it that way..."

"Where are you going to stay? Don't you live in Tokyo?" Fuji asked and Kagome nodded.

"I'm boarding here, but because all of the girl's dorms are full..."

----A few seconds later----

"...oh... and the principal agreed with this?" Fuji inquired and Kagome nodded.


"I... see..."

"Ahhh, don't worry Syusuke-kun, it'll be alright! I've been trained to defend myself if some perverted freak happens to try and do something to me!" Silently, in her mind, a certain monk appeared in her imagination. "Very well trained" she added as an afterthought, almost bitterly. A strange cold feeling was emanating off of her and the surrounding people instinctly took a step back. "Well, I should probably go say 'hi' to my roommate now so I'll see you later Syusuke-kun!" she chirped as she waved and ran off.

"How do you know her?" Tezuka, the captain, asked and Fuji looked at him.

"Long story" he replied and walked off. "Not one that I'm particularly fond of, either" he thought to himself.

To Be Continued...