Okay, I know, I'm a horrible person. It's been ages since I last posted anything. But school has been crazy. I haven't had time to think these last few weeks. So, to satisfy you all until I write some more of Cure, here is a short little fic from Booth's POV.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own it. Thanks for reminding me. Again.

Heaven Help Me

Booth sat down heavily on the side of his bed. It had been a tough day. A child-killer had walked free, and he was suitably upset.

But that wasn't the only reason. This case had made him realise that he was lonely. He had no one who he could talk to about the horrors of his job. His fellow agents were always praising the merits of having a wife or girlfriend to go home to. Booth wanted that.

He wanted a woman who would be there for him, when he needed solace, distraction or just fun. But he couldn't see any appropriate girls on the horizon. So he was going to do what any devout Catholic would do. Pray.

With a small groan, he got onto the floor and kneeled beside his bed. It reminded him of his childhood, and the bedtime prayers uttered by him and his brother. His knees weren't quite as youthful anymore though.

Hands clasped, eyes closed, Seeley Booth sent a prayer to God.

Dear Lord, I am praying to you for salvation. Because if I don't find love soon, I'm gonna go crazy. I don't think I can stand the guilt much longer.

When I wake up at night in a cold sweat, I want someone to be there beside me.

I want someone to protect, someone who'll protect me. I want someone who I would kill for. Someone I would die for.

I want someone who will need me. Someone who will need to see me to get through each day.

I don't necessarily want someone who is drop dead gorgeous, but that would be a welcome bonus.

I want someone with a good heart. Someone who stands up for what is right, and won't back down, no matter who tries to intimidate her.

I want someone who isn't intimidated by me. I want someone who will argue with me, and keep things interesting.

I want chemistry. I want to see that spark in her eyes that tells me just how much she wants me.

I want laughter. I want an easiness between us that no one can take away.

I want her to understand me, and be willing to accept my mistakes and shortcomings.

I want someone who will love me because of my faults, not despite them.

I want someone who won't try to change me, and won't change herself to fit my every wish.

I want someone who will tell me when I'm being an obnoxious prick, and keep me in line.

I want someone smart. I want someone who I can have an interesting conversation with.

I don't want someone who will take forever to get ready before going out.

I don't want someone who hates watching sports, and will only watch romantic films with me.

I want someone who can take care of herself, but is willing to let me take care of her too.

But mostly I want someone who I can love, and who will love me with all her heart.

Thanks for listening, Lord. Hopefully you consider my prayer.

Booth opened his eyes, and raised himself back onto the bed. He kicked off his shoes and flopped onto his back. Even to him, that prayer sounded almost impossible. But as Booth well knew, God works in mysterious ways.

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