There is a village deep in Fire Country that can be seen many miles around thanks to the monument that sits as a monument of the village's power. This village is known Konoha or the Village Hidden in the Leaves,and the monument is none other than the Hokage Mountain,in which all the former Hokages have their faces carved into the rock.

Sitting on top of the mountain is a boy of no more than six years old and has blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes,which at the moment are crying.

"Why does everyone hate me?" little Naruto cried, A question so simple with such a complex answer.


Little Naruto was walking through the streets of Konoha. Finally after saving enough money over the months so he could finally buy his first set of kunai so when the Sadaime enrolled him into the Academy he would know what to do with weapons. He walked into the weapon's shope without much notice and went to find the set he wanted since he was four years old.

"I've finally got enough money, and on the side more than enough to get a couple bowls of ramen after i'm done here." Naruto chuckled to himself slightly.

As he walked up to the counter to pay for his stuff, Naruto was reaching into his pocket to grab his little "Gama-Chan" out which was full to the brim and about to become very skinny, he set it on the counter as he seen how much it would cost.

The store keeper not paying much attention began to ring up the purchase once he was done began to bag the equipment.

"In all your total will come to-" he stopped in his tracks when he began to notice who the person was, there was no mistaking the whisker marks."GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SHOP YOU DEMON CHILD AND NEVER COME BACK, YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED IN PLACE OF THE YODAIME INSTEAD YOU ARE A CURSE TO HIS NAME. HE SHOULD OF KILLED YOU YEARS AGO WHEN HE HAD THE CHANCE, WELL NO MATTER I'LL DO IT MYSELF!!!" the shopkeeper yelled as he shot a malicious glance at Naruto.

While he was yelling Naruto dint notice that the shopkeeper took a kunai from behind the desk and now he began to throw it at Naruto. He din't have time to move so the kunai ended up stick into the side of his leg, but the shop keeper wasn't through just yet. He dragged Naruto out into the middle of the street and began to beat down on the boy until he was nearly unconscious until two ANBU showed up.

"What is going on here?" One of the ANBU asked as he looked and noticed the small blonde heap lying on the ground.

"I'm just taking care of what should of been done six years ago." the shopowner said with no remorse. He turned and began kicking Naruto again.

The ANBU looked down at the boy and suddenly anger began to surge through him as memories of his past came flooding through him.

"Here let me help you with that after all can't let you have all the satisfaction." he told the shopkeeper as he turned and began doing hand signs.

"Katon:Karyu Endan."

Naruto began to scream in pain and agony as the fire on his body began burning him alive ,when the pain began to subside he fell over unconscious unable to bear it any longer. The last thought that went through his mind when it happend was "All I wanted was some Kunai."

The ANBU looked at his handy work as remembered the death of his parents that was caused by the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Satisfied with the wrok his job, he and his partner took off towards the hokage tower as the shopkeeper went back into his shop. They all just left Naruto there for dead.

In his mind Naruto felt as if he were just struggling and just barely hanging on by a thread to his life. An hour after the incident happened he was conscious again, if just barely. Suddenly he began to feel a tingling sensation course through his body,

as if taking away all the pain he was feeling right now.

Naruto slowly began to get up as the memories of what happened began to wash over him. He looked at his body but to his surprise, his body was no longer burned, in fact he was completely healed.

Naruto then got up and decided to run but he din't know where nor did he care he just felt like going some place where he wouldn't be hurt. By the time he stopped, he was on top of the Hokage Mountain.

-----------------------------End Flashback----------------------------------------

"Why does everyone hate me?" Naruto cried out to no one in particular.

"What did i ever do to people to deserve to be hated like this. I'm nice whenever im at the park, but parents send their kids away and then scold me calling me "filthy" and "Vile". And I get beat up by this villages own ninja. Well I won't cry about this anymore. I'll earn their respect any way possible, I will fight. Until then, I will hide any power I have and just annoy them with a mask so hopefully no one tries to hurt me, I'll become a ninja of this village so no child suffer. Then I'll become strong so i can get what i deserve." Naruto thought slightly cheering up by the end of it.

Little did he know someone was watching him from just beyond the shadows, someone with blood red eyes.

"Do not worry Naruto , I know who you are, what you want to achieve, and I cannot stand to see someone kill a child." Itachi thought as he seen Naruto making his resolve.

"I will help you out Naruto for the sake of you being weak, a jinchuuriiki needs to survive longer than that."

Itachi then stepped out of the shadows and walked towards Naruto.

"You know for being so young, a resolve like that will take a lot of work. I can help you become strong if you like." Itachi said giving enough time for the thought to sink in.

Naruto thought it over, how could he trust this guy when there was no one there for him before... but the idea of power struck him rather hard, so he thought it over before he decided to accept this mans offer, whoever he was.

"Yeah I'll do it, that would be soooooo awesome!!!" Naruto said with enthusiasm in his voice. "So when will you begin teaching me mister...mister"

"Itachi-Sensei to you gaki." he said in his emotionless tone

"Itachi-Sensei, like i was saying when will I begin my training?" Naruto asked eagarly.

"Meet me tomorrow at training ground 27 at noon."Itachi said looking Naruto in the eyes.

Naruto seen the sharingan eyes and seen the three black comma like things he couldn't expain in his eyes, he thought they were so awesome. He had to hold his thoughts and questions about them for later as Itachi disappeared.

"Well I guess I'll head home and wait til sensei teaches me tomorrow." Naruto thought to himself, and with that he stretched and made his way home, when he got there he took a glance around to see anything out of place. That was when he noticed that his door was unlocked...not a good sign at all. Naruto slowly made his way in, and sure enough everything was destroyed. There was debree everywhere, the couch was all torn up, his table was broken and just looked like firewood. As he made his way to his room he noticed that the destruction just got worse the further he went. The matress was completely torn apart and was nothing but the springs. On the walls were all messages he knew were from the village. Things like GET OUT DEMON or GO TO HELL IT IS WHERE YOU BELONG! covered the entire room. All this to take in at once almost made Naruto ready to break down, but he remembered his resolve he made earlier that day and just decided to hold it all in.

" I guess I have a lot of cleaning to do" Naruto said as he went off to find a broom, mop and a bucket of water. He started cleaning the mess and managed just enough to be able to sleep decent for the evening.

-----------------------Later That Night--------------------------------

Three of the villagerswho lived near Naruto were exiting the bar for the evening, or rather were kicked out. They were furious at what happened and just decided to find a way to blow off steam and have some fun just looking for a better way to end the night. At that moment they were passing little Naruto's house, thats when one of the villagers spoke up to his friends.

" Hey guys what do you say we become heros tonight and have a little fun while we are at it, what im saying is we should pay a little visit to the Kyuubi brat?" The first villager asked his companions.

The others nodded their heads in agreement as they walked towards "it's" house. The second one picked the lock but was surprised when he noticed it was broken. They all then just made their way quietly in the house.They looked around only having a small candle for a source of light, they began searching and finally found Naruto's room. They kicked the door open and dragged him out while he was barely awake but when he woke he was full of shock so he could not even move one muscle. One of the villagers present drug Naruto out behind the house and stuck a barbed wire chain around his neck and tightened it so much that it was beginning to cut into his neck, causing it to start bleeding profusely. The other two stayed behind and poured a flammable liquid everywhere inside it leading from his room outwards. Just as they were about to leave his home one of the villagers turned around and tossed the candle into the house before shutting the door, causing the candle inside the house to set the whole place a blaze.

"Whoops." the villagers said together as they began to laugh.

They only stopped laughing once they met with the one who had naruto dangling from a tree with the wire around his neck as he was swinging Naruto back and forth slamming him into the tree. Naruto was unconcious due to severe blood loss from the wire around his neck. The villagers continued their assult on Naruto until they heard every bone they could think of in his body break. Feeling a job well done, they left Naruto for dead once again that evening.


Naruto woke up to find himself in a sewer, having no idea where he was or how he got there he decided to randomly walk around trying to find a way out. As he was searching he eventually found a room with some light eminating from it. He followed towards the light and in the room he seen a giant cage with a talisman with the word seal on it. Upon looking at this he felt a spike in power from the shadows just beyond the cage. Power that seemed so immense that it jolted him awake.

---------------------The Next Day------------------------

Naruto woke up in the middle of the forest slightly disoriented when he felt the wire still around his neck. He took off the wire as he looked down and noticed the blood loss and memories of the previous evening came rushing back. What he was most concerned with was what was in his dream, if you could call it that, that scared him that immense power he felt behind the cage.

"That was insane." Naruto thought to himself as he remembered that power he felt. As he was thinking he noticed that it was huge, he was beginning to wonder if he were to some how able attain that kind of strength.

"Oh no I'm going to be late!" Naruto yelled as he seen the clock, he ran towards the training ground right as Itachi showed himself.

"Naruto good to see you here right on time,before we begin I need to speak with you." Itachi said as his gaze was piercing through Naruto.

"Naruto..." He continued "I know what happened to you last night, I took the liberty of taking care of the trash that attacked you."

"Um...Um..Itachi-Sensei doesn't matter, it happens all the time so I am used to it." Naruto finished as he spoke with a fake grin.

"Naruto...Your house burned down as-"

"WHAT!?!" Naruto interjected "I din't even notice i was too worried about getting here on time this morning!"

Itachi raised his hand to try and stop Naruto from speaking for a second.

"As I was saying your house has been burned down last night, and knowing what happened...well, I don't plan on being in the village for very much longer, and so I wanted to ask you if you would like to come with me when I leave.You will not have to worry it is already cleared with the Hokage considering yesterdays events. We will be gone from the village for a couple of years minimum. I promise to train you during the time we are away, heavens knows you need it. During the time we are gone your power should go from where it is now to any where between low chunnin to low jounin, just depending on how much effort you put into your work. You do not have to have an answer for me now , just tell me tomorrow when you have had more of a chance to think about it. I just want you to know if you accept we will be leaving in two days,"

Naruto just stood there processing the information. If he were to leave he would become more powerful like his sensei had said. In his mind he couldn't think of any reason to stay, because this would give him a chance to get away from all the cold looks and evil glares, as well as the many attempts on his life each and every day. He decided to answer tomorrow.

"Okay Itachi-Sensei I thought about my answer and i'll tell you tomorrow, so what is my training for today?"

"Today Naruto, I'm going to see where your basic skills lie over all. Thats what the next couple of days actually is going to be over. I just want to get a feel of what I need to teach you more of than others. For today we will practice your chakra control. What i want you to do is try and climb this tree. there is one rule however, No Hands."

Naruto just stood there with his jaw open, how the hell was he supposed to do that?!?

"HeHeHe" Itachi chuckled slightly,"You have to channel chakra to your feet...". He stopped noticing the confused look on Naruto's face." Do you know how to channel chakra?"

Naruto shook his head."All I know about chakra is what it is. I've never learned that other stuff like channeling it before."

Itachi was shocked, he thought Naruto channeled the Kyuubi's chakra to heal himself on his own. He din't that rapid healing was something as automatic as breathing, however this new development had both ups and downs,it impressed him that naruto could take more damage and not have to think about it but this meant he was just a little further back than he wished to be. At least now he had a little idea of what lie in store for him.

"Okay Naruto channeling chakra for you is going to be a challenge, mainly because you have so much more chakra your age than most attain in their lifetime, you even have more than I do." Itachi said slow enough to watch the emotion play on Naruto's face.

"I...I..have more chakra than you do?!?" Naruto thought if he could gain the sort of "control" Itachi had he would be stronger for himself.

"I want you to channel your chakra by making the ram seal and closing your eyes, then concentrate on the energy in your body."

Naruto did this and nothing happened for a couple of minutes then he felt something. He felt the rushing energy inside himself, the rapid flow of it. He was shocked, it seemed so unimaginable and wild. Yet, with some sort of grace in it yet to be exposed. After a minute of memorizing how it moved he tried to channel it to his feet like Itachi had said. It was difficult at first but soon after he got the hang of it .

Itachi was reading Naruto's chakra and was impressed.For never learning anything about chakra before he seemed to pick it up rather quickly.

"Very impressive Naruto-kun. Now try climbing up the tree." Itachi said waiting to see what would happen.

Naruto walked over to the tree and began to channel chakra to his feet like just a couple of minutes ago and began to walk up the tree. However he only managed ten feet before he fell right back down.

"Dang it." Naruto said, but looked at the tree with determination in his eyes. Itachi sat there for what seemed to be hours watching the kid intently. He would never tell him, but he stuck a jutsu on the tree that made gripping the tree with chakra an absolute nightmare. One would need at least chunnin chakra control to stick and make it to the top. He was impressed so far, as it was Naruto made it already halfway up and was slowly but surely decreasing the gap to the top. By the time morning came around if naruto made it to the top he could at least have chunnin chakra control, so he decided to take his leave for the evening.

Naruto still kept at it until roughly two in the morning. By that time he made his way to the top of the tree and stopped to look at the stars, admiring where there were as he drifted to sleep.

When Naruto woke the next morning, he took a small jog out of the forest for a warm-up. As he left he ran by a park where he seen a small girl roughly around his age being picked on by some older kids.He couldn't stand to see this happen so he jumped in to intervene.

"Hey leave her alone right now!!" Naruto yelled. The bullies turned their heads as they seen Naruto standing there. "Oh yeah why should I, are you going to do-omph". Naruto smacked him square in the face breaking the guys nose and knocking him out in the process. The rest of the bullies now white as ghosts got their leader and ran off scared to face the wrath of that kid again.

Naruto turned to the girl" Are you ok"? The girl turned to look at Naruto and she blushed thinking this must be what its like for a princess to be rescued by her prince.

"My name is Naruto whats your name?" Naruto asked trying to spark a conversation.

The girl came out of her daze and looked at Naruto to answer" My name is Sakura nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Sakura I have to leave now but maybe i'll see you around." and with that Naruto took off.

Naruto ran back to the forest to begin to train but was intercepted by Itachi. "Have you made your descision yet Naruto"? he asked curious to what the boy would say.

"Yes I will go Itachi-Sensei" Naruto replied Looking at him in the eyes as if trying to prove his determination.

"Great well we are leaving today I just told you tomorrow to give you a chance to think." Itachi said this as he began to walk away. Naruto followed not knowing when he would see Konoha or the girl named Sakura again.

To be continued...

(Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto if i did Sasuke would not have Sakura or Ino... That is all.)