Chapter sixteen

Chapter sixteen

That's it, Tommy has pushed my last button, all year since I've been with his mother he acts like an adult not a child, he mopes around every time he comes here, and now this. I look at them and say, "Excuse me what are you two doing."

Tommy opens his eyes to Tammi, great! He removes his hands off of her and she stirs awake. Tommy knew it was going to start a fight but he couldn't help it, "What does it look like, were sleeping."

He sits up and waits for the explosion. Jude sits up next to him and looks at her, this is a new experience for Jude since it's never been an issue before, considering her age, and they weren't even doing anything. "How dare you talk to me like that. You know you shouldn't be in your room with a girl much less sleeping in the same bed with one."

"You treat me like a child."

"Last time I checked you are one, you haven't faced the world like an adult so why should I treat you like one." Right then Stacy came into the room and asked, "What's going on here?"

"What's going on is I just found your son sleeping with Jude in his bed."

"You two were having sex."

"No mom, we were sleeping. And so what if we were having sex, I'm not a child!"

"I beg to differ with you on that one sunny boy. You need to act like a man to be treated like one."

"Mom why do you want me to go through this with her all the time, you want to know why I've been sulking this past YEAR, its because I have to hide. Hide who I really am. SHE, doesn't know one thing about me and judges me."

"Now you wait one second right there, I know you. You've only have been living under my roof for a whole year."

"SHUT UP, You up tight dike, yeah I said it…you think you know me because you've known me for a year, my mom didn't want me to tell you but guess what she's not my real mom, I was adopted and you know what before that I lived with drug addicts and had to hold down a job when I was eight to support my mothers habits and our rent just so she wouldn't beat me, you tell me everyday for a year that I'm a child. I stopped being a child when I was born. The only reason my mother ever got caught to was because instead of paying the rent when I was ten I bought her a Christmas present and she stabbed me." He lifted up his shirt and pointed to the scar on his shoulder, Jude noticed this morning in the shower but didn't ask how he got it, now she was the one taken aback. Tommy continued, "I've never had a stable relationship with anyone until my current mom and dad, and you came and wrecked that for me, so hear I am again in a dysfunctional mess. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME. Now if you don't mind could you please get out of my room!!" She didn't budge so Tommy yelled again, "NOW!!"

Tammi was in shock she stood there frozen even though he was yelling at her to get out. Finally Tommy grabbed both Jude's jacket and his and her car keys and pulled her through the two women blocking his door. He ran to jude's car got in and waited for Jude to walk around get in and start up the car. Jude didn't say a word she just drove towards Kat's place. Tears started to run down Jude's face, she had to pull over and park the car. She turned towards Tommy and he engulfed her into a hug. They have never held someone so long, tight, with so much meaning before. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have over reacted."

"No you had ever right to react, do you feel alive now."

"Yeah, how did you know."

"Because you've been numb for a year."

Tommy looked into her eyes and said, "I'm fell hard for you and I don't want to get back up. You're the only one I've ever told that to." He wiped her tears off her cheek and scooped her face into his hands and brought down his lips to meet hers in a slow passionate kiss that could only be shared by two people in love. Jude pulled away wiped her tears away and started to drive towards Kat's place again.

When they showed up at Kat's. Kat was surprised but didn't ask a question just let them into the house. She could tell something big had happened but left it alone. It wasn't her place to ask. She showed them to the guest room and asked if they needed anything, they said no and then she excused herself. "I'm going to go talk to Kat, how about you take a shower, you look like you need it."

"Okay, Tell Kat I said thank you." Tommy walked into the con-joining bathroom and shut the door. Jude signed and walked out of the room in search of Kat. She found her watching T.V. "Hey Kat, thanks for not asking questions." Jude sat next to her.

"No problem I noticed that something was bothering you two. So you and Tommy are a couple now, is that what's wrong with you two?"

"Yes we are a couple, but that's not what's wrong, Tommy just had a few family issues to deal with and it got blown out of proportion so we left in a hurry."

"Oh well that's none of my business, but what made you change your mind about you two?"

"I just cant help it Kat I love him, that's wrong I know it, but I do."

"Its not wrong, its life. You always fall for the person you cant have or shouldn't have. But you'll both get over it. Does his parents know how old you are?"

"No, we told them that I was eighteen, wow, talk about turning back the clock."

"yeah, there is a significant age gap, but if he was eighteen it wouldn't matter, and lets face it Tommy is no average teenager now if you fell for my cousin Kwest I would have had to smack some sense into you because he is a normal immature teenager. Plus my cousin, you know its kind of weird too because you've always liked the older guys."

"I know, but you cant help what the heart wants, thanks for letting us stay the night, I'm going to get ready for bed. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay, see you in the morning. Maybe we can go do something after you drop him off at school."

"Oh yeah its Monday tomorrow morning, I forgot."

"Yeah its been awhile since we've had to worry about those kinds of things night."

When Jude walked back into the room Tommy was sitting on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands and you could see the distraught look on his face. Jude handed him her cell phone and said, "Call her, you'll feel better."

"I cant I flipped out. And the worse part about it is that I don't care. I'm going to call my dad though and tell him where I am, I'm sure she already called him wondering if I'm there." Jude watched him talk to his dad, he was calm and you could see that his face was a little relived.

I smiled at him and then went into the bathroom and changed into my pj's and when I came back out the room was dark and he was already in the bed. "Did your dad understand."

"Yeah he's glad that I didn't come there actually because he thinks I need some time to think and he knows that with me here my mom cant follow me to talk to me." Jude found her way into his arms.

"Tommy," He shhhsed(sp) her quite and said, "No you don't need to say anything." Jude smiled and laid her head on his chest and they both fell asleep listening to the sounds of there hearts.