Author: Wasted and Ready.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

The story is complete! This will be the final chapter.


Tying Up Loose Ends

"What's up?" Harry mumbled, looking away from Julian's eyes. Julian seemed to think he was just being shy because he smiled even wider.

"Nothin'. Want to eat breakfast together?"

"I would love to but… I, well, I told my friend Ron…I would help him with his divination homework." Harry finished lamely.

"Okay. I guess I'll just see you later then." Julian said, a little confusedly.

Harry hurried over to his table, plopping himself next to Ginny, across from Ron and 'Mione.

"What was that?" Ginny exclaimed before he could take his first bite.

"What's what?" Harry snapped.

"You totally just blew off that hot guy!"

"So? He's not my boyfriend."

"Well, why not!"

"We're just friends."

"Yeah, he seemed pretty friendly when he oh so lovingly embraced you from behind. So, has he gotten your behind yet?"

"Ginny Weasley!" Ron gasped.

"Ronald, this is a private conversation." Ginny glared.

"Yeah, a private conversation the whole table is listening too!" Ron hissed.

It was true, a good amount of people on their end of the table had paused eating to stare at the foursome.

Harry, ignoring the bickering siblings ("No, you shut up!") and scanned the Slytherin table for his boyfriend. He found him, apparently deep in conversation with Pansy. Draco glanced up as he felt eyes on him. He looked perfectly cool, calm and collected as a Malfoy always does. But Harry could see the storm in those blue eyes.

This was going to be a long day.

Harry kept glancing over at Draco all through potions. He was the picture perfect boyfriend. He did all the work while Pansy relaxed. He kissed her cheeks and told her she was beautiful. While they waited for the potion to simmer, they held hands.

Harry waited impatiently for Draco to head into the supply closet, tapping his fingers on the table. Ron was getting very agitated with him He already had to grab his wrist three times to stop him from adding the wrong ingredient.

"Harry! Do something! And do it right this time!"

"Fine," Harry said eagerly, "I'll go get the firefly wings."

He jumped up and headed to the closet. He slipped in and closed the door behind him. He was now alone with Draco.

"What do you want?"

"Draco, it's not what it looked like at breakfast. I swear! I'm going to tell Julian-" He cut short when the door opened and Lavender bounced in, stopping at the sight of them.

"Hey… you guys aren't fighting are you?"

"No, no, just getting supplies." Harry said quickly, as he say Draco's mouth open to say something nasty to the other blonde.

He reached up to grab the wings, whispering to Draco, "Meet me after class in classroom A-14. Please. Please." He turned on his heel and walked back to Ron.

He opened the small vial of the firefly wings and dumped them in the potion thoughtlessly. It instantly blackened and starting reeking of rotting fish.

"Another Dreadful for Weasley and Potter, I see." Snape drawled, getting laughs from his house.

"Harry!" Ron moaned miserably.

Harry anxiously waited for Draco, his feet tapping on the ground restlessly from his perch upon a desk.

Class had gotten out over twenty minutes ago, Draco would have been here by now if he was going to come at all.

Five more minutes, Harry thought to himself, I'll give him just five more minutes.

Four minutes and twenty-eight seconds later, Draco sauntered in.

"You wanted to see me?" He drawled disinterestedly.

"Why are you so late?"

"I had other people to attend too." He quipped, his eyes hardening.

Harry, ignoring the implications of that, took a step forward tentatively.

"Draco, I swear I'm not interested in Julian, I'm interested in you. I love you. I want you."

Draco just stared at him, unimpressed.

"What happened with Julian was a huge mistake. And I know that," Harry started, trying a different tactic. "I'm going to tell him tonight that there is nothing between us. That the kiss didn't mean anything."

"A kiss never means nothing, Potter."

Indignant rage instantly filled Harry, "The gall you have saying that! After you fucked Pugface! Please explain to me what that is supposed to mean!"

Draco rolled his eyes, as though Harry were extremely dull witted.

"Of course I never had sex with Pansy!"

Harry blinked, not comprehending. "What?"

"I never slept with her! That was to get back at you… you're the only one committing infidelity in this relationship, Potter." Draco snapped scathingly.

"It's still pretty horrible of you to go on acting as though your in love with her!"

"She knows it's all an act! She's not stupid! She never would have bought it. She's known all along we were together."

"What? What! You told someone about us? After all the shit you gave me about how is was so important I never told Ron and Hermione! You are such a hypocrite!"

"It doesn't make me a hypocrite when Pansy is trustworthy! You know Weasel would have a brain aneurism if he knew!"

"I wouldn't call that Death Eater wannabe trustworthy." Harry sulked, taken completely by surprise when Draco's delicate but strong hands gripped his robes, shoving him against a wall.

"She is not a Death Eater wannabe! We were both forced into our roles in this society. We were paired to be married since our births. She is my best friend and highly aware of the fact I have no intention of marrying her."

"Why all the acting?"

"So no one would suspect us… she was helping us, Potter."

Harry stared at his shoes, feeling like a right jerk.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, looking up. There was a short silence.

"Are we still together?"

"I don't know." Draco sighed, looking suddenly tired.

"Do you want to be?"

"Potter, can we please not get all feel-y about this?"

"I want to explain to you about Julian, so you understand. It was… it was nice having someone to talk to like that. He really wanted to know what I had to say, you know? It felt nice, being so interested in. And I know it wasn't for my fame, but for me."

"The only reason I'm in a secret relationship with you is so I can be gossiped about in Witch Weekly." Draco said, deadpanned.

"I know you're not like that, but sometimes its hard to tell when other people are. He kissed me, and I guess I got caught up in the moment. But I definitely don't want to see other people. I want you all to myself, and you me."

Harry inched closer, slowly placing his hands on Draco's hips. Draco sighed and pressed their foreheads together.

"You can be pretty convincing when you want to be, you know that Potter?"

"It's my devilishly good looks." Harry smiled.

"I wouldn't go that far."


"Don't pinch me, Scarhead!"

"Malfoy! That hurt!"


Harry pouted, his green eyes shining brightly with love.

"Can't you just fuckin' kiss me already?"

"As you wish, m'lady."

Harry's protest to that particular pet name were muffled as Draco pressed his lips to Harry's. His velvet tongue reclaimed every centimeter of Harry's mouth.

"I should really send Pansy some roses." Harry said seriously.

A good thirty minutes later, the boys readjusted their clothes, grinning goofily. They stumbled into the hall, feeling carefree and uninhibited.

"Someone could see us." Harry giggled.

"I'm not really concerned about that right now. What I am concerned about is why my lips aren't touching yours…"

Harry quickly remedied that crisis. He moaned as Draco pressed his body into his, digging a hand into his jet black locks.

Unbeknownst to the lovers, a group of Ravenclaws where making their way to their afternoon Transfiguration lesson.

"Oh my god!" Cried out a shocked Ravenclaw, her eyes wide with shock. "It's Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy!" Mouths dropped all around.

The boys jumped apart in surprise. Harry felt his stomach turn to lead as his eyes met the eyes of a newly heartbroken Raven.

Julian fought back tears as he quickly made his way down to the lake, his safe haven. He'd never felt like this before. His lungs felt like that might collapse down and his Adam's apple was heavy in his throat.

He angrily threw himself down on the ground. He felt like an idiot for thinking Harry might actually want to go out with him. I can't believe I actually kissed him! He must have been mortified… the look on his face this morning!

Julian groaned with humiliation. It was simple. He would just have to drop out of school.

"Uh, Julian?" An uncertain voice broke through his self destructive thoughts.

"Hi, Harry." He chucked a rock into the water.

"I am so sorry… it's not what it looked like. Wow, seems like I've been saying that a lot lately." Harry said, giving a nervous chuckle.

"You probably think I'm such a loser." Another rock hit the flew into the lake.

"No, not at all! I had a great time on Saturday…I loved talking with you. And I know I lead you on, and I'm so sorry for that. It felt good talking to you. I've haven't connected with someone like that in a long time. But the thing is… Draco and I have been seeing each other for about a year and a half."

"What?" Julian eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yeah." Harry said, smiling sheepishly. "He kind of… comforted me after the Triwizard Tournament. Been together ever since. We really do love each other. No one knew… well I suppose its all over school now."

"I'm sorry." He was genuine.

"Well, it had to come out sometime. Maybe it's for the better."

"Yeah." They sat in silence for a minute.

"Julian, this is going to sound so lame. I would understand if you never wanted to talk to me again. But I was really hoping we could be friends."

He pondered this for a moment. "I'd like that. Who knows how many you'll have after dinner tonight."

"Um, thanks."

Draco and Harry stood looking at each other uncertainly.

"Do you want to go in a few minutes after me?" Harry suggested.

"Let's just go in together."

Draco grabbed the door, swinging it open for Harry. The silence was immediate. Hundreds of eyes stared at them, no one seemed to be blinking.

They stood there awkwardly, hands clasped tightly.

Suddenly a cat call could be heard coming from the Ravenclaw table.

"Ow ow!" Julian yelled, giving a whistle for good measure.

Some people started clapping, mostly Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. A few called out, "It's about time!"

The other house tables just looked confused. The lovers parted, going to their separate tables.

Harry sat down next to Ginny, realizing he was in the same position as in the morning. Everyone stared at him, waiting for him to tell them it was just a joke.

He grabbed his goblet, downing it in seconds. There was a tap on his shoulder. He looked up into the eyes of Luna Lovegood.

"Yes, Luna?"

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, I do."

"Is he nice to you?"

Harry smiled, "Yes, he is."

"Do you know what moisturizer he uses?"

"Um, can't say that I do."

"Oh." She sighed, disappointed. "Find out for me, will you?" She ruffled his hair and floated away.

He turned back to his friends. Ron looked about to faint. Hermione looked confused, like an Arithmancy problem she couldn't figure out. Ginny just looked interested.

"How is he in bed?"

"Ginny Weasley!" Ron gasped.

Harry lay in a clearing in the Forbidden Forest that he and Draco frequented last year but hadn't gotten the chance to yet this year. The sun beat down between the tops of the tall oak trees that grew close together, creating privacy. The grass was vivid green and beautiful flowers were scattered throughout the clearing. Harry was lying of a puffy white down comforter, feeling at peace.

This month had been crazy. Hermione had come around after Harry had spent three hours explaining all the details of his and Draco's relationship, did she finally seem to understand. She only allowed Draco to sit at the Gryffindor table after he promised never to call her a Mudblood ever again.

Ron had been a different story. The first few days, all he did was glare and accused Draco of bewitching Harry in some way. He even went so far as to ask Dumbledore to test Harry's system for any love potions or curses, but that was politely declined.

Draco could see how this feud between the two of them was affecting Harry's happiness. He dragged Ron into a nearby empty classroom and locked them inside. An hour later, they emerged, sweating and bloodied. Ron had a busted lip and his nose was pouring blood. Draco had a black eye and a huge bruise that covered his cheek and part of his neck. But they were smiling. They became quite chummy, but refused to tell anyone what happened in the classroom. Harry just knew that he didn't have to suffer through any more chess games now that Draco was more than happy to challenge Ron.

The next person was Pansy. Harry found that he quite liked her. They spent a lot of time alone, actually. Much to Draco's discomfort. They spent time talking by the fire and by the lake. She was so witty and clever. Harry loved listening to her ideas and philosophies on life. She taught him a lot, even convincing him to try meditation and yoga with her. That quickly became a daily routine for the two of them.

And of course, Julian. Harry frequently snuck into Hogsmeade with him where they would get sloshed and swap life stories. Julian even dragged Harry to a dance club more than a few times where he taught Harry how to really dance. Harry showed off his skills to Draco, privately and with little clothing.

Coming out had greatly improved their relationship. They were able to hold hands and kiss in the hallways. They were free to wander the halls and cuddle in the common rooms without having to worry about anyone seeing them. Life was good.

"Hey, baby." Draco murmured in Harry's ear as he laid down next to him, throwing an arm across torso.

"Hello." Harry smiled, turning into Draco's embrace. He started leaving butterfly kisses all down his neck, unbuttoning his shirt as he went. Draco buried one hand in Harry's tresses and snaked the other down Harry's pants, massaging his buttocks.

Harry's lips found Draco's, soft lips smashed together in a passionate kiss. Harry straddled the other boys hips, pulling his shirt up over his head and threw it into the grass, doing the same with Draco's. He resumed making his way down Draco's body, kissing and biting until he was at the bellybutton. He thrust his tongue inside, causing Draco to giggle and squirm.

He slowly unzipped the blondes pants, pulling them down and off his feet. Of course the little vixen didn't have any underwear on. Harry gazed at Draco's beautiful body. All smooth skin and soft hair. Harry loved Draco's hipbones. They stuck out just the perfect amount. Harry pressed a kiss to one of them.

He made his way back up to Draco's lips, ridding himself of his sweatpants and boxers. They rubbed the lengths of their bodies together, creating heat and friction. They gasped as their erections played together.

Draco flipped them over so he was leaning over Harry, sitting in between his legs.

"That yoga has been doing wonders for you." He stated as he spread Harry's legs far apart and dove between them. He gently tongued Harry's entrance. He moaned and arched his back in pleasure. Draco slowly began tongue fucking his hole, teasing him as he went.

"Draco! Oh baby…" Harry half screamed, his eyes closing tightly in pleasure as Draco quicken his pace. He whimpered has Draco pulled away, wiping as his mouth. The boys quickly repositioned themselves so Draco was laying on his back, supporting himself on his elbows so he could watch Harry take his erection into his rosy lips, bobbing his head up and down.

"Yeah, that's perfect." Draco sighed as rolled his tongue around the tip and then he leaned down, taking Draco's member all the way down his throat and bobbed his head slowly. The motion made a wet sound, with Harry's continuous purring.

Harry let Draco's cock fall from his mouth as he sat up and shimmied up Draco's body until he was hovering over Draco's hard on. He slowing impaled himself on it, while Draco pulled his head down for a kiss. They set a steady pace, Draco's hands gripping his hips. Harry pushed himself up and them let himself fall again and again and again. He threw his head back as Draco's tip hit the sweet spot inside him. Draco flipped them over, throwing Harry's legs onto his shoulders and began fucking him on earnest. He went in and out with a fast and rough pace as Harry moaned and writhed beneath him.

"Oh, Draco… yes, oh god… please baby, harder…" Harry let out a string of moans and whimpers as Draco continually hit his prostate over and over.

Draco's reached his hand down between their sweaty bodies, pumping Harry's erection with his palm. Harry tensed all over, close to the edge.

They came together, moaning each others names. They collapsed together, panting in their post orgasm haze.

"Goddamn, Potter, I love you." Draco sighed.

Harry glowed.


Hope everyone enjoyed, and I thank everyone whose has read this and has reviewed before, they mean a lot!

Now, go review again! )

- Wasted and Ready.