The Search For Something Real!

Summary: Brooke Scott's parents are the wealthiest in their town. But money can't buy happiness as Brooke has learnt from a young age. She hates her life o she runs away from the money, the power and the drama of her old life. She runs to search for something real.

A/N: would you believe the idea for this story came from watching Titanic? Well it did. A quote from Rose "I feel like I am standing in the crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs and no one even looks up". so there you have it. How this fic started.

Chapter 1! Meet The Scotts!

"Jesus Christ Brooke! You know the house you and your friends egged was Henry Jacobs?!" a man yelled.

"Jeez Dad! Relax we were just having some fun." The girl named Brooke said. She was drunk that much was obvious; she was wearing a tiny black skirt and a red halter top. Brooke had been out drinking, at a party with friends and they had decided to egg a house, they did and had somehow gotten arrested.

"Well your 'fun' called me out of bed at three in the morning and cost me 200 dollars bail." Her father said.

"For God's sake I'm sorry that I woke you up and cost you 200 bucks ok!" Brooke yelled.

"Get to your room; I can't even look at you." Brooke's father said.

"Yeah? Well imagine what I've got to deal with, looking at you and all." Brooke said going up the stairs.

"YOUNG LADY YOU GET BACK HERE!" her father yelled after her. A blonde woman appeared at the doorway.

"Leave her alone Dan… you can deal with Brooke in the morning." She said.

"Fine Deb." Dan said. And the two went to bed.

Brooke shut the door to her bedroom and lay on her bed. She looked around her room, it was pink, just like her mother wanted, her closet was full of the latest clothes as well as her cheerleading outfits, just like her father wanted, it had a million photos of her with friends and family at countless parties and functions, giving the allusion she was happy, just like her brother wanted.

Brooke Scott was the most popular girl at her High School, she was head cheerleader, student body president and she was the daughter of the richest people in town, her father Dan Scott, was well known as a basketballer, a car dealership owner and as the man running for mayor. Her mother, Debra Scott was well known as being the wife of Dan, but to her credit she did host a lot of charity functions, Brooke's twin brother Nathan was the basketball star of her schools team and was the hottest guy in school.

No one knew Dan was a control freak and would explode at the slightest thing, or that he pushed Nathan to breaking point and ignored his daughter most of the time, no one knew Deb was an alcoholic who was never ok unless she had some pills or a drink, no one knew Nathan had once taken drugs to try and show his father he wasn't weak, or that he tried so hard to get out of Dan's shadow only to be pushed back, and no one knew that Brooke was broken and unhappy.

To everyone outside the family they had it all, to the four tapped inside they were drowning and would soon go under.

No matter what went on between their parents and them Brooke and Nathan had always been there for each other. Nathan being older by five minutes meant that he was fiercely protective of Brooke, being twins they had a very strong relationship and always made sure the other was ok.

The perfect family, always papering over the cracks so no one sees, pretending their happy so everything will be ok. But inside they're broken and hollow. Sooner or later the cracks will take over and the walls fall but until then the best they're got is all they know, which is to paper over the cracks and put your fake smile in place. Pretend your happy until you find your saving grace.


What do we think?

Should I continue?

- Liza