What happens when I follow my grandmother?

A Sammy Keyes story

G u t – Chama

Author's Notes

Thanks to everyone for the reviews! I'm really happy and excited about this fanfic. I'll try my hardest to capture the Sammy-ness character… --;;


When I own Sammy Keyes, monkeys will blow up the universe.

Chapter two

So I follow Grams all over the place. At first I thought she was going to the mall, hardly something to hide from me. But she wasn't. She passed the mall. Looking at the mall I saw people walking around, enjoying their day, while I was ducking behind trees and bushes, and even once a garbage can. Ekkk…Following Grams out of the mall area, I saw her head to a street that made my eyes bulge out.

Cypress Street.

She's going to see my favourite old person.

Hudson Graham.

"Oh gosh!" I gasp. I mean who wouldn't. Truly I wouldn't care at all if Grams was heading over to Hudson's. Well, maybe a bit. But not too much, the thing that got to me is that Grams was hiding this from me. Like she couldn't trust me at all.

No time to act like a complete idiot! I scolded myself. I hurried along after her, hoping nothing stupid was going to happen.

I cringed when we reached Hudson's place, and dove behind a bush setting my bag down and tried getting comfortable. Not going to happen. The bushes aren't very luxurious for hiding in. There are millions of bugs creeping an' crawling around in them. My best friend 'Germaphobic' Marissa, would probably be freakin' out right about now. Go figure.

Now this is seriously scaring me. I really just need to know why Grams wants to hide something so small from me. a She's officially going out with Hudson, and she doesn't want me to know. b She's pretty afraid that I'm going to be all immature on her, and freak out. Or c Both of the above. I'm pretty sure it's both.

So I listen. Just listen. I need to know what they're hiding from me.

"Hello Hudson!, how are you today?" I hear Grams ask as she shuffles up the steps in her pumps.

"Why hello there Rita! I'm swell, how about you?" I hear Hudson reply. Then the sound of his boots swinging of the railing.

"I'm not too bad actually. But I'm starting to think Samantha's getting suspicions." Grams laughs. "She doesn't seem to trust me."

Hudson laughs.

I really want to just jump out of the bushes and tell Grams, "Well yeah! One can be suspicious can't they?" But I don't. That would be like committing suicide.

Grams chuckles. "Samantha's such a bright girl. I can see why that Casey likes her."

My jaw just drops. It hits the ground with a BAM. I mean, how can Grams say that? Casey is Heather, Heather Acosta's old brother. Why would she say that! I mean she's seen him a grand total of once, and has never even talked to him before.

I can just see Hudson grinning. "Well Casey seems like a fine young man. Nothing like his sister. I mean, he's stuck up for Sammy so many time before! Would you like a glass of something Rita?"

"Of course Hudson, thank you." Then I hear Hudson pour Grams a cup of who-knows-what. "Ah yes. That Casey is a very persistent boy. I mean he figured out my phone number, and I've even talked to him numerous times. Samantha must really like him too. I mean she wears the little horseshoe on her high-tops everyday."

My jaw drops even farther, and I want to sink down into a big blob-o-goo. Why would Grams think I liked Casey? He's psycho Heather's brother. Sure. They don't act alike, but really.

"Uh-huh." I hear Hudson say. "I figured. I really don't see why Samantha never wants to admit it." He pauses. "I mean, even her mother thinks they make a perfect couple. Remember that time we went out for dinner on Samantha's birthday? The Acosta's were there remember? And Lana was raving on and on about how Casey was cute and all."

"Of course I remember. Who wouldn't?"

Now I don't know how much more of this I can take, but I stay put anyways.

Then it all hit me. Casey really did like me. After all the things he did for me. But what if he didn't? I mean, for all I know he could just be bluffing. Trying to get his evil sister mad. I mean, that's what she said. But really. Why am I believing her.

I shook my head to try and clear out the picture of Casey. This Chocolate brown eyes… His huge smile… No, no NO! I mentally shouted at myself.

Trying to come back into the real world, hearing Grams and Hudson deep in conversation.

"Ah yes. Samantha's just shy when it comes to love. I remember when she first told me about Casey she want all red." Grams gave a hearty laugh.

"I think we should talk to Casey." Hudson ponders out loud.

"I suppose that would be a good idea. But we mustn't let Samantha know, she would murder me."

Yeah, that's right. I would! I couldn't just believe that this is what Grams was hiding from me. They were talking about me! Fuming I listened.

"Alright Rita. I suppose she would. But I feel bad about hiding things from her. She's really and truly a bright young girl." Hudson got up from his chair. "Now I really think you should get going. You wouldn't want Samantha to worry now would you?"

I can just hear Grams laugh.

"Yes, yes. I really don't know how you're going to talk to him." Says Grams getting out of her chair.

"Well I'll find a way… I always do." Says Hudson.

"Of course you will dear." I hear Grams reply.

That's probably the utmost freaky thing I've ever heard Grams say. Since when had she started calling Hudson that? I pondered for a second, and still I didn't remember a time that Grams had called Hudson 'Dear'.

"Hey Mrs. Keyes! Do y'know where Sammy is?" I heard an extremely familiar voice call out.

Oh God. It's

'Sir Luncan Royal Duke of York' This might be wrong…--;;

The one with the huge smile, and chocolaty brown eyes.

With the 'cute' freckles.

Yes, the one and only Casey Acosta.

Oh god. I ducked, hoping he didn't see me. I listened intently.

"Oh, hello Casey!" I hear Grams call. "I think she's back in the apartment." She tells him.

Now this was news to me. I had no idea he knew I lived with her. But then again, I never knew he had figured out Grams number. Scary. I squirmed, this wasn't the exact thing I was thinking about. I didn't know how I was going to get out of this, people where all around me. There was no escape.

"Oh, I see." I hear Casey respond.

Then Hudson says. "Casey m'boy! Have a seat, I need to ask you something."

I groan. Hudson's going to ask.

"Er. Alright…" I hear Casey shuffle in his baggy pants up to Hudson's porch.

"So Casey, this is concerning Samantha." Grams says sitting back down again.

"Er, right. What about Sammy?"

"Well, it's alright if you do. I mean it's better if it's you…" Grams starts.

"Uh… is there something wrong with Sammy?" Casey asks.

I'm yelling in my head. Yeah! Something is wrong! Grams don't! I'm debating whether I should jump up and yell at her to stop.

Then Hudson finishes it off. "Do you like Sammy?"

Casey stutters for a second. "Well yeah sir, I thinks she's great. She's a great friend-"

"No…" Grams shakes her head. "We mean do you like her?"

Casey looks down at his feet and asks. "You mean like… If I … l-love her?"