Prince of Tennis: Inseparable

Disclaimer: Do Not Owe Prince of Tennis!

Warning: boy/boy (Tezuka/Ryoma) Do Not Read If This Offends You.

"I can't believe it. Summer break is finally here," a girl's voice said with a sigh.

"I can't believe Aichi Middle School wouldn't let Ryoma play in the tennis club," the second girl's voice complained.

"That coach is mean. I wish we had a coach like in Seigaku," the first voice said.

"Seigaku? What are you talking about Haruko?" The second voice asked.

"You don't know about Seigaku's famous players Midori? They are unbeatable!" Haruko exclaimed.

"If Seigaku is unbeatable, why did Ryoma come to Aichi in the first place?" Midori asked.

"My mother was in the tennis club as well as my father was. They both wanted me to join Aichi," Ryoma said.

"You are the best player around! Aichi would have won this year if that coach had put you in," Midori said.

"Aw, already? I don't want to leave yet!" Haruko exclaimed as the trio were now in the area where Haruko have to go in her separate ways.

"We'll be seeing each other tomorrow, right?" Midori asked.

"Yea, want to meet each other at the park?" Haruko asked.

Ryoma shrugged, "sure, why not?"

Haruko beamed as she waved good-bye and the two began their journey home.

"Did I tell you that Seigaku has the hottest captain around?" Midori squealed.

Ryoma blinked, "Midori, I'm a guy."

"Doesn't matter! His name is Kunimitsu Tezuka! Even if you are a guy, you'll fall in love with him immediately."

Ryoma sighed, why does he only have girl friends and not guy friends instead?

"Ah, here's my stop. See you tomorrow Ryoma!" Midori cried as she hugged Ryoma before leaving.

Before he decided to go home, he went and stopped by McDonald's to get some food to eat. He sat at a bar stool as he could hear voices loudly in his ears, he knew it was coming over from a table nearby as a couple of middle school students sat there as well.

He sighed as he had enough of this as he put out his trash and held his drink within his hands. Unfortunately, the cover wasn't tightly shut as he accidentally bumped into someone that was coming in the restaurant.

Ryoma looked up and he saw that he had accidentally spilled his drink over a guy's shirt that looked around two-to-three years older then him.

"Are you all right?" The voice asked softly.

"I should be apologizing. I spilled my soda on your shirt."

"No worries. I could get this clean in no time. I could buy you a new drink if you like?" The guy offered.

"Thanks," Ryoma said as he dumped his cup into the trash as he went towards the guy who was waiting for him by the cashier.

"What kind of soda?"

"Diet coke," Ryoma said as he began to take out his money.

"Don't. Didn't I say that I was going to pay for this?" The guy asked with a rare smile that he heard gasps coming from the loud table.

"Thank you," Ryoma murmured as he put his money away and the guy handed him his soda. "I better get going," he said slowly as he turned around and almost ran into another guy as well but he saw him.

Before Ryoma had gone out the door, he head someone say, "Tezuka! What was that about?"

Ryoma blinked as he stood outside the door of the restaurant, that was Tezuka Kunimitsu! The guy Midori and Haruko were both talking about. For some reason, he knew that he was going to meet Tezuka again anytime soon.


me: I know it's short. The story of the chapters are going to be short. Believe me.

Tezuka: I guess we won't be suspecting longer chapters then.

Ryoma: we'll be onto the next chapter soon

Haruko: me and Midori are the author's OCs by the way!

me: Oh yea. Forgot about that.

Midori: you always forget things.

Tezuka: review and update!