Jenn: -covers ears- Shut. Up.
Jay: -sticks tongue out at Jenn-
Jenn: I'll cut that off if you don't put it back in your mouth.
Jay: -sucks it back in mouth in surprise and covers mouth with hands tightly-
Jenn: -smirks- Since your preoccupied, we do not own Inuyasha. That glory goes to Rumiko Takahashi. We do own the story and all the crazy ideas we come up with together.
Jay: HEY! MY IDEAS AREN'T CRAZY! -sticks out tongue-
Jenn: -takes out meat cleaver-
Jay: -eyes widen and runs away screaming-

Japanese Words:
Ningen'ai - Human love
Ningen - Human
Youkai - Demon
Daijoubu - Are you OK?
Gomen - Sorry
Miko - Priestess
Kuso - Shit

- Chapter 1 - I Promise

"Ningen'ai," Sesshomaru sighed as Rin left after asking to spend the day with Kohaku, which Sesshomaru fell victim to her wide toothy smile.

His eyes fell from them to the ground. 'Will I ever find my demoness? Now that I'm thinking about it.' He heaved a sigh again. 'I can never find the right one. Either they are very ugly and too smart for my taste or very pretty but stupid as a rock. And they just throw themselves at me. Talk about having no dignity.'


Sesshomaru's head came up and he looked towards the village Rin left off to.

"How old is Rin now, milord?" Jaken asked.

"Nine, Jaken. Nine," he said. 'Nine,' he repeated in his mind, 'how could she grow up his fast? It was only about two years ago when we met.'

"Will she be leaving you?"

Sesshomaru's head turned at that voice he knew sounded familiar. He smelled the blue Sakura Blossom tucked behind her ear before her scent of watermelon and wild flowers.

"Wench!" he growled at Kagome.

"That wasn't so nice to greet a person, even if I'm a ningen," she said then chuckled.

Sesshomaru stood, his hand reflecting green until she stated, "You must really care for Rin."

Kagome was leaning on a tree close to the bolder Sesshomaru had been sitting on.

Sesshomaru didn't really know what to say to that. Rin is a ningen and if he said he cared for her than he felt that he would be getting soft. So he reminded silent. He had not advanced his attack and he didn't know why he hadn't either.

"If you are here does that mean my little brother is here as well?" Sesshomaru said, changing the subject. Kagome smirked at this.

"Actually, no. Not today. Inuyasha made me go nuts and I told him I was gonna go home but I saw the village," she cut off there.

Sesshomaru was expecting more of an explanation of why she was here talking with him.

"I guess I better go. If Inuyasha wakes up from his 'sits,' Sango and Miroku can't hold him for long," she said. She was going to walk passed Sesshomaru, but her shoelaces were tied together so she started to fall. Jaken had tied them like that. And he was now laughing.

Sesshomaru saw that she was falling in his direction and saw his retainer laughing at her. The honorable youkai he was he tried to help her. He got caught in her fall and she fell on top of him. Sesshomaru was on his back and Kagome was on top of him! When both opened their eyes, they found that they were kissing one another! Neither of them moved. Both were still in shock.

Once Jaken saw what he had done, he gasped and started apologizing immediately over and over again.

Sesshomaru tuned Jaken out like he always did. 'Her lips are like rose petals. Soft and luscious.'

He broke the kiss. "Daijoubu?" he asked when she didn't move. It was like she was frozen staring into his golden eyes. Then all of the sudden, she collapsed. Right there, on Sesshomaru's chest – she fainted. Her head landed on his cheek softly.

"MILORD! MILORD! GOMEN GOMEN!" Jaken screamed while running in circles.

"Jaken!" Sesshomaru began to sit up holding the miko in his tail as well as his arms. "Silence."

Jaken ceased his screaming and running and sat holding his mouth, trying not to burst.

Sesshomaru sat on the rock with Kagome in his lap, her legs right on top of his. He thought of killing her right then to get her out of his hair once and for all but he smelt someone coming and did not want for her to see him doing such a thing.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin yelled. "I heard Jaken wailing." Rin looked at Kagome in her lord's lap. "Kagome!"

At hearing her name, Kagome stirred. Her eyes fluttered open to see a young Rin looking back at her.

"Rin. Hi," she said groggily.

"Hello, Lady Kagome," Rin said and smirked.

"Since when did you start calling me that?" Kagome said in unison with Sesshomaru, only he said "her" instead.

Rin giggled. "When I saw you two kissing each other on the ground!"

Kagome started looking for Sesshomaru, when she realized she was in his lap! She basically jumped out of his lap. 'His gave me my first kiss! I thought about Inuyasha, but his brother?'

Rin giggled and hugged Kagome tightly around her waist. "Now, Lord Sesshomaru can be happy. And I can have a mother."

Kagome and Sesshomaru looked at each other. Sesshomaru looked away in disgust. Kagome didn't want to tell Rin that they hated each other. But she felt she had to do something. She pulled Rin from her waist and said, "Rin, um, Sesshomaru and I are not…" She stopped talking when saw Rin's face fall and her eyes glitter with tears. "We are… um…" She couldn't do it. She couldn't let Rin's thought for her Lord Sesshomaru, not be happy. "I need to talk to Sesshomaru for a minute. Please, Rin?"

Rin nodded, "Alright. But promise you are going to tell me what you were trying to say."

"I promise," Kagome said and Rin started to run back to the village to Kohaku.

"She did the eyes thing, didn't she?" Sesshomaru said and crossed his arms, his mask not falling once.

"Hai!" Kagome sighed. "I couldn't break it to her."

"So what are you going to say to her?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I'm not. You are," Kagome said looking pointedly at Sesshomaru.

"Me?" Sesshomaru plainly said. "I won't be able to do it either."

"You can't? But she's a ningen!"

"She acts like a daughter. And that's how I treat her," Sesshomaru said trying not to let his mask slip as he thought of the kiss he got from Kagome.

Kagome sighed. She decided to sit but just fell on her rump. She still had her shoes tied together.

Jaken tried to hold in his laughter.

Sesshomaru walked over to her and knelt down untying her shoelaces and held out his hands to help her up. She took the offer and stood up.

"You'd better get back to Inuyasha and your village," Sesshomaru commented.

"Yeah," Kagome sighed sadly.

"Why did you sigh like that? Aren't thinks between you and Inuyasha increasing?" Sesshomaru spoke like he didn't even care.

"No, he and I got to be just friends because he will always have Kikyo in his thoughts when he sees me." She grumbled, "Two-timer."

Sesshomaru inwardly smirked.

"What are you going to tell Rin?" Kagome asked.

"What would you like me to tell her? I can't tell her the truth. You know she'll pout like she did with you."

"Are you getting soft?" Kagome stupidly slipped out.

And it cost her. Sesshomaru pinned her to the tree behind her by her throat. He growled, "Only Rin can get me to do this. So I guess that is a yes. And if you tell Inuyasha, I'll hunt you down and kill you as soon as possible." Why he told her everything he had said the whole time with Kagome, he did not know.

"I… won't," Kagome breathed.

Rin started to appear up the hill to get her answer from Kagome about her and Lord Sesshomaru. Kohaku was waiting down by the edge of the village for her to come back and play in the apple orchard. She came running and Sesshomaru caught her scent besides Kagome's sweet watermelon and wild flower aroma. "Kuso! Rin is coming," he cursed under his breath.

Kagome heard him and gasped for air as he was still holding her by her throat. "She's… getting closer…"

Sesshomaru let go of Kagome. "Run. I don't know what I'll tell her. What are you still standing there for? GO!"

Kagome jumped. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said, "Good luck, find me and tell me what happens." And with that she ran away.

- Chapter 1 End -

Jay: Yesm! It happened! And Sesshomaru is a little out of character... I didn't even know I wrote this till I reread it and asked my friend about it...
Jenn: Idiot.
Jay: You didn't know either!
Jenn: -blink blink-