Toph hated winter.

Winter meant snow. Snow meant cold. Cold meant wearing shoes and staying inside all day.

Some mornings she was able to sneak out barefoot, but she could never be outside for long before her feet were almost completely numb. Then she had to go inside and listen to lessons on things she never cared about and practice the same Earthbending stances she'd already done trillions of times in the years since she'd started Earthbending.

Winter also brought ice, which was nearly impossible for her to feel until she was already standing on it. That meant slipping and falling and getting hurt and staying inside for so much longer.

Toph knew that winter was a chance for the world to rest, but spring could never come fast enough.

Katara never particularly liked spring.

Sure, it meant the world was waking up, but the water...

The water could never decide if it wanted to remain frozen or melt. Often it would start to melt and then suddenly freeze again for days. It was so indecisive, that she could barely connect with her element, if at all.

In winter, it would stay frozen. In summer, it would stay melted. (Some of it anyway. Summer never melted all the snow and ice at the South Pole.) In fall, it wasn't so bad, mostly content to keep freezing.

But the spring water was temperamental and couldn't make up its mind.

Katara knew that spring was the season for rebirth, but she sometimes wished that summer would hurry up and arrive.

Sokka never like summer as much as the other seasons.

Summer was the season of fire, for one thing. Fire meant Firebenders and Fire Nation and Fire Lord.

Summer meant that the ice and snow melted. It meant that he would have to go out in the canoe more often, and most times he had to bring along his sister. Thanks to their bickering, they'd scare away much of the fish, and they'd also find themselves lost. Then they would argue about whose fault it was, but by the time darkness would start to fall, they would always agree it was both of their faults and somehow make it back to the village before the moon and stars rose.

It was a pattern he didn't like. He hated arguing so much with his sister, and hated even more getting lost.

Sokka knew that summer was a season of life, but that did not mean he never wished for the world to start to die again.

Aang's least favorite season was fall.

Some called it autumn, some called it fall, but whatever you named it, the season was the same.

Gyatso said that fall was the season of air, that it was a wonderous season. He never saw it that way.

Fall was depressing, because the world died. Leaves fell from trees, flowers wilted, the grass faded, and the first snowflakes fell.

Snow was fun, but not much of it fell until winter.

Sure, the leaves turned bright colors, and animals could be seen scurrying about, stocking up on food, but the world was still dying.

Aang knew that the world need to die, but he often wished it would finish sooner.