Minna-san hisashi buri! (Long time no see everyone!)

Okay, so I know this says I just posted a Chapter 9-- well, I lied.

However, instead of a new chapter for this story, I'm gonna tell you about the latest chapter for the character of June!

So, since I finished this story a couple of years ago, I have been getting lots of comments and even more e-mails from people who have read my story and liked it and let me just say, I'm honored, really! And I'm really glad I could write something so many of you would like! And a lot of you guys have been asking if I would make a sequel to "June."

At first, I thought it wouldn't be such a good idea- I mean, the turn out for this story was MORE than I expected, and I was so happy with it's success; why push it with a sequel? But the more I thought of it, the more I played with the idea. And around the time I was playing with ideas, I went out and bought the TMNT Soundtrack, being the Turtle fan that I am (I must say, you should all check into it- it's a pretty kick ass soundtrack) and one track I liked above the others: "Roses" by Meg and Dia.

Well, the more I listened to it, I realized the lyrics don't really make sense. Not to me, at least. But a couple of lines in the song really stuck in my head, and the music was great- I could feel the passion and vulnerablility. So I started to use that as a premise for my new story... (I suggest you all going out and listening to it- it's a great song and honestly, it's gonna make the new story a lot easier to "feel").

So please, keep an eye out for my newest story, and the sequel to "June"-- "Roses Bloom In June."

Thank you guys so much for reading, and I hope I won't disappoint! *fingers crossed*
