Angel and Heroes

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

:: Another TK short story. Yeah, this will be short, promise. With all the dramas in TSTM&TS and Not Brave Enough, I thought doing something light would be fun. It takes place post DT. Hope you like it.


Saturday, 3 April 2006

"Kimberly? Where the hell are you? You're supposed to be here three hours ago!"

Kim cringed and held out the cellphone a few inches from her ear. Somehow she managed to grab the two duffel bags from the back seat with one hand while the other rummaged through her purse to look for a twenty. From the driver seat, the mid fifty year old man eyed her suspiciously like she would leave without paying. "Keep the change," She handed the man the money and used her arm to close the door. "I missed my flight this morning," Kim said between breaths. She had to pay more to change her ticket and the price itself was enough to make her want to cancel her flight altogether. "I'm at the Marriot. I'll be there before you know it,"

"Your friend is getting married in less than two hours, so you'd better get your skinny ass down here," Emma hissed half jokingly.

"Hey!" Kim yelled, slightly offended. "Say one word again, girlfriend, and you can get married without me,"

"Just quick," Emma said. "I want my missing bridesmaid here soon. Everybody's here already. You have your dress with you?"

"Yes, don't worry. Just let me check in first, 'K?"

"See you soon,"

With lightning speed, the former Pink ranger took the elevator, got in her room just to throw her bag abruptly on the bed. In the world's new record time, she showered, put the dress on, got her hair done and applied some make up. Checking her appearance for the last time, Kim glanced at the digital clock and hurriedly left the room.


"Oh, shit," Kim made a lot of efforts to run in her three inches heels and her dress. She didn't know why Emma had to choose this one. The spaghetti strap lavender dress covered her legs, sweeping the floor everytime she walked. It's beautiful alright, if only it wasn't as tight as it was now. The satin material clang tight around her hips, making it quiet difficult for her to walk.

"Kim!" She turned her head and saw one the bridesmaids standing at the gazebo, obviously waiting for her. Jenny was Emma's roommate in Florida and they had been friends since high school.

"Hey, I was just-," Kim yelped and nearly fell over when the blonde pulled at her hand and practically dragged her through the pretty organized garden. She watched in amazement as Jenny glided gracefully in her dress, not finding any difficulties that she experienced.

"No time for chatting. It's time,"

Kim followed Jenny to a narrow hall and saw Emma and the other bridesmaid were already on the line. She gave Mr. Olsen, Emma's father a polite smile and approached his daughter. Her friend from college looked beautiful with her simple strapless floor length wedding gown. Her hair was curled and piled up on the top of her head with a pearl tiara to keep the veil on. She didn't apply much make up but it only made her face looked more radiant. Once Emma's eyes caught Kim, she pulled her veil up.

"It's about time," She grinned and leaned down to hug the petite woman. "It's too close,"

"Congratulations," Kim clasped her hands tightly. "And you look great. Steve's gonna faint," Emma smiled nervously. She squeezed Emma's hand briefly, offering an encouraging smile.

Emma was her friend from Florida. She's a gymnast before decided to quit due to a back problem. She had a couple of nasty falls from the beam and the doctor advised her to stop doing her gymnastics. Another fall could cause a permanent damage to her back and after long talks and many tissues paper, she decided that she wouldn't risk her life.

After Emma left the program, she moved to California to live with her long time boyfriend, or now soon to be husband, Steve. They still kept in touch and it didn't surprise Kim that much when Emma phoned her and asked her to be her bridesmaid. It was an honor for her, so there she was; ready to join the other girls.

The Victorian syle woodened door opened and Kim watched as all the guests stood up. The first two person to go were Emma's niece and Steve's nephew; the flower girl and the ring bearer. A faint smile crossed over her feature. They looked adorable.

One by one, the girls made their way to the end. Before Kim made her walk, she winked at Emma who looked like she was about to faint. Back at the hotel Kim really didn't have time to do any complicated hairstyle, so she settled with pulling her caramel tresses back to a pony tail and entwined pink roses in it. She wore the necklace and matching earrings her stepdad had given her for her last year's birthday.

She took a deep breathe and started to walk. Again, when she moved passed the guests, following the rose petals path, Kim thought for the umpteenth times; how on earth her dress could be so snug that she's barely able to breathe. Now she remembered that she didn't try it on after she had the lace fixed. She should call them and complain when she got back to the hotel.

Steve looked charming in his black tux, standing with his hands clasped in front of him. Although she didn't know him really well, but she knew he was a good man and from the emails Emma'd sent, Kim could say that Emma was a very lucky girl. Kim's doe eyes moved to the line of men standing besides Steve, recognizing some of them from the party back then before she went back to Texas.

When her eyes caught the last guy on the line, her breath seemed to be seized up in her throat. Her eyes went saucer and her feet stopped walking.

It couldn't be… It's not possible. What he's doing here? HERE?

Kim noticed the guest had begun to whisper and at Steve's confused frown, Kim shook her head, choosing not to look at the man who had filled her life for three years nonstop and swiftly resumed her walk… only to step on her damn dress and trip forward.

A round of gasps and laughter followed when she ungracefully fell forward, landing right on her knees and hands.

Oh shit.

Monday, 5 April 2006

-10.23 a.m

"…, so, Ms. Hart, I think that's everything you need to know," Simon Hill, the thiry two year old guy who's going to be Kim's boss start on soon said, leaning back against the black leathered armchair. "Any questions?"

Kim, who's trying hard not to think about the possibility of having a very sexy guy as her boss and stress out the minor catastrophe occurred two days ago at the same time, smiled engagingly. Emma was the one who told her about the job offer at the PR company in Reefside. While she's not the type of a sitting, typing kind of person, she needed this job. There're still some bills she had to pay and this job was definitely helping.

And look at him.

With his curly brown hair and those hazel eyes, Simon was the cutest thing she ever witnessed within the last six months. The dimple on his right cheek only added to the charm. And he doesn't wear a ring either… Kim thought wickedly.

She had to start to forget about the fact that her old flame also lived here, in Reefside. The world surely was so small indeed. She was so shocked to see him that at that time, she didn't even care that she had humiliated herself in front of fifty people attending the wedding ceremony. That damn dress… She's still torn whether she wanted to burn it down or cut it into pieces more.

Fortunately, Emma didn't kill her for single-handedly ruining her wedding.

So Tommy was here, so what? They're old friends. Maybe they dated for a while back in high school and used to fight side by side against Rita's disgusting monsters, but none of them was matter now. They're both adults and they moved on. Though it pissed her off that he actually had the nerve to chuckle along with the guests. Perhaps he thought she wouldn't recognize him with the new hairdo.

Ok, so she didn't exactly act what an adult should've done, which was to face him, talk to him, say 'hi' at least. But it's just because she needed sometime to collect herself. And if it did end up taking all night, noone could blame her. It's not like he tried to talk to her either.

"Thanks, Mr. Hill," Kim shook his hand and rose from her seat.

"Simon, please," He said simply.

Kim should be embarrassed for acting like a school girl, but she couldn't resist. "Thanks again, Simon,"

"Great," After another nod and a smile, Kim turned on her heels and walked to the door. "Wait, Kimberly,"

Kim turned around quickly; too quicky than she would've liked. Her face pinked. "Yes?"

Simon's fingers tapped at the desk, following the rhythm of the gentle instrumental tune coming from the computer. "I was just wondering… Do you have time this evening?"

Kim's heart just made a giant leap inside her chest. Wasn't it too early for a first date? Then again, he's her boss. Was there a rule that forbid the employees to have a dinner with their boss? She decided to throw those silly thoughts outside the window. Kim, behave. "Um... Yeah, I think so. Why'd you ask?"

"Cool," Simon smiled widely. "If you're free tonight," Kim had started planning on her dress. How about that black halter top? No, no…Too revealing. Maybe the white-," Could you babysit my friend's kids? Just for a couple of hours. It won't be long,"

Kim's mouth opened but no words came out. Did she hear him right? Because she thought he just asked her to look after his friend's children. "Sorry?"

"There's a dinner with some of the acquaintances from Canada tonight… But I understand if you have other plans. It's okay,"

"No! I mean, it's fine,"

Simon flashed her a bright smile and picked up a piece of paper. "Let me get you the address,"

-- 06.11 p.m.

"I take it that you love kids, don't you, Kim?" Simon scrambled down some notes and walked over to give it to Kim, who's still dazed. "Little Angie is an angel while Mike is…," he stopped and laughed good-naturedly. "Well, you'll like them,"

"I bet I will," Kim murmured, looking down at the small piece of paper in her hand then back to the house. "Couldn't he choose a worse place than this?" She said sardonically. The house was like in the middle of nowhere, she almost got lost on her way here and there's noone she could ask for direction. Doctor, huh. Must be a weird scientist.

Kim knocked at the door and while she's waiting, she studied Simon's note once again. 1992 Valencia Road. Dr. Oliver. Kim grinned, remembering about her ex.

Funny, but maybe there'd be the time when the forgetful Tommy Oliver finally become a Doctor with a PhD. Someday in the future, perhaps. Ten or ten thousand years from now. She sighed. She had to talk to Jason ASAP. He must've known about Tommy living in Reefside, yet he didn't say a word about that.

When she heard the door being unlocked, Kim pushed the paper to her pocket and swirled around. The sight that greeted her sight made her realize that her luck had been officially leaving her since, oh well, two days ago.

An equally shocked Dr. Oliver, Tommy Oliver, was standing before her very eyes with a one year old baby girl sleeping in his arms.

:: If I were Kim, I'd be surprised too. Lol. Yep, short, isn't it? Thanks for reading and please review! No flame please. Thanks.

- Yuuri