A/N: Well I'm back with a brand new story. First things first, by now you can assume I don't own the X-Men, or for that matter the Brotherhood. I also don't own Miranda Veracruz de la Jolla Cardinal. Well hope you enjoy number four as much as I did writing it.

It's been three long months since last we saw the Brotherhood of Misunderstood Lazy Drunks Who Like to Fight. Three long months, since their epic battle with a demon born from the deepest pit of Hell. Three months of healing, heavy drinking, and midnight madness movie marathons. Yes the Brotherhood has been enjoying life, but as we all know life lies.

-The Brotherhood Boarding House-

"The Bayville Park is now open to the public. Following what eyewitnesses called 'a freak accident.' Trees were knocked over, massive craters and fissures littered the ground, the very Earth was scorched black. Some believe it to be the work of mutants, others claim lightning hit a gas line. This is Miranda Veracruz de la Jolla Cardinal signing off."

Pietro sat on the couch watching with minimal interest, "Are you going to eat all of that?" He reached for a bowl of popcorn and promptly withdrew his hand before it could be bitten, "Like you need to eat all of that," His protest was met with a low growl, "Well aren't you irritable," He peeked an eyebrow as the contents of the bowl disappeared, "Wanda, we're out of food and this is all your fault!"

"What? How is this my fault?" Wanda's voice boomed from the kitchen.

Pietro crossed his arms, "Well if you would have kept your hands off Red, none of this would have happened."

Wanda walked into the living room and stared at her brother, "Look little brother, I'm going to be a 'father' soon. So, if you can't handle our growing family…" she paused and there was another low growl directed at Pietro, "Deuce here can persuade you otherwise."

Pietro looked down at the demon dog, "I still can't believe that old witch sent you a puppy. She didn't even cut air holes in the box."

Wanda rolled her eyes, "It's obviously not a normal dog."

Pietro smirked, "Abnormal is more like it."

Wanda glared at her twin, "What?"

Pietro shook his head, "How many dogs do you know have horns, a spade on the end of their tails, and can take down Freddy?" Pietro scratched the dog behind its ear, "Not to mention its other abilities."

Wanda sat down on the couch, just as footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Lance rounded the corner and sat in his armchair, "Anything good on?"

Pietro shrugged, "Not really."

Lance nodded, "How's the Devil Dog doing?"

Wanda smiled, "Pietro's been harassing him all day."

Before Pietro could issue his rebuttal the front door swung wide open, "Wanda! Oih'm home! No, no, no Wanda, you can't be in the show!"

St. John, Todd, and Freddy walked into the room with several grocery bags in theirs arms, "Do you have to say that every time we come home yo?"

St. John nodded, "Oih'm just showin' the lady of the house some respect mate."

Freddy sighed, "You know we live with three women right?"

St. John smiled a toothy grin, "Roihght, but Wanda's the one who's home all day with us."

Wanda rolled her eyes, "Did you get Deuce's dog food?"

St. John hurried the boys into the kitchen, "Course Sheila, you wrote it on the list twice and then you threatened us with baby-sitting."

"I wish the world was a fly and I was a giant rolled up newspaper!" Regan's voice filled the house as she walked into the living room.

Lance smiled, "Hi honey. Bad day?"

Regan walked up to Lance and grabbed his face, what happened next shocked what few occupants of the room remained, she gave him the longest most passionate kiss she had given him in a long time.

Wanda and Pietro's jaws dropped and Pietro covered Deuce's eyes, "Did I miss something?" Wanda shrugged.

She finally broke the kiss, "A fat man sat next to me on the bus again. He asked me if it hurt when I fell from Heaven. The whole time he's leaning on my boob. So, I hit him and asked if it hurt when my fist made contact with his face."

Lance looked like he was about to level all of New York, just to avenge his wife, "John, Fred, Todd! In here now!" He eyed the boys as they ran into the room, "Which one of you has my keys?" Todd dug in his pocket and produced the keys to Lance's jeep. Lance stuck out his hand and Todd tossed them to him. He caught them effortlessly, he then handed the keys to his wife.

She stared at the pieces of metal in confusion, "What am I going to do with your jeep?"

Lance shook his head, "Not my jeep anymore."

The occupants of the room were taken aback. Regan's eyes grew wide with surprise, "What?"

Lance closed his eyes; "It's yours now. Me and the boys can hoof it around town for a while," She stared at him with love in her eyes, "You're not gonna cry are you?" She hugged him, "Can't you hug Johnny? He's better with emotions."

Regan regained her composure, "I'm going to let that slide because you've given me a way to get to school."

Wanda smirked, "Who'd have thought that a stripper was going to medical school?"

Regan tossed her hair over her shoulder, "Well I can't very well strip for the rest of my life. I am twenty."

Math was being conducted in each of the Brotherhood boy's heads. Naturally Pietro was the first to respond, "So you're two years older than Lance?" She nodded, "Well at least she's legal." All the Brotherhood members had a good laugh.

-A few hours later in the backyard-

Pietro walked into the yard and into the open garage, where Lance was busying himself making the necessary repairs to his wife's 'new' jeep.

Lance looked up from the engine, "Hey, can you hand me that screwdriver?" Pietro nodded and handed him a flathead, "Thanks?"

Pietro leaned against the front of the jeep, "What have you been doing?"

Lance pulled out a rag and began cleaning off his hands, "I gave it an oil change and a tune-up, cleaned and polished the engine, and I just tuned the carburetor, so I'm gonna put the air-cleaner on and make sure it all works out."

Pietro nodded and peered into the back of the garage at the meanest white car he had ever scene, "When are you going to finish that?"

Lance turned his head to the car.


The Brotherhood boys stood outside of the closed garage, each member seemingly afraid to open the door.

Pietro pushed Lance, "You're the leader. You open the door."

Lance crossed his arms, "I am the leader, Todd, open the door."

Todd sighed and walked to the massive door, he crouched down and pulled as hard as he could. The door swung up taking the green teen with it, "Get me down yo!" Lance grabbed the boy by a belt loop and pulled. There was a thump as he hit the ground, "Thanks."

Freddy stared at all the boxes that were stuffed in the garage, "How did we get stuck with this job?"

Lance sighed, "Because Boss-Lady said we could keep anything we find."

St. John groaned, "Can't oih just burn it down and go watch moih stories?"

Lance sighed, "That's plan 'B'."

-An hour later-

Boxes littered the yard; the last thing in the garage was a tarp and whatever the tarp hid. At the moment the boys were digging through boxes trying to find anything of value.

Pietro slammed a box on the ground, "Forty-seven boxes and nothing worth our time."

Lance stood up and moved to the garage, "Might as well finish up," He grabbed the tarp and gave it a mighty tug. As it hit the ground Lance's jaw dropped, "Dibs!" The Other Brotherhood members ran to his side only to stand face to grill with a car.

Pietro peeked an eyebrow, "It's a car."

Lance smiled, "Not just any car. It's a Challenger." Lance walked into the garage and smiled as the door opened, "Todd, Pietro help me get it out of here." Pietro rolled his eyes but grabbed onto the bumper, Todd did the same. After a few seconds, the car was in a small clearing, "It's beautiful."

He popped the hood and Todd lifted it, "I don't think it's gonna go very far yo."

Lance made his way around the car, "No engine."

Pietro smirked, "Nice one, found a car with no engine. Now what are you going to do?"

Lance began his journey back into the house; "Just throw this stuff out by the curb. I've got an idea."

The Brotherhood exchanged knowing glances, "Last time he said that, we almost died yo."

-Present time-

Lance threw up in a trashcan. Pietro peeked an eyebrow "You'd figure a guy who moves the Earth could stand a little motion sickness."

Lance wiped his mouth clean, "After I got Mystique to give me the title, me and Todd welded a roll cage and mounted some bucket seats with some five-point harnesses in it, but without an engine it's kinda useless."

Pietro blinked, "Todd can weld?"

Before Lance could answer, Raven's voice could be heard from the house, "Lance, Pietro get your Asses in here!"

Lance continued to clean his hands, "Boss-Lady sounds mad," Pietro only nodded as they made their way to the house.