Disclamier: Duh. Don't own.

Edgeworth blearily opened his eyes and blinked. "Why is my bookcase upside down?" HEADACHE PAIN. "Ngh. Ow." Edgeworth was currently upside down on the couch in the prosecutors office. Slowly Edgeworth looked around. "...How?..." Then he saw Phoenix Wright sprawled out on the newer couch he had gotten earlier that year. Edgeworth raised an eyebrow. Okay then... Edgeworth tried to pull himself upright but failed and ended up falling off the couch with a yelp and a thud. "Itaii..." Edgeworth lay there for a minute while the pounding in his head faded a bit.

Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, woke up to a loud thump with a jerk. Immediately he regretted it as his head began to pound. "NGH." He groaned at the pain that had decided his eyeballs need to explode out of their sockets. He pressed the heel of his palms against them until he was seeing spots.

Edgeworth looked up at The other couch when Phoenix groaned. Slowly he sat up careful not to move to fast so as not to aggravated his headache. Careful he got to his feet and went to his desk. With a small sigh he sat down in his chair, and, opening a drawer, fished around inside for the bottle of pain relievers he normally kept there. He popped the top and poured three into his palm, then swallowed them dry. he looked at Phoenix who seemed determined to push his eyes in so far that he could see the inside of his brain. "Hey..." he said to the Defense Attorney, "Got a headache too?"

Phoenix removed his hands and blinked rapidly to remove the spots dancing in his vision. He waited for his vision to clear, and yelp when it finally did reveling where he was and who was there. Then he groaned again as pain shot through his head again. "...No, I have a Splitting headache. Big difference."

Edgeworth gave Phoenix a look. "...right. I have some pain reliever, if you want it?" His headache was already clearing up.
Phoenix gave Edgeworth a pleading look.
Edgeworth almost chuckled, then he tossed the bottle to Wright. Wright caught it, barely. He popped the top and poured out five of the pills, then one at a time popped them into his mouth.
Edgeworth gave him a glare. "Stop wasting my pill Wright."
Phoenix gave Edgeworth a rude sign and draped an arm over his eyes. "Your color scheme makes my head hurt worse."
Edgeworth snorted. "my color scheme is fine, your just colorblind."
"Not to Pink."
"..." Miles looked at Phoenix.
"Your colorblind?"
"...Only a little"
" Green."
"I can't see green."
"Green. interesting."
"That's also why I don't drive.
"Cause you can't see the light change? I though It would become, Y'know, a lighter gray or something." Miles said.
Phoenix looked at Miles from under his arm. " You know a lot about colorblindness. But anyways, not in my case. You see in normal cases of colorblindness, you can't see two colors. The most common type is red-green colorblindness, where you can't distinguish between red and green. Mine is unique. I can't see the color green. At all. It looks black."
Miles raised an Eyebrow. "...Uh wow. I just read about it for an old case, but I've never heard of that type of colorblindness."
"It's unique. I am probably the only one that has it." Phoenix shrugged.
"I see. How's your headache?"
"Next time, no victory drink. Defiantly no victory drink."
"Agreed." Phoenix grinned.

Miles grinned back.


My facts may be off on colorblindness. Excuse that. I'll fix it later. Quick Drabble.