A/N: I'm sorry that I spent so much time getting this out, the stuped thing wouldn't let me upload anything.

Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers, although the Chapel of Love is mine all mine. Oh, so is Gary.

Kimberly paced her hotel room for a moment, torn between doing what she was thinking, or just working on getting Tommy to agree to give them another chance. She wanted to get him from dragging her to the 'Power Rangers' Chapel of Love', which she would never live down, but she didn't want him so mad as to not want to see if it would actually work out in an adult relationship. She looked on her bed, and the picture of her next to the first yellow Ranger made up her mind. She grabbed her phone and dialed the number quickly. When it was answered, she said, softly, "Gary? I need your help."
Tommy wasn't sure just what was going on in his life, what with Kim insisting she still loved him, and this whole 'we got married in Vegas' and why hadn't that lawyer called him yet? He growled at his cell, which he'd forgotten on his walk, but Kim had sworn to him that no one had called. It had been two days since that morning, and Tommy's vacation was growing steadily worse. By this point, he wasn't ready to call it a vacation, and he was very tempted to go home and try somewhere else, after making very sure that Kim wouldn't be there; as long as he got this annulled before he left.

Someone knocked on the door, and Tommy, thinking it was Kim, opened the door. A burst of pain and stars shocked him and he stumbled backwards. Standing in the door was a young man with blond hair and an angry look on his face. Kim stood just behind him, looking horrified. "You dumb fool," the man growled, "I'll never get her back now!"

"What?" Tommy said, standing up. "Kim?"

"Don't look at her, you asshole, look at me," the man said, he threw another punch, this time, Tommy blocked it. He didn't know who this person was, but he wasn't going to let him beat the crap out of him. He dodged a few more hits from that man, and then flipped him.

"Look, who are you?" Tommy demanded as the man lay there for a moment.

"Gary," Kim said from the door, "he's an ex-boyfriend who wants me back. Apparently I called him when we were drunk."

"You're mine, Kim," Gary growled, "you're not his anymore."

"Kim doesn't belong to anyone," Tommy replied, deeply offended. "She's her own woman, and lives her own life."

"That's what you think," Gary replied, "she's had you on a pedestal for years, and considers you the mark by which she measures every man."

"If that's true," Tommy replied, "then there's nothing I can do about that. She dumped me in high school, not the other way around. When I forgave her, I said farewell to any say I had in her life. I loved her deeply, and I still care for her, but Kim's life is Kim's life, and any man who truly loves her is going to let her live that life as she wishes. Freedom of choice, Gary, it's always freedom of choice." He kept his voice calm as Gary stood up, and his hands lowered, he didn't want this guy to come after him again, so he kept himself from looking threatening.

"What if she wants to be with you?" Gary asked.

Tommy glanced at Kim, "I don't know, Gary. I gave Kim my heart, and she broke it with a letter. I'd be very careful about letting her back in. I know that I can trust Kim with my life, but with my heart? My heart cries out that I should take the risk, but my mind reminds me of what an emotional wreck I was right after the letter. Not to mention that there are some people who would want to kick me in the head a couple times to make sure I'm thinking straight. Especially since I wouldn't have the, focus, that I had last time, if I hadn't of been so busy, I might have become, well, a shivering hulk that couldn't get out of bed."

Gary nodded, "He's telling the truth Kim," the man shifted his stance, from combative to sheepish. "And honey, you know you're not my type."

Kim giggled, "I know, Gary," she walked over and stood between them, "Tommy, this is Gary, my gay guy friend. Gary, Tommy Oliver, my husband."

"What's going on?" Tommy asked, confused.

"I asked Gary to fly out here," Kim replied, "I wanted to see you get the crap kicked out of you, but you're better than I thought you'd be. The questions were all his."

Tommy sat down, "You had a friend fly out here to beat me up?" He said calmly. "Why?"

"Because I'm never going to live this down, and I know how you feel about losing a fight to anyone but Jason. I wanted to tell people that an ex-boyfriend had flown out here and beat you up, but I didn't realize you were that good." Kim replied candidly.

"And I was telling you the truth," Gary said, "Kim's standards were set by you. And they're surprisingly realistic, considering how nauseously perfect she always made you sound, as a person and as a couple."

Tommy rubbed his forehead, "Kim," he said, "Beautiful," he gave her a helpless puppy look, the kind that had once signaled that he was far too overwhelmed to handle anymore.

Kim sat bedside him and gave Gary a look, Gary walked into the bathroom and shut the door, "I'm sorry Tommy, I just, my wedding was supposed to be special and now, I'm going to have to tell everyone that I got married in Vegas."

Rarely, very rarely, Tommy had moments where an insane idea worked. This might be one of those times. "What if you didn't?" Tommy asked; Kim looked at him, "I'm willing to start dating you again, if we can work out the long distance part, if you are willing to. I've been steadily denying anything happened here, and I know you have to." Kim nodded, "We'll tell the people who know the truth that it was annulled and deny to everyone else. We were drunk, we were stupid, but we didn't do it. If our relationship works out as I hope, we can have your dream wedding still, and as far as most people will know, it will be your first wedding."

Kim considered his words, "What about the priest?"

Tommy shrugged, "We tell him the truth, we eloped, but we wanted to give our families the big wedding, so we are. We'll be paying him or her, and I'm sure they'd be a little more understanding." He cautiously slipped his arm around Kim's waist, "Beautiful, I'm willing to take some risks, if you are. I love you, as I have always loved you, I just don't want you to get scared by a relationship that happens too fast. If we do this, I don't want to lose you again."

Kim nodded, "I don't want to lose you either." She leaned over and kissed him.

Yes, there were still problems. Yes, there were still issues. But at that moment, and in that time, all it was, was perfect.

People are going to kill me here, I have visions of running from people with torches and rakes screaming 'Die! Die!', but I promise, there is more to come.

And as a prieview to the next part...

"I, Aisha Campbell, take thee, Rocky DeSantos."

"Who is the groom again?"