Disclaimer: The WWE and all things connected to it are owned and operated by one Vincent Kennedy McMahon. This is a work of fiction and the only thing I own is the creative license to be able to bring this story to the fans of fiction.

Summary: At what he feels is the lowest point of his life, after a serious breakup, Johnny Nitro finds solace with a most unlikely woman.

Main Characters: Ashley Massaro and Johnny Nitro.

Authors Note: Yet another story outing by me, this one with different characters but a romance just the same. Read and Review as always and most of all, happy reading.

He didn't know how he ended up here, and he had no idea where he was exactly, but he knew the event that had made it all happen to begin with. His girlfriend since he won Tough Enough Melina, the female part of his old tag team had just told him the worst news of his life.

"Johnny, we can't do this anymore, we're kidding ourselves. You know lately I've been getting closer to Joey, and further away from you. I think it's best if we just end it here before it gets any worse."

The words were so fresh in his mind, as if she were sitting with him in this darkened bar on the outskirts of some town he had just wrestled in saying them right to his face. But she wasn't here, nor would she ever be 'with' him again. There was nothing he could do about it, except sit here and drink the pain away.

How could he have not seen this coming? They were all best friends, Joey closer then anyone to him. How could he have missed that his girlfriend was being taken away by his best friend? Had his career taken that much of a hold over him? Hadn't he swore that it never would get that far? That Melina meant the world to him?

"Hey stranger. You look like I feel. Mind if I join you?"

He looked up, partially expecting to see some fan who just wanted to get a chance to be around him and even get a few pictures of him at his lowest point. What he got was a shock he hadn't seen coming.

"As if my night couldn't get any worse." Johnny said, turning back to his drink and just hoping that she would go away. She was the last person he needed to see right now. He had a hard enough time getting Melina out of his head, the last person he wanted to see was someone who shared a locker room with her.

"So thats how it is huh? You just act like you don't even see me? I knew on camera you were a jerk, but I suppose I expected more from you." She turned to the bartender then and ordered a whiskey straight up. If Johnny was going to ignore her, then maybe she would follow suit and drink herself silly.

"No offense but I'm not in the mood for company right now. I've had one hell of a day." Johnny said, feeling the need to stick up for himself. Sure, he was a jerk on camera but he prided himself on being normal outside of it. After all he used to be like the fans that came to his shows before he hit it big. He owed it to himself to remember that.

She smiled then, and as Johnny watched her, he couldn't help but feel warmed by the smile. Or maybe the 7th beer had finally made its way through his system.

"I wasn't exactly looking for company, I just noticed you look like someone ripped your heart out, and since I know how that feels, I thought we could drown in it together. Sorry if I bothered you." She got up to walk away and before she had a chance to make her second step, Johnny grabbed her by the arm.


She sat back on the bar stool and gently put her hand on his. He wanted to yank it away, to tell her she wasn't allowed to do that. Something stopped him from doing so though, almost like he enjoyed having someones hand there, like it might belong. God he was pathetic.

"So whats eating at you?"

Did he dare tell her? Knowing that there was a good chance she would go back to the locker room in the next town they were in and tell all of the girls about it? He had to talk to someone though and since no one else was offering, he took her up on the offer.

"Melina broke things off with me, to be with a guy I thought was my best damn friend in the world. I know its stupid, but hell I thought I was going to marry this girl."

She nodded her head then, showing him that she indeed understood. What had brought her into this bar tonight? Could it possibly be the same thing that brought him out tonight of all nights?

With a gentle squeeze of his hand she spoke, clearing up any confusion as to why she was there to begin with. "Matt broke my heart a few months ago, so I know what your feeling. I thought it was pretty damn serious too. So every town we come too, every night I sit in some bar and drink away my sorrows. I mean its been months, you'd think I could move on, but something inside me won't let me."

"So what you're telling me is that I might never feel okay again? I mean if you can't get over Matt and it was only a year then what the hell am I supposed to do when its been over 5 years?"

Taking her hand away, as if realizing it might be wrong, she smiled at him and grabbed her drink. "You drink your drink, drown your sorrows and then go home. Where the routine starts all over again."

He looked at her then, really looked at her and saw the pain in her eyes. She did understand what he was going through and it was in that moment that he knew she wouldn't say a word to anyone about it because she would look just as sad as him if she did.

"We're pretty pathetic aren't we?"

She laughed then and he felt the contagiousness of it and laughed with her. He felt a little bit better and the only person he had to thank for that was the woman sitting beside him. The most unlikely girl for him to be sitting anywhere with, let alone this dingy bar.

"I don't know about you Nitro, but I am not pathetic." she cracked, smiling bigger.

"Well if it counts for anything, I feel less pathetic then when i walked in here tonight."

She smiled again. "Good, so what do you say we get the hell out of here and actually do something fun for a change?"

Throwing enough money on the bar for both of their drinks, figuring it was the least he could do, he helped her down off the bar stool and they headed for the door.

If anyone had told him that he would be leaving a bar with the WWE Diva Ashley Massaro, he would have laughed in their face, but as they both walked out of the bar and onto the street outside, he realized at this moment in time there was no other place he wanted to be.