The moment she felt a hand on her shoulder she knew who it was. She could feel trough her skin it was him but she did not care look back. He came, he came to her, he searched for her, thousand of thought and feelings rushed trough her mind. Joy, despair, hopelessness, and happiness all at one time.

The moment he laid his hand on her shoulder he knew it was her. He felt so intense joy and he instantly turned her around and hugged her with all his strength.

She was surprised at first, but gave into the hug. It was him, he came for her, and maybe he did love her a bit after all…

They stood there like that for several minutes; soon he realized her body had changed a lot. Her body had rounded and he could see the roundness where the child was. In that moment he realized it must have been at least the fifth month of her pregnancy and that it must have been his child. He was her first, and during their month together he was her only.

"Hinata, you have to come back to Konoha with me. Everyone is worried, your father and sister missed you a lot. I missed you a lot." He said

She just hugged him closer.

"We should get married. And have our child raised in Konoha" he continued.

"I am not sure if I want my child to be raised in the Hyuga family, my childhood was sad… your childhood was sad, I won't allow our child to suffer like that" she said quietly.

"Then we will move outside the main house, get a house of our own and live our lives aside the main compound."

"Is that what you really want?" she asked.

"What are you asking about? Of course I want it, I want you to come back, and I won't let you go ever again!" he stated.

They went to her employer to pack her things. Lady Maaya was surprised with the course of action. But she could not stop her for returning to Konoha and the family.

The day when Hinata came back to Konoha was very sunny and warm. Lord Hiashi was standing in the window and could not believe his eyes, Neji came back and next to his was his eldest daughter. The same night there was big party for the family and friends. Only then did Hinata realize what she left behind and how many people cared about her. Most were shocked by the way she looked, they could see even without the Byakugan that she was pregnant, some of her friends knew about the child, but most were unaware of the fact. Even those who knew were surprised, but no one dared to ask which month was it. At least not in front of Neji who stayed very close to her all evening as if fearing she would escape again.

That moment Lord Hiashi realized something very important. "So that's how things are… Who would have known?" he thought to himself. "So this child is a Hyuga after all" He could not stop himself from smiling. "We'll have to organize the wedding very fast he concluded to himself looking at her body. It must be at least the fifth month she is carrying the child." As he never felt very proud when his wife was pregnant this time he felt as if this grandchild was going to get all the attention a grandfather could give.

What he did not know is that someone else had the same feelings to the same child.

After two weeks to Hinata's surprise she saw Lady Maaya in front of the Hyuga compound.

"What are you doing here Lady Maaya?" she asked when they sat down for tea.

"There was nothing there for me, and do you really think I would let you go like that?" she smiled to Hinata. "I won't let you disappear with my grandson" she smirked to Hinata. "I've already found a nice house not very far from here. I want to keep an eye on you. After my husband died I always felt so lonely, I never had any children of my own, and when you came into my life it became clear that you are the daughter I was waiting for."

"I don't know what to say Lady Maaya" she whispered.

"Then don't say anything just give this old lady a hug!" Lady Maaya smiled.

The wedding was a great event. Everyone was there; almost all of Konoha came to see it. "I'm not going to let you run away from me ever again!" Neji promised to Hianta after their wedding kiss. She just smiled to him and ignored all the people gathered there. She had no reason to run; she had her husband and her child, and nothing else mattered to her.

------ THE END------