Look At This Photograph
Song by: Nickelback
Story by: Jillian

4/3/07 - Chase on House's picture.

(Note: This was written on a whim. Slight AU, as I don't retain what I watch while I'm surfing the 'Net at the same time.)

SUMMARY: Chase looked at the picture Emma(?) took and found himself thinking...

Part One - Look At This Photograph

His eyes were focussed on no one but Emma as he looked back at her. The familiar 'click!' of the camera nailed him. He didn't even have a chance to pretend that he didn't care.

Chase stared at the picture that was hanging in the room. Again, his eyes... They were so... warm. He'd never seen House look like that and it made his heart ache. Yes, he was with Cameron, but that was only to dull the pain of not being with House.

Speak of the devil...

House stormed in and threw a casual glance over at what everyone was gathered around.

'That damned picture! I thought I disposed of that,' thought the doctor, limping over to that wall and tearing it down. His icy blue eyes swept over everyone in the room. Cameron and Foreman looked rather surprised. Chase looked... sad?

'Hmm... Making a note of that.'

He stuffed the photograph into his jacket pocket, not caring that he crumpled it. He called his ducklings out into the hallway. House tossed the picture into the trashcan on their way out. He never noticed that Chase was a few seconds behind, tucking something into his lab coat pocket.

Part Two -- Look At This Photograph...

"You're glowing!" Cameron said, shocked. She studied the picture of Robert Chase and was amazed at how different he looked. "What did she do to make you smile like that?"

"Glow? I always glow," Chase returned, fighting the blush that was slowly creeping its way up his neck.

'I was looking at House's picture again,' thought Chase, but he wouldn't voice it aloud. He'd given it back to Emma after the House, Cameron and Foreman left to run more tests on various samples.

He set the picture down on top of Cameron's.

"You like him?" asked Emma, smiling a little smile that told him it was all right.

Chase glanced at her, feeling like he was caught. He returned the smile, a little bashfully. His blue eyes traveled back to the picture fondly.

"I'm with Cameron. It's time to get over House," he said truthfully, looking back at Emma.

She gave him a knowing smile.

"I think you should go for it," she said, thoughtfully.

"Hah, you don't know House," he responded.

"I know enough that he cares," Emma stated firmly. It was like she'd just said that the sky was blue and the grass was green, she was so sure of herself. "Despite the front he puts on..."

In fact, she was so firm, that she'd planted little seeds of doubt in his mind.

'Maybe I'll talk to House tonight,' Chase said to himself.



Okay, I'm thinking... Round Robin. If anyone wants to continue this with a coupld of paragraphs at a time, you can send them to: I check my email constantly throughout the day, so chapters will be posted quickly. Just give me your Pen Name, send it through an email. I don't understand attachments very well, and I'm too lazy to learn about it. We'll go just a few paragraphs at a time. If I don't hear from someone in a few days, that's cool too. Since this'll probably go nowhere after tonight by my own hand, I'll just end up taking this thing down and save it to the crypts of my writing pit, never to look at it again, until I see the rerun half a year later. ;) No pressure. lol. (Just FYI, I put more thought into this then I did the story. XD)