Thanx for the reviews. Here we are at the final chapter. Will Raven and Beast Boy make it out of this alive? Ha, what a silly question.

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans. Boo hoo.

Chapter Five

The fireball flew at 90 miles and hour toward Raven's face before it glanced of the shield she created in front of her body.

"That's really starting to irritate me!" snarled Ralek. "Time to try out my new powers." He concentrated, and then turned into a rhino, charging at Raven and causing her to do a front-flip over his head. She landed right beside Beast Boy's cage.

"Uh, you should know that he stole my powers," Beast Boy said.

"Thank you for that interesting news bulletin," Raven said sarcastically as she created another shield to block another fireball. She then leapt into the air and started shooting dark energy balls down at Ralek. He sped out of the way and returned fire with lasers out of his fingertips. Raven took a shot to the stomach and fell to the ground. As Ralek walked forward to finish her off, she reached out and grabbed his foot with her powers. Then she made him do a flip so he landed on his back. Ralek then shoved his hand forward and Raven felt an invisible wall hit her in the face and send her flying against a wall. Raven then created an enormous fist which she used to punch Ralek in the chest. Ralek dropped to one knee, completely winded.

"Looks like I win," said Raven, walking forward.

"Looks like your a sucker!" snarled Ralek. He waved his hand, and ropes suddenly appeared in midair, and wrapping themselves around Raven's wrists, ankles, and mouth.

"Har har," laughed Gary as Raven lost her balance and fell over. "You win again, sir!"

"Of course I do," Ralek answered. "But I like this Goth's powers and I think I shall take them too once I finish off the green kid." He walked over to where Beast Boy was sitting. "Ready to die, little man?" he asked.

"Uh, not really," Beast Boy answered. He stared around, desperately looking for a way out of this mess. He noticed a large machine in a far corner. "What's that?" he asked, trying to buy time. Fortunately, Ralek decided to humor him.

"That, my boy, is a power transporter," Ralek answered. "If I ever get a power I'm not happy with, I just go to that machine, click the proper buttons, and the power get's sucked out. The only problem is that every time I use it, all my powers get sucked out and I got to put the ones I want to keep back in." Noticeing the confused look on Beast Boy's face, Ralek explained. "When the powers get sucked out, they take the form of little balls of light, which I then take and put in my body."

"How do you know which powers are which?" asked Beast Boy.

"You just gotta look really closely at them," Ralek explained. "And you'll see yourself using whatever power that light represents."

Beast Boy's eyes stared across the room until they met with Raven's. Quickly a plan formed in their minds. Raven had to get to the machine. Beast Boy had to buy more time.

"Soooo," Beast Boy said. "How did you get all your powers? C'mon, spare no details."

"You cannot stop your death, just postpone it," answered Ralek. "But I'll tell you anyway. First I had to-" Ralek went on talking like this as Raven worked on the ropes around her ankles. Finally, they loosened and she got up and snuck over to the power trnsporter machine. She found a sharp point, and used it to cut through the bindings around her wrists.

"After I got enough money for a good ship I hired Gary to fix it up." Ralek clearly was not tiring of telling his life story, so Beast Boy simply had to look like he was paying attention.

Slowly Raven managed to untie herself. Then she looked over the machine. It was covered with complicated buttons. On a screen it said POWER TRANSPORTER ONLINE: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? There were two choices. remove powers and make pizza. Raven rolled her eyes and clicked on remove powers. PLEASE ENTER IDENTIFICATION CODE the machine bleeped. Raven caught Beast Boy's eye and mouthed out what she needed.

"Hey what's the code for that machine?" Beast Boy asked, hoping to catch Ralek off guard.It worked.

"The code is workyouidiot," Ralek said, who looked rather annoyed at being interrupted. Raven typed in the code and on the screen flashed ACKNOWLEGED. PLEASE WAIT. After a moment the machine let of a loud whir. Gar looked around to see what the commotion was.

"Ralek, she's loose!" Gary yelled. As Ralek turned around, the machine fired a yellow beam right into his chest. He fell back, and immediately about a dozen balls of light exited from his stomach. Gary rushed forward to grab them but Raven created a hammer and knocked him out cold. Then she let Beast Boy out of his cage. Beast Boy walked around the balls of light, staring at each one very closely.

"Here it is!" he said happily, and popped it in his stomach. Then he experimented by turning into several different animals.

"Well, that's that," Beast Boy said. "Hey thanks for the help Rave-" his sentence was cut off as Raven rushed forward and threw her arms around his neck. When she eventually let him go, she jabbed a finger in his chest and said, "Next time an enemy tries to lead you away from a battle, make sure you've got backup before you follow him, got it?"

"Uh, yeah Raven, sure," Beast Boy answered, looking rather embarrassed. "What do we do with this ship?"

As Raven flew out of the ship, with an unconcious Ralek and Gary in tow, alongside Beast Boy, the ship they just exited blew up, destroying all the other powers along with it.

Once The two titans arrived back on earth, Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg had just finished getting patched up by the medics.

"I can't believe you went without us, Raven!" Robin complained.

"Oh Beast Boy, you have caused us untold amounts of worry for your well-being," said Starfire. "Especially for Raven!" Beast Boy turned to Raven, who had suddenly decided to pull her hood up. Just then the police arrived on the scene.

As Ralek and Gary got into the police car, Ralek yelled, "We'll get you for this, you'll little green zit!!"

"Ha!" Beast Boy laughed as they slammed the doors of the truck on them. "You're all out of powers, though, so what can you do?"

"What indeed?" asked Ralek with a nasty grin as he pulled a single pouch out of his pocket which had a note on it that said, FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY. Inside was a single power, which he placed in his chest to use another time.

That's the end. But never fear! I am working on the sequel right now! So remember, Titans fans, to stay true to the faith, and help save the show!!!

-Feel the Burn