Author's Note: I was looking through the horror/mystery section and found that there's not many stories in that section. I watched the movie Scream last night and thought I might try to write my own version of it for the HSM section. This is just the trailer. I've never done a trailer before, so it's probably not that great, but please R&R anyway and let me know if I should continue or not.


"Why do you want to know my name?" she asked.

"I want to know who I'm looking at."

It started with a scream over 911

"Why are the police here?" Gabriella asked as she approached the school.

"You didn't hear?" Taylor asked. Gabriella shook her head. "Mindy Smith and Steve Collins were murdered last night."

And turned into one of the worst killing sprees the town had ever seen

"It looks as if we have a serial killer on our hands," a police officer remarked.

"This son of a bitch has already killed five people and yet we have absolutely no leads."

There was nowhere to run

Scene shows a girl getting chased through her house.

Nowhere to hide

Scene shows a girl almost being attacked in the school bathroom.

Trust no one

"Everybody's a suspect!"


Taylor McKessie

"I can't believe there is a serial killer here in Albuquerque."

Jason Cross

"They were totally hollowed out man. Their insides were on the outside."

Zeke Baylor

"They asked me if I did a lot of hunting."

Ryan Evans

"There are certain rules one must abide by in order to successfully survive a scary movie."

Sharpay Evans

"Help me please! Somebody please help!"

Chad Danforth

"I'll be right back!"

Gabriella Montez

"It's you!"


Troy Bolton

"It wasn't me I swear! Please, you have to believe me!"


I purposely tried to leave out any personal pronouns that would suggest whether the killer was a boy or girl. That's because I want to know who you think should be the killer. I can't decide. So if you do review, please tell me who you think the killer should be, and also who you think should be killed and who should live. Thanks for reading.