Hello everyone! In the summary I warned you so no flames for it being so graphical and dark! And for people who love Inuyasha, I suggest you turn back now. It's not that I dont like Inuyasha, cause I love him, but I am all for drama and emotions. Also, if anyone of you actually likes this story, because some dont you know!, I would appreciate a friend in identifying any spelling errors. i cant pay you...but I will read all your stories and make good comments about them. The first one to apply for the job will be chosen. Well here goes.

The Impossible

Chapter one

The Past and the Present

" INUYASHA!" She ran towards the weak hanyou. Slashes spread across his back and chest. Causing him to bend strangly. Naraku laughed and sent out more tentacles at him. One knocked Kagome to the side, the other lifting Inuyasha briskly into the air. He growled feral at Naraku who fixed a glare on him.

" Now, Perish!" Kagome jumped up and screamed, her lungs near flying from her mouth. A growl was heard and she was yet again tossed to the ground by a tentacle. She struggled with them and finally struck it with her sacred arrow. She turned back towards the scene. Inuyasha lay limp on the ground. Naraku turned his head and smiled, his eyes full of...lust? Kagome wanted to run, but couldn't. Instead she ran for Inuyasha. Naraku stood back and watched her lift his head in her lap. His eyes cracked open and he looked up at her.

" Kagome..." her tears fell lightly on his cheek. She bent down and hugged him viciously; refusing to let go. Naraku sent another tentacle at them, as it was easily deflected by Inuyasha who stood and reared his tetsusaiga. He screamed its ultimate attack as a tentacle ripped through his lungs and partly his neck. Kagome stood in silence. Naraku lay shriveled in a pile of demon bodies, struggling to regain his balance, and Inuyasha... lifeless...

She flew forward in her bed, panting slightly. Sweat dripping from her forehead. Inuyasha. She stood and looked around. She was hiding in an abandoned cave, not far enough from where her and Inuyasha had met. He was dead now...it brought fresh tears to her senses. She cradled her face and cried softly.

Not four days ago had she been in almost complete harmony, and now, with Sango and Miroku dead, not too much before Inuyashas death, she was left completely alone. Naraku had somehow found a powerful demon and fused its power with his own, giving him the power he needed to kill them all. He had almost succeeded. She remembered it clearly. She had collapsed to the ground, the tears not finding the right path to her eyes, she simply stared. She could hear the sounds of ripping flesh but paid it no heed until it had silenced.

Then she turned and saw Naraku, in his human form, staring at her. He had stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her up infront of him. Being so weak she had no choice but to lean back into him as he held her up. Eyes wide, she struggled in vain. But he gripped her head and pulled it to one side. Whispering sweet words, unwanted. He would let her live, in respect to Onigumos lustfull obsession with Kikyo. She would be summoned whenever his heart would be hard to control. Kagome would rather be damned then have him touch her, but in the current state, she said nothing of disapproval. He then carried her to the cave she now dwelled in. Awaiting the time when Onigumo would call.

She fell backward on the bed. The cave was large and was well equiped with feminine things. A dresser, desk and a mirror. And of course. The huge black and blue bed that suited Narakus needs. Clothes, of all situations, were in a large chest at the end of the bed. Her bow and arrow, of course had been removed from her and now she lays stupidly on a bed of Narakus, simply awaiting her fate. With nothing to do, and no way to climp down the hard-for-inuyasha- steeped cliff. She turned and fell asleep again. Keeping closed tight, her eyes.

Kogas Cave

" WHAT!? The mutt is dead! Ginta are you sure?" The young wolf demon stuttered at his reply and simply gave a nod. Koga jumped up and began to pace the cave, his wolves watching him closely.

" Oh, and Koga?"

" mm?"

" Her other companions were found dead a little further back." Koga stopped and looked at Ginta, his face pale and taunt.

" Are you saying that MY kagome is wandering the land, alone?" Ginta looked down and nodded. Koga stopped pacing and quickly ran out of the cave.

" I'll be dead before anyone claims Kagome before I do..." He leapt over some trees and followed her scent as best as he could.

" Kagome..."

Kagomes Cave

She rolled over onto her side before noticing a shadow pass over her eyelids. oh kami... She slowly opened her eyes and met a familiar haunting face.

" Naraku..." His smile widened as she pulled the sheets around her,

" Sweet innocence..." He stepped backwards and went to her shelf, grabbing a brush and a basin of water. He stopped dead in front of her bed. Holding a hand out he smiled wickedly.

" Come with me." She was wearing a thin white nightgown ( One of 15, she chose the least revealing, still...) she hesitantly pushed the blankets away. She thought of Inuyasha as she prepared to give herself to him. I love you Inuyasha, I love you, I love you. A second voice appeared in her voice then shivering her to the bone. Then why are you dishonoring him? With no choice she let the blankets fall. Narakus eyes immediatly fell to her shapely legs, imagining then softly wrapped around him. Then another view came to his sight. One he took advantage of. She pulled herself over the bed and saw how Narakus eyes went from her legs to her pale cleavage. The nightgown barely came above her knee and was slightly, a loose fitting silk. Small little straps around her neck was all that held the skimpy garment into place. She stood up and crossed her arms, trying to cover her now hard peaks. He stepped forward and she slowly grabbed his hand. He spun her around, causing her to "yip" in fright. He held her bridal style and hopped down the slope, flying after a moment or two. She held tight, trying not to fall, but also trying not to turn the disgusting hanyou on. He stopped at an enormous hotspring that was not too far from a small waterfall. He placed her on a flat rock and stood back to admire how the cold wind chilled her skin and pestered the tenderness of her breasts. She fidgeted slightly under his "eyefull penetration" something, Naraku, not Onigumo found rather arousing.

" Don't fear, miko. I have simply come to bathe you, that is all, however, if you tempt me, it will be a certain pleasure to take part in the punishment of that."

" I can bathe myself actually." Bad idea. She could feel his anger well up, but he quickly subdued it.

" Do you want to be killed?"

" Yes." He laughed and took a quick step toward her.

" Anything you wish for, is something I swear never to fufill. Now then." His outstretched palm, was like bringing a finger to a flame. He pulled her to him and she struggled to stand as he hefted her into the spring. Pulling her nightgown over head while doing so. She immediatly pulled her arms down and ducked beneath the water. She turned to watch his movements, only to find him disrobing. She couldnt help it, no matter how much she hated him, when he pulled his arms back to remove his regular blue and white kimono ( A/N still working on my Japanese terms here ) His chest shimmered slightly. And just below that was a very sculpted stomach. And just below that was something that sent shivers of fright down her spine.

He noticed how she blushed madly and turned her head, her face pale that she had been eyeing him. He stepped gracefully into the spring and she backed herself into the wall. Her knees up to her chest and her arm wrapped around them, protecting something even more sacred to her than the jewel or her arrows. She turned her head and closed her eyes softly. Waiting for him to ' do his buisness' but he had said all he wanted was to bathe her.

She opened her eyes and found his back to her, his arm behind him holding out a the basin and the brush. Her breathing quickened as she stood. His words ran through her like ice. She wouldn't tempt, though she actually already have. She had nothing here to inspire her once vicious dignity. The once powerful and very stubborn miko, was now reduced to a simple servant of the devil. She grasped the basin from him and the brush, his fingers brushing hers slightly. She dipped the basin in the water and pured it lightly over his hair. He bent his head back and she saw his eyes sparkle. She continued to wet his hair, he moaned a good six or seven times before she finished.

" umm...could you go under?" He took a short breath and let his head submerge under the water briefly. When he brought it back up she ran the brush up and down until his hair lay in black lochs around him. Her turn.

" Turn around." He said. She turned quickly and went under until it covered her breasts. He got down on his knees as he slowly began to pour water down her hair.

" Dunk your head." She went under and felt the sensation fill her body before lifting her head out again. He brought the brush softly down on her head and marveled at how soft it was. He finished with her and stepped out. Pulling her with him. Before she could run and grab her gown and pushed her against a smooth rock and held her arms out. She whimpered in the easy defeat and bowed her head. He black hair coming down to hide her breasts from him. He growled but gave her the small bit of privacy. She was curved where she needed to be curved, and no doubt all the traveling had made her very tight. Small ripples cascaded along her stomach as muscle contracted beneath her skin. She was perfect, to be blunt.

He dropped her hands and threw her the gown. To which she put on quickly. She picked her up and they were again in the cave in brief moments. He layed her on the bed and pulled the covers back and as she turned away from him, he slid in next to her, practically spooning her. She tensed. Her fear was the sweetest scent he had ever smelt, and so strong her could almost taste it. He pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arm around her thin waist. Three candles remain lit at the end of the cave, slightly illuminating it. He drew them to him and blew them out. Her fear increased as it became pitch black. He could still see fine however. He let his clawed finger trace along the seam of her gown and now arousal pricked his senses just slightly. He heard her curse and he let out a loud laugh. He pulled her to him harder and she felt him swelling on her lower back. She gasped.

" Don't be so impatient, dear Kagome, I have buisness, but I will leave you in peace once you slumber." She twitched at the sound of her name on his lips. He snaked his head into her hair and inhaled its sweet scent. Her heart lurched as she thought of her betrayal, how weak she was now, the days of happiness with Inuyasha were only dreams now, nothing more. Only dreams. She closed her eyes and slept in the enemys arms, desperatly awaiting her own death.

Well, I told you it was dramatic. Well, if you have questions, which you probably do, please review, we all love reviews you know! Constructed critisism is welcome to!

Western mistress


( re-edited 7-17-07 )