AN: Now I know I haven't posted in a long time and all of you who had this on watch probably have moved on, but here is another chapter. I have no adequate excuses for my long delay.

Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings does not and will never be owned by me, though it's merchandise is proudly paid for and displayed in my bedroom.

The long Nap:

Elrond groaned and stretched, his weekly meeting with the Imladris advisors had been of the usual kind but he had a shaky feeling something was wrong. He'd seen neither hide nor hair of his children and even the wisest of fathers knew that always brought bad news. One glance out the balcony proved his suspicions true as he witnessed a pair of twin elves carrying a bundle.

"Someone fetch a stretcher, incoming wounded!" he ordered, never glancing from the sight. An elf in the room immediately ran for help swiftly and silently as Elrond made his way to the front entrance, Glorfindel in quick pursuit.

"My lord, what is it? We've been at peace for years." He asked equally as calm outwardly.

"I believe my youngest to be in danger." Elrond replied sighing and praying it wasn't too bad. As the boys came closer though, he begged help to be swift. As fate would hope, two elves did arrive, with a flat board stretcher ready.

In a matter of moments Estel was on the stretcher and the twins were astonishingly, for they often never were, talking out of sync and jumbled.

"Elladan, Elrohir! Calm down and tell me, One at a TIME, what happened?" Elrond asked visually examining his youngest son.

"We were playing hide and seek with him." Elladan started.

"And he fell down the ravine edge."

"There were no signs of blood, …"

"But he may have broken something." Elrohir finished worriedly glancing as the elves took their little brother into the surgery.

"Alright, we will talk about this later boys" Elrond started sternly, but gave them a small reassuring smile, "but for now, why don't you two go into the hall of fire and relax, this wasn't your fault."

They nodded and took one last look before walking off to their designated waiting room.

"Do you think Adar can fix him, Dan?" Elrohir asked quietly, sad eyes watching the fire blankly.

"If anyone can, you know it's Adar. He's the best there is." Elladan replied, but he too was equally distant, pondering the potential outcomes of this incident, wondering if they had made it back in time.


Elrond peeled Estel's eyelids back, after checking him over he found the child had a large pump knot on his head, a sprained ankle and a fractured rib which was no doubt causing his breathing to be labored.

As he thought, one pupil was dialated to the size of a dime. Estel was concussed and unconscious. Elrond ran a hand over his face and sighed deeply, it would take some work and constant watch to bring his precious son back to reality. But he counted his blessings, the child still had a fighting chance to make it out without too much damage.

"You," he called to an assistant healer, "my apologies, but I need you to gather some nettle, sage, yarrow, ginseng, mugwort and maritime pine bark along with the bach flowers, white chestnut, cerrato, clematis and walnut."

There was no need to write it down, he supposed. The healer had been working with him for years enough to know the supplies.

"Sir, we used the rest of the yarrow last week." He replied to his lord, already gathering most of the supplies.

"There's another batch in storage collected recently, the supply list should have been updated." Elrond replied almost showing a hint of dissatisfaction. He sighed and made his way to the Hall of fire to inform his sons of his findings.

Elladan and Elrohir stared at the fire in auditory silence, but mentally they were focused on the same thoughts of how and why things went wrong. They almost didn't notice their father enter the room

Immediately after realization hit, they both stood up and looked at their father anxiously.

"Man neitha ah mín pín gwador?" Elrohir asked slipping into his normal speak.

"Estel is concussed and unconscious, his physical wounds will heal but he will need all of our help to see him safely returned to us." Elrond replied in common speak beckoning for his sons to come closer.

The twins, though adults, embraced their father and accepted the comfort given.

It would be a long night tonight.