"GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!!" 18 screamed as she grabed Krillens shirt.
"Honey, e-e-easy." he said. "Just do what the doctor said and breathe." He continued to inhale and exhale, showing her how to like they learned in lamaze class.
"SCREW THE BREATHING! GET IT OUT!" she said bitting her lip as another contraction hit her.
The doctor stood up from studying 18s charts. "Congratulations Mrs.18 you are at ten centemeters."
"Should I push?" she asked now breathing. "Hee-hee-hee-hooo, hee-hee-hee-hooo."
"Oh no," the doctor said almost laughing. "it might be another ten minutes to a day before you do that."
"WHAT!!!" she shouted.
"It is entirely natural Mrs.18." the doctor said as she left the room.
18 tightened her grip on Krillens hand. He screamed and pulled at her hand trying to get her to let go.
"18 you're hurting me!" he said.
"OH YOU"RE HURTING!!!!" she said growling. She squeezed his hand more.
"AHHH!" he yelled. "Um, s-s-sweetheart do you want some ice chips to crunch on? They might help with the pain."
She practicaly flung him out the door. "Ice chips, yeah, sure." she said.
Krillen walked down the hall a little to the ice machine, when he ran into Oolong and Master Roshi.
"How is she?" Roshi asked.
Before Krillen could answer they heard a shout behind them. They turned and saw a nurse running out of 18s room and a bedpan being tossed at her.
"Fine so far." Krillen said. "I just need to get some ice."
"For your wife?" Oolong asked.
"For my hand." Krillen replied.

Three hours later the doctor anounced that the baby was crowning and that it was time to push.
"Finaly." both Krillen and 18 said at the same time. 18 had enough with the contractions. Krillens hand hurt so much he had to move over to the other side of the bed so she could hold his other hand. They were ready for a baby.
"Now 18," the doctor said calmly. "I want you to push when I say so and only when I say so."
18 nodded.
"Push!" the doctor said. "Push!"
18 pushed and grunted and squeezed Krillens hand. He just squeezed back reasuringly.
"18," the doctor said."I need you to give me one big push here. Come on I know you can do it."
She shook her head. "I can't. I-it's too hard."
Krillen leaned over her and brushed hair off of her sweaty face. "18 you have to do this." he said stroking her cheek. "Don't wimp out on me."
"Whimp out? WHIMP OUT!" she sat up a bit and pushed! Pushed! Pushed!
Crying erupted in the room.
"Mrs.18." the doctor said. "It is a beautiful girl."
18 collapsed against the pillow. Krillen hugged her and kissed her.
"Here you go." The doctor placed the baby wrapped in a pink towel in 18s arms. "Any ideas for names?"
18 didn't hear her. Neither did Krillen. They both sat stareing at thier first born.
"Marron." 18 said. It was the first thing that popped in her mind.
"M-marron?" Krillen asked.
18 smiled sweetly up at him. "Why not? Do you have a problem with the name Marron?"
"N-n-o." he said nerviously. "No. Marron will be fine."
18 gentely rocked her daughter in her arms. Marron.