Final Chapter

"The Words That Do Justice"

Raven's heart was galloping as she stormed threw the unaware crowd. She gave no care for how far away she came from looking like Beast Boy, all she cared about was his safety. Remembering where she last saw him, Raven ravaged her way threw the dance floor until he saw the green boy.

"BEAST BOY!" She hollered, not even caring that he wouldn't respond to that name. She was continuously calling his name until she reached him.

"Um . . . Did you loose track on who is who?" Beast Boy said, raising one eyebrow. Raven didn't care, she had to get threw to him somehow that he wasn't Raven.

"Beast Boy! You have to listen to me, you're not me!" She pleaded, but Beast Boy back up a bit with a disgusted look.

"Um, Beast Boy? Are you okay?" His voice sounded concerning. Raven sighed and turned around.

"He still thinks he's me. I've got to say something that would make him believe me . . ." She thought to herself. Her mind searching within itself until she came up with the perfect thought.

"Okay . . . Raven . . . I have a confession . . . I read your diary . . ." The moment she said that, Beast Boy went into an uncontrollable rage.

"YOU WHAT!?" Beast Boy hollered. The holler was filled with worry more than anger. He turned around with complete confusion.

"How could you read it . . . I don't believe you . . . I . . ."

"I met this new group of people. They were crime fighters, well, most of them. One was a famous crime fighter named Robin. He was kind of cute, but it looks like he was involved with another girl, I think, it was all too confusing. You see, there was an alien, clearly a Tamaran, named Starfire but when we first saw her, she automatically kissed Robin. Confusing huh? Well, there was another cool guy named Cyborg, mainly because he's half robot. And then there's Beast Boy, a green boy who can transform to different animals at will. He's a pretty funny guy. The good part is he accepts me along with everyone else, I think I'm going to have fun with them . . ." Her words were the exact words out of the diary. Beast Boy was shocked. He looked down and then looked back up.

"Wait . . . If you read my diary, then you'd have to be me because of the spell. But if you acting like Beast Boy . . . Then I must be . . ." Beast Boy looked at himself a bit.

"Yep, you're Beast Boy." Raven said with a smile. Beast Boy chuckled a bit.

"Well, I don't feel like Beast Boy." He said as he examined himself a bit.

"What? Don't you feel a bit boyish?" Raven chuckled. Beast Boy looked at his body and laughed.

"Ya, I guess I do. Well, if I'm supposed to be Beast Boy, why don't you just change our cloths." He suggested. Raven nodded and began to cast a spell. Beast Boy's cloths began to glow and so did Raven's until they both switched automatically amongst each other. The song was finished and the rest of the titans joined up with the both of them.

"Glorious! Everything is back to normal yes?" Starfire said wondrously, but Beast Boy rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, almost . . ." He said. Starfire stopped her joy as Robin stepped in.

"So, how long are you gonna stay like that?" Robin asked. Raven placed her hands on her chin. After a few moments of thinking, she snapped her fingers.

"I got it! I have a spell that will fast forward time in Beast Boy's mind so he can get this whole phase over with." Raven said with a smile.

"I don't think I can let that happen." The Titan's looked up and gazed upon Slade, standing on the steel bars holding the ceiling. The team went into battle positions as everyone in the dance floor panicked. Raven was the first one to step forward.

"Well too bad Slade! I would have already cast the spell before you get threw all of us!" Raven hollered. Slade jumped on the ground and made everyone jump. He stood on his feet and chuckled.

"Child, have you ever looked at the time?" Slade was right. Raven gazed at the only clock around, a digital one. 11:59 it said, but before Raven could do anything, it switched to 12:00. As soon as the clock switched, Beast Boy stopped. His whole body froze.

"Oh no . . ." That's all Raven could say before Beast Boy hollered with anger. The whole room began to shake as Beast Boy morphed uncontrollably. Slade rose his hands and began to laugh.

"Now, I'll let my little pet do the rest of the work." Slade disappeared into the shadows as Beast Boy rose with anger in his eyes.

"What exactly did he read!?" Robin yelled towards Raven. Raven sighed, knowing what must happen.

"Well, two days ago, when he found out I had a diary, I got angry and said I would, well . . . would kill him." The team gasped as they prepared for Beast Boy's arrival.

"Hold it! If he thinks he's Raven and you wrote that you would take care of Beast Boy . . . Than he's going after . . ."

"RAVEN!" Starfire hollered. Beast Boy morphed into a cheetah and hopped towards Raven. The pounce was too fast for any of the Titans to react. Beast Boy collided with Raven as they both collided with the wall. Raven was hesitant as Beast Boy lifted his claw.

"Raven! Look out!" Robin yelled. Raven swiftly moved her head to the left and dodged the slice. Raven let out a burst of black aura as Beast Boy landed on the ground. He swiftly turned into a gorilla and charged for Raven once again. Cyborg finally slipped in front of him with intense fiery.

"I guess you're making me do this BB!" Cyborg pulled his fist back and cracked Beast Boy in the face. Beast Boy launched to the ceiling, but transformed into a hawk and fluttered to them. He then transformed into a T-Rex and brushed everyone away with one swing of the tail. He then made a head on charge towards Raven, but she was saved by Starfire with a single swoop and Robin came up and smacked him in the face with a steel pull. While flying threw mid-air, Beast Boy transformed into a Pterodactyl and charged after Starfire.

"Please Beast Boy! I do not want to fight you!" Starfire implored, but Beast Boy continued to pursue her. When Beast Boy got close enough, he went for a slash from his talons, but he crashed into a dark shield. Starfire looked down and saw Raven with an angry look.

"He's not gonna listen and he won't until he kills me!" Starfire landed on the ground where the team grouped up.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Robin asked as they saw Beast Boy get up slowly and transform into an elephant.

"I need some time, that's all. Each second with this time spell is like an hour to his mind! If I could just get 24 seconds!" Raven hollered, but she couldn't finished since Beast Boy was on the move.

"Raven! Get that spell ready! Titan's! Bring him down!" The order from Robin was tough to follow, but they had no choice since Beast Boy turned his head for the strike. Starfire grabbed Beast Boy's trunk and stopped the attack. She picked up Beast Boy and slammed him on the ground. Starfire lost her grip when Beast Boy transformed into a fly. He rose in the air then transformed into a Brontosaurus. Everyone jumped back as Beast Boy made a circle of dust with a swish of his tail. Suddenly, a black aura began to cover Beast Boy as he froze for a bit.

"NO!" Slade jumped out of the shadows and tackled Raven. She was pinned to the ground as Slade whispered into her ear.

"You . . . Are going to squirm . . . until your own words from own writing strip your soul apart!" Slade growled, but Robin was there to kick him away. Raven was up on her feet, but was struck by the head of a rhino. Raven stopped in mid-air and continued to cast the spell on Beast Boy. Beast Boy didn't freeze this time, he charged for her as a raven. Beast Boy hesitated a bit, seeing the site of her own self.

"Raven!" Starfire once again pushed Raven out of the way as Beast boy turned around with a glare.

Robin and Slade were clear across the dance floor, battling each other with merely martial arts. Robin was clearly the one loosing, but he made one move that tripped him to the ground. He grabbed Slade by the shoulders and pulled him up.

"What do you want with Beast Boy and Raven!? What are you planning!?" He commanded, but Slade answered with glee surprisingly.

"Don't you get it? With Beast Boy in this mood, he'll take down the most powerful member of your team and with teammate gone, your team will slowly fall apart!" Slade kicked Robin in the air as Robin landed on his feet and one hand.

"It's not gonna happen . . ." Robin said with two explosive discs in hand. He hopped in the air and launched them towards Slade.

Cyborg and Starfire were holding Beast Boy, who was a Raptor at the time, as Raven prepared the spell once again. Raven had to be on the ground as she shot towards Beast Boy. Beast Boy shook the two titans off of him and launched into the air. Raven had to take the shot again as she launched the beam at Beast Boy. It was a direct hit, but he was coming in with great speed. Raven couldn't move, all she thought of was death as Beast Boy came in with great speed. As soon as Beast Boy's hands touched Raven, his hands morphed into human form and so did his face as it pressed against Raven's face. Lips touching lips, it was such an odd time, but it felt so right for the two of them.

"What!? What's happening!?" Slade hollered. The team saw the two of them locking lips together with love shinning from the two of them. Beast Boy turned his head around and grinned.

"You forgot the entry I wrote after that Slade . . . It's over . . ." Beast Boy said. It seemed like he was back to normal as Slade backed away with wide opened eyes.

"I guess this was inevitable." Slade pulled out a smoke grenade and threw it on the ground, escaping into the darkness again with a blast of smoke. None of the team cared that much, knowing that the team was back to normal.

Inside the tower, the team was celebrating their victory and the two new lovers. They were having anything the two of them would like, which was basically tea and tofu. Complying with their wishes, they sat down and eat with Beast Boy and Raven.

"So, Beast Boy, what did you write in there that ruined Slade's plan?" Robin wondered as Beast Boy laughed.

"Yes! Please tell us!" Starfire implored.

"Let's see what kind of love you put in that diary!" Cyborg said with a chuckle. Beast Boy looked towards Raven as she pulled out the diary.

"Well, since she's the only one that can read it, let her do it." Beast Boy said. Raven opened up to the last page and began to read it.

Dear Diary,

Today was a bit strange, Beast Boy was acting weird, but what else is new? I couldn't talk much, I was throwing as many insults as I could at him, just to hide the biggest feeling I had for him. Every time it came close to coming out, I left, but I only wish I could tell him. I only wish I could say something before it was too late. His hair, his eyes, his face, his jokes. For so long I tried to resist, for so long I wanted to tell him, just to say one phrase . . . I love you Beast Boy.