This story is inspired by the story "Odd Times in Konoha" by DynamicChaos. He suggested the idea of Kakashi playing matchmaker. I just made it into a full fic.

The idea is simple. Kakashi plays Cupid. Any questions?

Good. Lets get started!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

Kakashi smiled to himself as a he walked down the sidewalk, his face buried in a book as always. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and it was Saturday. That meant no work, no school, no class, no Sasuke, no Sakura, and no Naru-



"Hm?" Kakashi looked down at his feet. Sitting on the curb with a half-eaten candy bar in his hand was none other than Naruto himself. "Hello, Naruto."

"Watcha doin', Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked him as he crammed the rest of the candy bar into his mouth.

"Enjoy my day off," he replied. "What about you?"

"I'm bored..." Naruto huffed. "There's nothing to do."

"Why don't you go play with Sasuke or Sakura?" Kakashi suggested.

"For one thing, I hate Sasuke. And Sakura..." Naruto sighed sadly, "She hates me."

"Hm..." Kakashi mused. He was about to say something, but Naruto interupted him.

"WHY DOESN'T SHE RETURN MY FEELINGS OF LOVE?!" Naruto lamented loudly, causing everyone within 100 feet to turn and stare at him and Kakashi.

"Feelings of love?" Kakashi arched an eyebrow. "Ah, so you are in love with her..."

"Is it that obvious?" Naruto asked. It was hard to tell if it was a serious question or a joke.

"What about Hinata?" Kakashi asked.

"What about Hinata?" Naruto replied in a confused tone.

"Well, isn't it obvious that-" Kakashi's voice trailed off. "Nevermind."

"Oh well..." Naruto sighed. "I guess it just isn't meant to be... Unless..."

"Unless?" Kakashi arched his exposed eyebrow.

"Maybe you can pretend to be me, impress Sakura, and set us up on a date?" Naruto grinned.

Kakashi stared at him for several seconds. Then he calmly stated: "Excuse me?"

"Yeah! I mean, you're so smooth with the ladies and everything," Naruto shrugged.

"Who said I was smooth with the ladies?" Kakashi asked, slightly confused.

"Rock Lee," Naruto replied. "He told me that Guy-sensei told him all about some party for the teachers, and that Kurenai-sensei-"

"Okay, stop!" Kakashi interupted him. "She was drunk, and she thought I was Asuma, and I managed to break out of her grip before things went too far."

"Um..." Naruto paused. "I was going to say she complimented you..."

"Oh..." Kakashi stared at Naruto, and Naruto stared at him.

"I'll pay you 50 yen," Naruto grinned.

"Done," Kakashi began to make handsigns. "Transform!"


"Hi, Sakura!" Naruto waved at the pink-haired girl sitting on a park bench.

"Hello, Naruto," she replied without much enthusiasm. In fact, she didn't even look up from the sandwitch she was eating.

'Hm...' Naruto thought to himself. 'She really is mean to Naruto...' Sure enough, Naruto was not really Naruto. In fact, he was Kakashi. But I'm sure you all knew that, didn't you? "Naruto" shrugged and took a seat on the bench next to her bookbag.

"How's it going?" Naruto grinned.

"Good," Sakura replied. "You?"

"Good..." Naruto shrugged. "Watcha eating?"

"A sandwitch," she stated the obvious.

"Really?" Naruto grinned goofily. "I never would have guessed!"

"Bakka..." she grumbled. "You're so annoying."

'Perfect...' Kakashi/Naruto thought to himself.

"Oh..." Naruto sounded hurt. "Oh..."

"Naruto?" Sakura noticed his tone.

"I'm sorry..." Naruto stated sadly.

"For what?" Sakura asked.

"I'm sorry for being so annoying..." Naruto sighed. "It is just the way I am. I'm annoying, Kakashi's super cool, Sasuke's stuck up, and you're pretty. That's just the way we all are..."

"Pretty?" Sakura blushed.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?" Naruto flashed a goofy grin. "Oh well. It's true, though!"

"Um..." Sakura pushed a few stands of hair out of her eyes. "Thanks?"

"No problem!" Naruto grinned. "I'm just as nice as I am annoying! You just have to look past people's bad qualities and notice their good ones..."

"I guess you're right..." Sakura stared at the ground, contemplating something.

"Well," Naruto jumped to his feet, "I guess I'll see you later."

"Wait..." Sakura said as he began to walk away.

"Huh?" Naruto turned to see what she wanted.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" she asked. Naruto grinned.


Naruto was sitting on the same street curb as before, his head buried in a book he'd swiped from Kakashi awhile back. He quickly stuffed it into his jacket when he saw Kakashi approaching. "So how'd it go?" Naruto asked.

"The Ramen shop in 3 hours," Kakashi stuck his hand out. "Pay up."

"I'll pay you 100, plus the 50, if you go meet her and pretend to be me," Naruto grinned.

"No," Kakashi replied.

"150?" Naruto asked.

"No," Kakashi replied.

"Okay, 200, and a free copy of the new Icha Icha book," Naruto smirked.

"A free copy?" Kakashi arched his brow. "How?"

"I know the writter," Naruto bragged. "I can talk him into giving you a free copy, I bet..."

"Hm..." 200 yen, and a copy of the newest volume of his favorite book series, for free? And all he had to do was pretend to be Naruto and date Sakura? Kakashi pretended to consider it for a moment. "Okay."

Hm. Kakashi pretending to be Naruto for the date? I wonder how odd that will get...

Very, very odd, probably.

Review, please! Flame me, insult me, compliment my story, voice your thoughts, suggest pairings! Whatever you want, just put it in a review!

Oh, and this story is going to remain T, in case anybody is curious. I'm not Jariaya!