Kyuubi speech

Normal Speech


Chapter Four

Naruto's time in the academy seemed slow one minute, yet extremely fast paced for him the next.

Naruto was sitting lazily in his classroom when his sensei Iruka spoke up.

"Alright class I have the progress of your work in the various areas of ninja expertise that we have covered over the amount of time you have been in the academy. They are posted on the bulletin board outside class on the left. If you wish you may check your scores, these will determine exactly where you stand in this class compared to your fellow students. Class is dismissed, remember that your finals are tomorrow so study tonight and give it your all." Iruka finished

Naruto was now out of the daze when he seen all the other students getting up to leave. He looked over and noticed that everyone was crowding around outside comparing their ranks with each other. Naruto turned to look and seen that Sasuke had still been sitting down, with a smug, arrogant look on his face. He then vaguely remembered what happened to drive Sasuke to this.


Naruto just finished talking with Ino about his 'Tenant', and was extremely relieved that there was someone out there who actually accepted him. That was when he noticed that Sasuke was sitting alone and seen the pain he held deep in his eyes, so he decided the boy could use some help and support.

"Hey Sasuke..." Naruto began trying to think of the best thing to say at a time like this" how are you holding up?"

"None of your business Naruto, do not worry about me. This is my problem and mine alone, I will avenge my family and gain the power I need to destroy my brother." Sasuke finished and his hand tightly clenched nearly drawing blood.

'if only you knew Sasuke... I will tell you soon when you have a chance to think rationally' Naruto thought to himself

"Sasuke, give up your plan for revenge against your brother. You cannot kill him, he would simply overpower you and you would end up dea-" that was when Naruto was rudely interupted.

"Shut up Naruto, you don't know anything idiot. You are just someone who is in the way of my revenge. You should know that I will get rid of anything in my way, by force if I must, even if it is you." Sasuke said as he looked into Naruto's eyes where Naruto could see a darkness slowly beginning to grow.

'I know more than you think' Naruto thought. " will just end up dead chasing after a lost cause like this. Your reasons to fight for this to gain power, it is what will destroy you in the end, and ultimately leave you defeated and alone." Naruto said trying to make the Uchiha aware of the mistakes in his way of thinking before it was too late.

"Just shut up Naruto, your annoying." Sasuke said as he got up and left the school.

----------------------------Flashback End--------------------------------------

'Sasuke, you were always pushing yourself to be stronger than everyone else in the class. Too bad even when I used half strength you just cannot match me.' Naruto thought.

He then noticed that the class was slowly leaving the bulletin board one by one as each student had seen their results.

'Might as well go see what mine are as well.' and Naruto went towards the board himself.

He noticed the sign had three different scores of ninja aspects, different attributes: Intellectual Ninja Skills, Practical Ninja Skills, and the last one was graded as Teamwork.

The first score Naruto noticed was his intelligence score, it seemed all these were based on the number of students in the class and the higher the number tells where you place in that particular category. He seen his intelligence ranking was not looking so hot. It was a 27/30 , just a couple up from the bottom. Naruto just shrugged, if he hid his intelligence then it would be easier to surprise his opponents during matches. Besides that he just slept through all those classes anyways and just guessed on the homework not caring about this part.

Naruto then laid his eyes on the practically scoring sheet in the middle. He just had to laugh at this part he was 1/30 , and it was just because he loved showing off just a little too much.


During kunai and shuriken training, Naruto simply looked around bored. ' Training with kunai with Itachi-Sensei was way harder than this, in his sessions it was hit the target or get hit by a fire jutsu' Naruto slightly chuckled at the past memory.

None the less, when it was his turn to throw he was glad that his new seal never interfered with his weapon and accuracy abilities.

Other exercises they needed to master were the hand signs to do jutsus. He decided to "accidentally" do one of his wind jutsu, slicing a tree near him almost completely in half. The rest of the class just stood there in shock.

"Whoops." Naruto said rubbing the back of his neck.

---------------------------End Flashback----------------------------------

The last grade was based on teamwork. It was a grade used to find possible team combinations and was an ongoing test only completed at the end of the year. Teams would be made completely at random, then thrown into simulations seeing how each individuals skills will benefit any given team. Surprisingly the best team so far had been an Ino-Naruto-Sakura combination. This had thrown everyone for a loop because the girls were always at each others throats with the bickering and arguments. Naruto never quiet understood it, but some of the time the fights seemed to be about him...ok most of the time. It was just something about women he would never understand.

During team simulations the girls seemed to hang by his every word following his commands as he would take control of the situation, they always seemed that to them his plan was the best, strangely enough it usually was.


"Okay class here are the lists for the team simulation training today." Iruka said and began reading off the names on the paper.

Naruto was idly paying attention until he heard his name called.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura , and Yamanaka Ino will be the last and final team for this exercise." Iruka finished putting the paper away.

Both girls jerked and looked directly at the blonde haired shinobi to be.

'Alright I am teamed with Naruto-kun' Sakura and Ino thought in unison.

"Class lets head outside and I will explain the exercise in more detail." Iruka said as the class ran outside in excitement.

"Now, with your teams you will be split into the forest for two hours. Each team will be given a silver konoha medal. The rules are simple in two hours there are ten teams that will be in this exercise. Your objective is to get as many medals as possible. During the end of the two hour period there are scrolls you need to open and I will be at your location to bring you back to class." Iruka finished the rules and set them off.

---------------------End Flashback------------------------------------

'Our team got six medals the highest amount in the class, hehe maybe I shouldn't of held back as much' Naruto thought.

"Hey Naruto-kun will you walk me home?" a voice asked Naruto taking him out of his thoughts.

Naruto turned around and noticed that it was none other than Sakura. He could still remember when he found out she knew his secret as well.


" you about me too!" Naruto said the fear evident in his voice of losing someone who could become a friend, and that she would not accept him for what was in him.

"Yeah she did, and don't worry she trusted me not to tell anyone. The only reason she said anything to me was because you had some memory about me." Sakura said trying to cheer the blonde boy up.

"How did I have a memory about you, your not serious are you?" Naruto questioned her

"Yes I am, besides don't you ever remember when you were a small boy saving a girl around your age from a bunch of bullies?" she asked trying to jog his memory.

"Yeah I do...WAIT!!!...You were her weren't you?" Naruto said as he felt the memory floating back.

Sakura began to blush and shook her head dumbly up and down proud that he finally understood. Naruto then continued.

"Hehe, I guess it is true, I mean you and her both had pink hair. It should've been obvious." Naruto said scratching the back of his head nervously hoping he din't hurt her feelings or anything, but she interupted him.

"Close your eyes, I have something to give you for saving me." Sakura said.

The blush on her cheeks was even redder now, but Naruto din't say anything he just complied to what she said and closed his eyes. That was when he felt something on his right cheek that felt wet, he opened his eyes and seen Sakura kissing him. He got nervous and they both tumbled on the ground next to each other.

Naruto felt the heat rise in his face and he turned a hint of pink as well. Sakura giggled when he did this, it made her feel a little more comfortable with what happened.

"Naruto...that was my thank you for saving me. I have to go now, so I will see you around okay?" Sakura got up and left the poor boy in a daze, thinking about what just happened and how someone else accepted him.

"Arigatou Sakura...chan"

---------------------End Flashback------------------------

"Sure Sakura-chan, c'mon." Naruto said and began walking out of the building.

"WAIT!?!" Naruto heard someone and turned. He seen Ino racing down the hall trying to catch up to where he was.

"Naruto-kun, would you walk me home too?" Ino asked batting her eyelashes just trying to get him to say a simple yes.

"Of-course Ino-chan you can come too." Naruto said with his usual smile on his face.

Ino had a small blush as they began to walk away from the academy. Ino then turned to look at Sakura who was on Naruto's other side,and noticed the pissed off look she had on her face.

'What the Hell does she think she is doing' Sakura thought 'I know we agreed not to fight over him like enemies and stay friends, but she should only try for him when I am at the same time.'

"So do you guys want to get something to eat before I take you home?" Naruto asked the girls as his stomach began to rumble.

"Sure" both girls said at the same time. Naruto just looked between the two and just laughed.

Both girls just smiled at him and grabbed an arm Ino on the left, Sakura on the right.

As the three were walking down the street they could clearly hear the snide remarks from the villagers about Naruto. Both girls were still in awe about how he could take so much pain and abuse and just keep smiling, letting everything roll off like he din't have a care in the world.

"Demon Bitches." One of the passing villagers said as the group of kids made their way past.

In an instant the same villager was lying on the ground with a kunai directly at his neck. Then Naruto spoke.

"You may insult me all you want, but say stuff about my friends and I will kill you." He finished as his eyes were flickering between red and blue every few seconds. Naruto then got off the man and left with Ino and Sakura, where they finally made their way to the Ichiraku Ramen Stand.

"The chef then spoke. " Good to see you Naruto, and your here with your girlfriends I see( both girls blushed at this but just wished it were true) what will it be for today?"

"Um you know my usual what you you guys want?" Naruto turned to the girls

"Um I will have shrimp" Sakura said hearing her stomach rumble

"I think I will have the vegetable." Ino said

"Coming right up." Teuchi said and started making a batch.

"Itadakimasu!" Naruto yelled when his food was done and he began to slurp the noodles.

"So Naruto, our exams are tomorrow, I heard from my dad that we get put into squads of three.Any idea who you would like to team with? Ino asked full of hope.

"Well based on who I work best with, I think it would have to be you and Sakura-chan, after all you are the only two who know about my secret."Naruto said quietly. "How bout the both of you?"

"Well I don't know about a third member yet, but I would definitely want to be on your team Naruto-kun." Ino said 'The third member can be anyone except forehead-girl.' Ino thought to herself

"Me too, I want to be in your team as well Naruto-kun" Sakura added 'And definitely not INO-PIG!'

All that they were talking about was making Naruto blush. Recently he began having diffrent feelings towards the girls, like attraction or love he din't know. He knew that he could never be with either though because of the Kyuubi no Kitsune sealed within him. He also din't think they would like him the same way or ever return his feelings. How wrong he was.

"Sakura-chan, I should be able to do bushin by now. I finally got it down three days ago." he told the pink haired girl.

" never make sense can you have so much skill and jutsu as an academy student, but you can hardly ever perform the simplest of jutsu. It just doesn't make any sense to me." Sakura sighed

"It's ok,Naruto I am sure you will pass the test with flying colors" Sakura said giving him a wink. This just made him red as a tomato.

'I wish he would notice how I feel, he is a good ninja after all, but when it comes to reading girls he sucks." Sakura thought

"What do you think the test will be over tomorrow?" Naruto said changing the subject.

"Probably over Henge, Kawimari, and bushin. At least that is what I heard Mizuki-Sensei talking to Iruka-Sensei about." Ino said.

Naruto just nodded in understanding , and finished his last bowl of ramen.

"Ahhhh...I'm done for the day,if you guys want lets go ahead and leave." Naruto said turning to pay Teuchi the ramen chef for the great food.

"Here you go Teuchi-san." Naruto said handing him enough money to cover the bill.

"Alright lets head out girls" As soon as those words came out of his mouth they were right back on his arms, clinging onto him again.

The group made their way to Ino's house and as they approached the flower shop, Ino turned to look at the other two.

"Thank you for the wonderful food Naruto-kun." Ino said with a slight blush appearing all around her cheeks.

Naruto seen this, but the next thing he knew, there were a pair of warm lips on his cheek , causing him to flush as well.

"Goodnight Naruto-kun, night Sakura. Good luck tomorrow." Ino said as she went inside for the evening.

Sakura was beyond pissed now, she knew to expect something like that would happen, but she din't think it would hurt her so much.

'Damn Ino-pig kissing Naruto-kun like that, I will just have to out do her. I know that I..I love Naruto. He saved me, so I want to do everything I can to help him be happy.' Sakura thought and shook the thought of Ino from her mind.

"Okay Naruto-kun you have to walk me home now." she said getting even closer to him now that Ino was no longer around.

"O...OO...okay ..S..SS...Sakura-chan." he said as both began walking in silence simply enjoying the others company.

When they made it to Sakura's house she turned to him in a similar way Ino had when they made it to her house.

"Naruto-kun, there is something we need to talk about. Would you like to come inside?" she asked. When he nodded she let him through the door.

"Oh honey your home." a voice said making both Sakura and Naruto to jump out of their skin.

"Hi mom, this is Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto-kun this is my mother." Sakura said getting introductions out of the way.

"Hello Haruno-san." Naruto said nervously hoping she wouldn't turn him away like all the other adults.

"Hello Naruto-kun, I have heard alot about you. You are welcome into our home anytime." Mrs. Haruno said.

Naruto was shocked when she told him this. No one else her age ever cared about him or took to him that fast before.

"Sakura has told me all about you, and as I am old enough I do know of your 'Tenant'. You saved my little girl and gave her hope, no demon would ever do that. she finished making her point clear.

Naruto's face broke into one of his few real smiles, he couldn't believe that someone would accept him so easily.

"Arigatou Haruno-san." Naruto said brighter than before.

"Sorry for interupting, but mom is it ok if Naruto and I go into my room for a little while? We have things that we need to discuss about tomorrow." Sakura asked sheepishly, hoping for the best.

"Sure honey, just make sure you keep the door open." Mrs. Haruno smiled when she seen her daughter blush.

"MOM...we are only twelve. C'mon Naruto lets go." Sakura said dragging him all the way to her room.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked confused.

"Umm...Naruto do you like girls yet or do you still think that they have cooties?" Sakura asked trying to play it safe.

"Well I am not afraid of cooties any more, and I am starting to see them a little differently from when I was a kid, so yeah I guess I like them now." He said but then got a very dark look." I doubt any girl would like me though, with what lives inside me and all." he said looking down.

Sakura felt a pain in her heart when he said that knowing that would be true for a majority.

"'s something I want to tell you." she said feeling the heat rise to her face.

"What is it Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked her curious as to what she would say.

She got up and went and sat down rather close to him.

"You remember how I felt about Sasuke right?" She asked trying to find the best way to approach this.

Naruto's face faultered.'Of course she would want to talk about the teme.

"Yes I do" he said with no emotion.

"Well he was the first crush I had, but the reason behind it is kind of funny." she then giggled "The reason I liked him so much was because I thought he protected me when I was little, that he was the one who stopped those bullies." she stopped letting it all sink in.

"So your saying your crush on Sasuke was because of me?" he asked finally piecing it together and figuring it out.

"You have always protected me from the teasing in the academy. You were always there when I was sad." She moved even close now almost on top of him. " Naruto...what I want to say is that...I...I think that I...I ...I love you." as soon as she finished she moved and kissed him lightly on the lips hoping she made the right move

Right after Naruto began to kiss back he decided to look up and had something to say.

"But Sakura-chan, we can't be together...because of the kyuubi. The villagers might hurt you for being that close to me." He finished.

She kissed him again.

"Naruto I am willing to take that risk if I can be with you, but if you want to wait, then I will wait and I will prove that things will be fine. I will give you that much." Sakura looked heart broken, but understood the situation. "What about Ino? She will be hurt too."

"NANI!?!... Ino likes me too?" Naruto yelled out.

"Umm...yeah, we have sorta been in a competition to see who could get you first." Sakura started." So who do you like more me or her?"

"Sakura-chan, I can't answer that question now because I am not even sure of the answer myself." Naruto said

"That is alright I think Ino will agree, but remember this, I wont give up on you, because what you did changed my life so much. I want to be able to give you back some of the happiness you gave me." Sakura said and gave him a quick kss.

"I think I should go now, a lot to think about ya know." he said smiling and walked to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Sakura-chan." and he left.

"Good Night Naruto-kun. I love you..."

------------------Naruto's House------------------------------

"Jeez what a night,' Naruto slipped off his shoes and went into his room. he just laid there on his bed deep in thought.

'Ino-chan and Sakura-chan huh, which one to choose, I mean this morning I realized I like them both. This is harder than any jutsu Itachi-Sensei ever taught me.'

As thoughts of his old sensei washed over him he decided it would be best to go train until he was able to get his mind off the matter and just think clearly.

When Naruto entered a clearing he noticed that there was another person there, just standing there as what looked like a stone statue. Naruto decided to go see what this guy was looking at.

"Excuse me, but why have you been looking at that rock for like ever?" Naruto asked with interest in his voice.

As the man turned to see where the noise was coming from, Naruto noticed the he had a konoha forehead protector drooped down over his left eye and wild silver hair.

"Hm" the man said looking back at the rock.

"I was asking why you were staring at that stone for such a long time." Naruto said partially annoyed.

"I was paying my respects to an old teammate and my sensei. My name is Hatake Kakashi. You?" Kakashi said and stuck out his hand.

'So this is the Kyuubi-boy... I don't feel any of the beast's chakra, so I guess what sensei did really worked.' he thought but was interupted

"Why is your headband down low like that,covering your eye is there something back there?" Naruto asked excited as to what it could be.

"A good ninja never reveals secrets or techniques until absolutely needed." Kakashi said. but Naruto wasn't satisfied.

"Please tell me what it is... IF you do I'll tell you about the abilities that I have." Naruto said hoping his plan would work.

'This kid is harm in showing him I guess." and Kakashi lifted his headband for Naruto to see what was underneath.

All Naruto could do was gasp..."You have the Sharingan too!?!" Naruto said.

"What do you mean too? There should be only thre-" Kakashi stopped mid sentence when he seen in Naruto's eye that there was a blue and white sharingan in his eye.

"Naruto where did you get that eye?" Kakashi asked now impressed, perhaps he could get the Hokage to let him train this boy.

"My old Sensei had the Sharingan, he gave it to me and it changed all by itself...Naruto said hoping he din't say too much.

Now Kakashi just had one question who exactly was his old sensei, just something to ask the kage about later.

"Well I am going to be heading out now Naruto see ya." when he finished his sentence he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto nodded and began his usual training for the evenings.

----------------------Next Morning-------------------------

Naruto woke up in the forest, or what was left of it, after his extensive night of training.

He decided to get up and run towards the academy, not knowing what time it was, he just din't want to be late today. When he arrived, he noticed that Sakura and Ino seemed to be speaking on good terms,it seemed they were trying to get along just for his sake. For him he enjoyed it thought it just made life simpler at the moment.

As Naruto was about to head and speak with Ino and Sakura the bell had wrung, so he had to settle for both sitting to his side and having to listen to his teacher drabble on.

"Your names will be called in alphabetical order, and one at a time you will walk into the teacher's office and perform the jutsu's we specify for you to use." Iruka finished and called the first name.

Finally it was Naruto's turn to go.

"Alright Naruto, I want you to perform the bushin no jutsu, Kawimari no jutsu , and henge no jutsu for me okay?" Iruka asked making sure he understood the instructions.

"Ok" Naruto said "but don't do anything just sit and watch ok Iruka-Sensei." Naruto said. He then made the hand sign for his favorite move.

"KAGE BUSHIN no JUTSU" Naruto yelled and made four kage bushin, he began givin orders on what to do.

"you two transform one into a log another into a kunai." they did as told and he told the other clone to come near.

"Alright now you throw this kunai at me okay." Naruto told clone three. It nodded and did what he was supposed to when it stabbed Naruto and replaced himself with the log made earlier.

Naruto dispelled his clones and looked at Iruka. "Do I pass Sensei?" Naruto asked with a big smile.

"Yes you pass now that the examination is done you and all your fellow students will have to wait one hour while we make any final updates on teams." Iruka said and sent Naruto out of his room.

--------------------1 hour later----------------------

Iruka came walking out of the teachers office with a smile on his face and made his annoucement.

"Alright class looking at your stats in class and scores from this final examination, I have decided on the following ten teams which you may be a part of." Iruka said and began reading off his list. Naruto was slowly dozing off until he heard his name.

"For team seven will be Uzumaki Naruto...and"

(Disclaimer I do not own Naruto he belongs to Kishimoto-sensei)

Who will Naruto's team and sensei be find out next be continued