A/N: I know, long wait. I'm sorry. Here's the next chapter.

Disclaimer: Yes, I absolutely own CSI: Miami. Yeah right. Give me a call when cows fly and I'll let you know… that it's never gonna happen.

"I was talking about making you into a CSI." Horatio said.

"What?" Natalia asked. This had not quite sunk in yet.

"You would have to go through field training and you'd have to get a gun license, but you've already completed lab training. We'd start the field training before your leave and finish up after you come back and the gun license we can do sometime this month."

"Yeah, ok, that'd be great." Natalia said, shocked.

"Good." Horatio nodded. "You can go."

Natalia stood up and walked outside. She went into the break room, where Eric and Ryan were sitting. Ryan was eating a banana and Eric was drinking a water bottle. She poured herself some coffee and put it on the table, not yet taking a sip.

"What's up?" Ryan asked.

"I think Horatio just made me a CSI." Natalia said.

"Good for you." Ryan said.

"Thanks." Natalia reached out for her coffee, but Eric grabbed it from her.

"No way." He said.

Natalia's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Did…Did you….You… Did you…" Her voice squeaked. "Did you just take my coffee from me?"

"It's bad for the baby." Eric said. Ryan was fighting back laughter.

"You did. You just deprived me from coffee." Natalia looked like she was going to cry.

"The baby could end up with two heads." Eric said.

"So, then there would be more of it to love." Natalia's sad face and her last comment were enough for Ryan to lose control and start laughing hysterically.

"That child is not going to have two heads."

"Please Eric, just a little." Natalia begged.

He shook his head. "No coffee until he or she is born." Ryan now had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

Natalia gasped. "Clearly you have a death wish. Just ask you sister what happens when I don't have any coffee."

"No coffee. Come on, our shifts are over. Let's go home." Natalia nodded, still pouting, as the two left the lab.

"How does it feel to be a CSI?" Marisol asked her best friend one night. Natalia had been a CSI for almost a month now and the two were hanging out.

"It feels actually really good. It's nice to be a part of something that can't be destroyed by Nick." Natalia said.

"And you know what?" Marisol began. "That's good. So, I'm thinking that we celebrate with some mocktails." She grinned as she took two glasses and handed one to Natalia. "Here's to you, and the wonderful baby... wait a minute. Do you and Eric want to know what you're having?"

Natalia laughed at her friend's ability to jump from topic to topic. "Nope, we want it to be a surprise." Marisol's jaw dropped and Natalia laughed at the look on Marisol's face.

"B...Bu...But how am I supposed to know what color clothes to buy for my future niece or nephew?"

"You're not." Natalia took a sip from her drink.

"Have you two discussed names yet?"

"I'm only three months pregnant. I've got six more to go."

"Ok. Fine. Whatever." Marisol grinned. "Just let me know what you decide."

In the six more months that Natalia had been pregnant, a lot had happened. Her past with Nick had been revealed. She had gotten her gun license and was almost finished with training to become a CSI. Gloria had almost screwed everything up. Eric had told her he loved her and she told him she loved him.

And now, she was nine months pregnant and feeling extremely fat. She spent her days lying on the couch and her nights sleeping.

"Eric." Natalia complained for what had to have been the tenth time that hour. "How do you still like me? I mean, I look like a freakin' whale."

He smiled at her, looking directly into her eyes. "You'll always be beautiful to me."

"Yeah right." She scoffed.

"Yeah is right." Eric said. "I love you 'Talia."

"I love you too, Eric." She said then froze. "We're having a baby."

Eric sighed. "We've been here before Talia. Yes, we are having a baby."

"I meant now. Right now. Like get me to a hospital right now." She said.

Realization passed over Eric's face as he grabbed the bag she had packed and helped her into the car.

Many hours later, he was sitting next to her, holding his baby girl in his arms for the first time.

"What should we name her?" Eric asked in a whisper, so as not to wake his daughter.

"Well, you can choose one name and I'll choose the other." Natalia said, looking at him.

"Ok. Well, I don't know what you want as the first name, but I like Sofia as a middle name."

Natalia bit her lip gently. "I like Luciana."

Eric nodded. "Luciana Sofia Boa Vista it is."

Natalia looked at him like he had three heads. "No, Luciana Sofia Delko. I want her to have you last name."

"Ok." Eric said, leaning down to sweetly capture her lips with his own.

"I'm going to sleep." Natalia closed her eyes and her breath became even as Eric watched her.

"Luciana Sofia Delko. Luci Delko. You are going to have the best parents in the world." He whispered quietly.

"I want to meet my niece." Marisol squealed as she ran into the room.

"Calm down." Eric told his sister. "Talia's trying to sleep."

"Sorry." Marisol whispered, but then squealed when she saw the baby in Eric's arms, thus waking Natalia from her sleep.

"How are you?" Marisol asked her best friend.

"Good, I am really good." Natalia said, sitting up in her bed.

"Soo...?" Marisol began, trying to look innocent. "Can I hold her?"

Eric passed his daughter to Marisol who looked at Horatio, Calleigh, and Ryan, who had all come in the room with her, much to the reluctance of the nurses.

"What's her name?" Calleigh asked.

"Luciana Sofia Delko." Natalia said. "Luci for short."

"Pretty name." Ryan said.

"She's a pretty little girl." Horatio spoke for the first time.

"He's right." Eric said. "She is a pretty girl. And I'll let it be known now that she's not dating until she turns 30 and hopefully later than that."

"Don't worry." Natalia teased. "With her father teaching her that all boys are not ok unless he says so, I'm sure she'll be fine." She, Marisol, and Calleigh laughed, but stopped once they saw the serious looks the men had on their face.

"Ok, there is just one more thing to be settled." Natalia said.

"H, we would like you and Mari to be Luci's godparents." Eric said, waiting for his sister to squeal again, and to his displeasure, she did, before both of them accepted.

At that point, the nurse shooed everyone but Eric out of the room. They left, unwillingly, all promising to stop by at some point or another.

"She's perfect." Eric said to Natalia. "Just like her mother." Natalia blushed a little and smiled.

After many years, her life was finally perfect. Little did she know, that was all about to change.

A/N: Ok, here goes. Sorry for the looooooonnnnnnngggggg wait for the update, but I have been really busy and then I sorta lost where I was going, but then I skipped a time period and got over that. Now, here we are, with Eric and Natalia and their new daughter. Don't worry, I'm not ending it yet. I plan to bring some people from both of their pasts into the story.

Reviews are welcome please.