Rating: PG for some violence and swearing.

Parings: Slight ST/Goku and hints of Sanzo/Goku

Warnings: Violence, some swearing.

Timeline: AU-ish.Trails off from the 'Be there' arc.

A/N: Hello everyone. I've decided to try and new form with this new story. If it's handy, I might keep it. Anyway, this is my first attempt at a ST/Goku long story. I love the paring and it doesn't have nearly enough focus on it. This will get dark at points, with threatening angst later on. There might be hints of other parings, but the main focus will be on Seiten Taisei and Goku. Don't like? The back button's at the top of your screen.

Enjoy. C&C appreciated.

Eternal Earth

Chapter One

It was only a few weeks after Sanzo brought Goku down from the mountain that it happened. It was understandable if you looked at the circumstances. The boy had been locked away in a craggy stone prison, all around him cool stone. Nothing to heat him through winter and the cold nights. He had never lived through temperatures higher then lukewarm, so it was no wonder the boy fell ill shortly after they'd arrived at Chang'an.

It was a nasty fever which held him in a tight grip. He hadn't been able to difference between reality and delusion as he lay bonded to the wet sheets, his hair pasted to his temples as he attempted to fight off his illness. Sanzo had been reluctant to help the boy—deciding that he could probably get better on his own. Though after a few days he finally caved, and attempted to help the monkey get better. His efforts seemed in vain, however, as Goku only appeared to be getting sicker with each day that went by. Sanzo was almost to the point of calling a doctor. Almost.

It was into his third week of sickness that Goku found himself having strange delusions that confused him to no end. He feared he was going to die. It was while he was unconscious, his mind seemed to slip, and he found himself standing in a realm of darkness. Panic gripped the young boy, and he thought for sure he had died.

That was when a low chuckle echoed through the dark crevices of the black abyss. Goku squeaked, demanding to know who it was that spoke to him. As he flipped around, Goku swore he was looking into a living reflection. The monster behind him stood with cat-like eyes hidden beneath chocolate brown locks. Like his own hair, the demon's fell down his back in a matted mess, uncombed. It was a mane. A mane of a creature too terrifying to name. He stood in simple jeans, and a light black top, with sharp claws and accented fangs. Goku wondered if this strange creature was going to kill him, and he took a step back in fear.

"My dear, dear, Goku," the creature said in a low, guttural tone that sent shivers up Goku's spine. It stood from its seated position on the floor, and stood. This horrifying demon seemed to be an inch shorter then him. Goku would have found it funny were it not terrifying. "Are you afraid of me?"

Goku couldn't let out much more then a squeak, praying more then anything that this was simply another delusion. "Who… who are you?" his own voice sounded so weak compared to the powerful roar of the beast within him.

A low laughter escaped the boy, a rumbling chuckle that rose from his throat, spreading out over the darkness like a layer of dirt. He took a step forwards and Goku took one back. "Why Goku," the creature's tone sounded absolutely amused. "I'm you of course."

"No…" Goku breathed, shaking his head wildly as though his pure denial could change the truth. "You aren't me. You…. you're that creature that Sanzo told me about."

The demon chuckled again. Within a week he had managed to break free of his own prison, and almost succeeded in killing Sanzo, had the monk not thought to restrain him with the limiter again. He cursed the man under his breath, but had long ago allowed his annoyance to simmer into a dull rage. Smiling, the creature took a step towards him, then another until he was circling the boy, who still looked uncertain. "You are right. In a way, I am not you, but in another, we are the same."

Goku simply shot him a confused look.

The demon shook his head. "Never mind. I know the concept is too difficult for you to understand." The creature paused, stopping in front of Goku and looking up at him with a small smile. "You may call me Seiten Taisei."

Goku frowned, darting his eyes away and gnawing on the inside of hiss lip nervously. "What do you want from me?"

Seiten Taisei smiled. "From you? Nothing, dear boy. I simply want to help you. If nothing is done about this fever, you will die."

Goku looked nervous. "How can you help me?"

Seiten Taisei cocked his head to the side, and Goku suddenly thought he looked like nothing more then a kitten. "I can lend you some of my power, and get rid of this fever, but you shall have to do something for me in return."

At the concept of a deal, Goku blinked, staring at his alter ego with a small frown. "What is it you want?"

"Nothing now, you don't have anything I don't already have," the demon purred, taking a seat back on the ground, seated on all fours—no less. Seiten Taisei looked up at him, and Goku could only stare on him in awe. "But one day, I will ask a favor from you, Goku, and I will not take no for an answer. And until then," Seiten Taisei suddenly sprung forwards grasping Goku's wrist and causing him to cry out. Seiten merely smiled. "You belong to me."


Goku awoke with a start, bolting upright and gasping for air. His eyes were wide; his heart thundering and sweat trickling down the sides of his face. Was that a nightmare? A delusion? As Goku began to calm his irregular breathing, a sharp burn caused him to hiss. Turning his attention down to his wrist, he found blood had dried itself all down his arm, staining the white sheets crimson.

He stared in shock at what had been burnt into his wrist. It was small, but it was there.

The Japanese kanji Ryouyuu.



"Say my name."

The next few weeks passed easily. Despite Sanzo's coldness towards Goku, the young boy seemed intent on staying by his side. He was often caught tugging on his robe, picking him flowers or drawing messily on his documents. The blond had been furious when Goku had shown him the picture he'd drawn on an apparently important document. Goku had gone to bed that night with more then a few cuffs to the head. Sanzo seemed intent on driving him off, but Goku didn't want to leave. He'd finally found his sun after so long, and to hell if he was being driven off so easily.


Eventually, Sanzo got in the habit of sending Goku to bed without dinner every time the boy drew on his documents. This had been an inconvenience. Goku had told the monk over and over how hungry he was after so long without food, but the monk insisted that if he continued to draw on all his papers then he would continue being sent to bed without food. Needless to say Goku dropped the drawing fetish fairly quickly. Though on some days when Goku couldn't find any blank paper, he'd drawn on the man's documents, and then hide them before Sanzo could hit him for it.



Goku had even ventured to be brave enough to pick the man a flower. A bright violet flower that matched his eyes. The second Goku had laid eyes on it; he found it matched Sanzo perfectly. He'd picked it, then run straight back to the temple, hoping to give it to his sun quickly. He'd fallen part way back and tore up both of his knees, but pushed himself to his feet again, continuing back towards the temple. The second he entered Sanzo's office, the man had yelled at him, saying he was dragging blood through the room.

"Pretty please?"

"Piss off, monkey."

After his knees had been patched up, Goku had diligently offered him the flower. Sanzo had scoffed and said he didn't need such things, but Goku insisted. Sighing, the man brought it back into his office, Goku on his heels. It was when Sanzo pulled out a book, and proceeded to crush his precious flower between the heavy leather bound pages did Goku let out a shriek.

"Sanzo! You wreaked the flower!"

"Shut up monkey, I'm just preserving it."


"It means it'll last longer."

"…So… you'll have it forever?"

"…Ch' yeah… forever."


"Shut up and go away."

The monk had even gone so far as to buy the boy some new clothes. Goku remembered heading out to town with the man, grinning like mad as they explored all the shops, stores, and restaurants. Sanzo had smacked him several times for wandering off, stating that they were there to get him some new clothes, not for him to go out and eat everything in sight.

They eventually got him fitted with a nice red Chinese styled outfit that would be easy for the boy to move in. Sanzo had bought several more outfits—jeans, shirts, and a formal outfit he doubted the boy would ever use. As they headed back to Chang'an, Goku had honestly felt spoiled.

"…Will you say it now?"

"Don't make me kill you."

Everything had been going great, save for the fact that the infuriating blond had refused to say his name! He'd been referring to him as 'monkey' or 'brat' or 'idiot.' No matter how hard Goku tried the man refused to call him by his name. Goku found it increasingly upsetting.

He'd been following the man around all morning, tugging on his robes and not giving up until the man had enough decency to say his name at least once. But Sanzo seemed insist on calling him 'monkey,' and Goku's patience was wearing thin. After several hours, and a lot of smacks, Goku had given up for the day, and gone outside to play.

It was getting dark by the time Goku began to head back towards the temple. When he did, Goku noticed something was wrong. The scent of blood was thick in the air, and he could see fires licking up from the temple grounds. Fearful for his sun's safety, Goku charged off towards the temple.

He raced through the front entrance to the ground, frightened at the sight of bandits running amuck through the temple ground. Already the bodies of monks were everywhere, and Goku could only pray that Sanzo was not among them. A bandit called out to him, laughing away as he brought his sword in the air, but Goku was quick to react. He slammed his knee into the guy's face with enough force to knock him out. As he landed, he could hear gunshots from not so far away.

"Sanzo!" he cried, hurrying towards the sound, pausing at the sight of his savior surrounded by bandits, holding his bleeding arm while glaring and directing his gun towards one of them. Immediate anger sparked, and Goku tore towards the men, slamming kicks and punches so hard that cracks and snaps were heard. After finally nailing the last of them, Goku landed softly on the ground, only slightly short of breath. Turning towards his sun, he worried about the slash on the monk's arm, but it looked fairly shallow and it had already stopped bleeding.

"We still have more of them to deal with, monkey," Sanzo snarled, turning to head towards the front of the temple. "Come on."

Goku was quick to hurry after him. Pausing momentarily, he bent down to get himself a weapon. Clutching a spear of a bandit, he attempted to snap the metal tip off. He was struggling with it, and Sanzo seemed to sense this, as he turned to find out what was taking his charge so long. As soon as he caught sight of the boy, he cursed.

"Goku, you idiot! Move!"

Goku turned just in time to see the glint of metal as an axe descended towards him. Flipping out of the way, the axe just barely missed him, crashing into the ground below. Sanzo shot the man quickly, allowing the body to fall to the ground. Goku found his breathing came in labored as he turned to look up at his guardian. "Sanzo…" he breathed.

"Let's go," Sanzo said strictly. "I'm not sure if there are any left, and there are some idiots bleeding to death that need attending to."

Goku bounded to his feet, trailing after the man, unable to stop his grin from spreading further. "You said my name."

"Shut up, idiot," Sanzo snapped, as he continued towards the front of the building.

"You did!" Goku accused, still smiling brightly. "You said my name—say it again."



"Shut up and die."

Despite the carnage all around them, Goku could not stop the grin from practically cracking his face as he carried on after the blond, heading towards the front of the temple. "Sanzo said my name… Sanzo said my name…" he sang out, causing the blond to frown, and mumble out a string of curses that would've made the monks faint were they conscious.

And when Sanzo turned his eyes down to the boy, Goku could only grin up at him stupidly.

Reflecting back, maybe Sanzo should have shot the boy right then. Before he got too attached, and before everything began to spiral down into madness. He could've shot and killed Goku, and he could've just blamed it on the bandits and no one would think a thing on it. But he didn't. Maybe if he had, then everything wouldn't have fallen into ruin. Lilith wouldn't have been reborn. Seiten Taisei would have never grinned down upon him and asked him how it felt to lose everything.

Hell, he wouldn't have lost everything in the first place.

Instead, he merely scoffed, called the boy and idiot and bent down to help the nearby monks on the ground.

He should have shot Goku. But he didn't. Who could blame him?

Who would imagine that such an innocent child could bring about the end of the world?