I thought I would post trailers for Betrayal by Blood, the Deathly Hallow's version of year 7.

Trailer One: Pandemonium

Pandemonium ensued as guests rushed everywhere. Before Emma could blink, Lupin and Tonks were surrounding her as if they sensed an imminent threat approaching. "Where's Harry?" she asked, trying to find the trio. She didn't want to lose them yet, but Lupin and Tonks kept their grip on her.

Death eaters swirled in moments later. 'Are you here?' she asked Draco not wanting anyone to hex him.

'No, I am still at the ministry,' he said. Both were too busy battling after that to talk any longer.

Suddenly Lupin and Tonks shoved her down, covering her with their bodies as a hex flew over. She used a mental spell to body bind the culprit "We need to get beyond the apparition shield," Tonks said as the three of them rushed away from the house.

Most of the guests had already left, only a handful had stayed behind with them and the Weasley's to fight off the death eaters. "Hulytreim," Emma cast.

"What the hell was that?" Lupin asked as the death eater collapsed, twitching for a moment.

"SomethingI picked up from the society," Emma said. She saw Padraig, Seamus' older brother, out of the corner of her eye cast another of the society's spells at a death eater.

They weren't sure which of them were hit—her or Draco—but suddenly everything went black. The roar of fighting was heard but nothing beyond that. "Em," Lupin said. He wrapped an arm around her waist .

She didn't know how much longer the battle lasted; it didn't seem like it lasted long, but each passing second when she couldn't see felt like a lifetime. "We are getting you home," Lupin said, picking her up. Tonks squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Be glad you can't see yourself right now, Em," Tonks said happily.

Trailer: Help?

"Come on, Hermione. Perform the patronus," Harry encouraged as they made their way to the door where he knew dozens more dementors waited for them. He was beginning to think they needed a better escape plan, they always seemed to fly by the seat of their pants.

They burst through the doors into the hall where the other muggleborns were waiting for trial.

Suddenly a unicorn patronus gracefully cantered down the hall. Harry turned, he knew the patronus, but stopped short seeing the young black woman. "Wotcher, Harry," the woman drawled.

Harry raised an eye. "Tonks?"

All he got was a wink.

Trailer: Pairing Off

"I thought you didn't mess with people's minds," Hermione reproached.

Emma frowned. "I could have just let them twiddle their thumbs as they decided what to do," she said coldly. "Would that have been better? To have the dementors and ministry swoop back in and finish what they started after your huge disruption? I didn't force them, I simply made a mental suggestion that the Bahamas, or Canada, or some other distant land would be a good place to leave to. My father is helping people leave the country. And what about what you did with your parents?"

"At least you know your parents are safe," Ron said angrily.

Hermione frowned between the two of them. She never would have imagined that Ron would side with Emma on anything, let alone against her.

Trailer: Dissent

"Hagrid, who prefers abnormally sized spiders and dragons for pets?" Ron asked. "It's alright for the two of you," he gestured to Ron and Hermione, "not having to worry about your parents and family," he fumed, "some of us don't have that luxury," he said gesturing to Emma who was standing beside him.

"Then go!" Harry roared.

When Harry and Ron made a move, Hermione casted a protection shield between them, effectively dividing Harry and Hermione on one side, inside the tent, while Ron and Emma were on the other side of the barrier in the rain.

"Leave the horcrux," Harry said coldly.

Emma looked at Ron with understanding. She reached for his hand and hugged him.

"Emma?" Harry asked surprised. She had turned her back on him and Hermione.

Trailer: Draco and Dumbledore

"Then you know little. I feel how guilt ridden she is now, the pressure she is under. Especially if he is wrong and Harry doesn't come back."

"I know it is too much to ask that you have a little faith in me," Dumbledore said.

"I think you should have been in Slytherin, sir," Draco said. "You have manipulated everyone for years," he sighed.

Trailer: Life for Malfoy

"Malfoy," a voice called out behind him. He turned to see Blaize walking out of the Great Hall. They both kept a peripheral outlook to ensure none of the Carrows crept up on them. "Where are your minions?"

"Like I care," Draco drawled.

Blaise nodded. "I had a detention for MacMillian in Hufflepuff this afternoon," Blaize said loud enough for one of the other Slytherins they walked past to overhear. They weren't sure which were spies for the Carrows. 'Aren't all Slytherin's spies for the Carrows?' Emma asked.

'Some are set to spy on us specifically,' Draco explained. 'I have my theories which ones. Including my own minions.'

"Pansy I think was converted to their side," Blaise spoke again. "Her treatment of you has changed lately."

"Believe me, I've noticed. I think they approached Crabbe and Goyle."

Blaise leaned against the wall next to Draco as they watched the students go back and forth as dinner ended. Few knew that Draco and Blaize were friends. Most thought of them only as housemates, or rivals within Slytherin. Draco knew Emma understood that Blaize was the only that could be deemed his equal, and they got along when not surrounded by Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle.

They were passing the time before curfew chatting. Trewlaney was leaving the Great Hall and heading to her tower when she passed them. "Mr. Malfoy… it is odd I see the future for students that no longer take my class… but long I have seen you of late. Odd, really, since you are blonde… yes, odd," she said walking off again.

Blaise and Draco shared a confused look and Blaise shook his head. "Crazy," he mouthed behind her back.

They heard Trewlaney stumble as she ran into a pillar. "Ah, yes!" she said. "It is a dark future for us all, that is what I keep seeing. Death and destruction. Yet in the immediate future I see you and another keep appearing before me and I hear a baby cry. Nothing brings joy like a baby's laugh. Ah!" she said happily finding her way around the pillar. "Fire and Flame, diapers and bottles…" her voice trailed off as she staggered towards her tower room.

"Completely mad, that one," Blaise shrugged. "I mean, you and a baby? A real baby?"

Don't forget to check out Betrayal by Blood!