Zero Eiyuu: Ughh… finally I found it. You don't know how shocked I was when I saw that my story was replaced by my Kanon story, how embarassing. People who were probably thinking they were gonna read Love Hina reading Kanon? How annoying, and I am sorry for anyone. But anyway though, let's begin with this story… err, again. Oh yeah, I fixed some typos.

Disclaimer: I do not own Love Hina

-/-/-/-/-/ Change of place

Love Hina: The Path of Love

Prologue: The Bright Young Man

A man dressed in a black tuxedo was trying to fix his tie in front of a circular mirror. He didn't seem to be doing that great, in fact he was struggling with it. He looked to be about the age of 19, but he looked a little bit older than that. Besides the stressed looks he was giving from his tie he was actually a very happy, joyful, and calm person. He fixed his glasses right after he finally fixed his tie.

"Ah-hah! Success!" He said in triumph when he was finally able to do it. He gave a cool smile at himself in the mirror. "Hello my name is Keitaro Urashima, nice to meet you." He talked to his own reflection as if it were another in that empty room. "Hmm…that sounds just about right."

"Oy! Keitaro-kun!" Keitaro slowly turned his head and looked at a man dressed much like himself in the doorway. He looked the same age as Keitaro but he had smaller glasses…much smaller glasses, the type you only use for reading. "It's about to start. You'd better get in place." He spoke with sincerity and calmness to Keitaro and kept a smile on for his dear friend.

"Ah, thank you Haitani-kun. I must've lost track of time. " Keitaro looked back into the mirror at himself and fixed his hair. Haitani walked beside him and looked at himself in the mirror as well. "This is it."

"Are you nervous…? Keitaro-kun?" He asked just to make sure he was okay.

"Just a little bit. I mean this IS a wedding. I would be lying if I said I didn't. He replied casually.

"Well Keitaro-kun I really hope that this girl is really the one for you. I mean I don't want you to get hurt you know?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm certain she's the woman for me." Keitaro's eyes started to sparkle with joy. "I really love her, and we've been together for three years now. Keitaro faced Haitani. "How do I look?"

"Like a man who's about to get a ball and chain locked on his leg. "He joked and patted his shoulder.

"Perfect." Keitaro gleamed happily. Well then, let's go…my best man." And with that final comment they both nod and leave together.


Keitaro stood by the altar of the church with the best man standing beside him and the bride's maids on the other side of the altar. There were many friends and family members who came to attend this wedding from both sides of the families. There were at least 150 people. In the front row of the groom's side sat Grandma Hina, his mother, his father, and his adopted sister Kanako. They all waved at Keitaro standing there happily waiting for his bride to be. The minister was of an old age, possibly 65 but he looked like he really enjoyed marrying people. He was highly recommended by many people.

And thus the music begins…the classical 'Here comes the bride' song is being played behind the minister on a pipe organ.

A young and beautiful woman begun to slowly walk down the aisle dressed in a gorgeous white wedding gown that started at the side of her shoulders all the way down into a long flowing dress like shape. She held onto a bouquet of flowers close to her heart. Her veil covered her face but anyone could see through it and the massive blush she had on her face. She had short brown hair which stopped down to the bottom of her jaw from the sides and back, the front of her hair barley touched her eyebrows. Her eyes were of a dark brown which from far away looked like black eyes. She looked very beautiful walking down that aisle. Her ages was of the same as Keitaro though she was 2 months younger than him. She was just about 5 cm smaller than him.

Keitaro looked at her with nothing but happiness glowing in his eyes. The quests all stared in awe at her at how gorgeous she just was. Many of the girls couldn't help but feel jealous, especially her close friends who were her 5 bride's maids.

She suddenly stopped in her place half way down the aisle. A look of shock was on her face.

"Huh?" Keitaro took a single step towards her. "What's wrong, Yu-chan?" He couldn't see her face, she lowered it so her hair covered her eyes from his sight. "Yu-chan?" She stayed in her spot, silence filled the room, not a sound was made.

Out of the silence… weeping takes place. It was the bride, she was crying.

"K-Keitaro…I-I'm sorry." She managed to say very quietly.

"What?" Keitaro took a couple more steps in her way again. "Come on Yu-chan…this is our big day together. Don't be nervous." He held out his hand to her with a caring smile. She nervously walked up to him and gently grabbed her hand. She paused though, Keitaro could feel something being put into his hand. "Yu-chan…"

"I'm so very sorry Keitaro…"

And she ran…dropping her bouquet…she ran and never looked back.

"Yu-chan?" He opened his hand and his eyes were in shock at what he saw. It was the engagement ring that he had proposed to her with. The entire situation then came and struck him down and he had realised what had just happened. "YU-CHAN!" He wanted to run for her, he wanted to bring her back and tell her everything was all right, he wanted her to stand by his side, but he couldn't…he couldn't do anything. He couldn't do anything but fall to is knees and cry. His heart had been broken. "Yu-chan…Yu-chan…" Haitani walked to his friend's side to comfort him.

"Keitaro-kun…" He tried to find the right words to cheer up his dear friend, to make him happy again. But nothing he could say would cheer up the broken down man. He was much to hurt.

"I thought…we'd be together forever. I though…he'd have an eternal love together…" Keitaro unconsciously dropped the silver ring onto the ground and was lost in his own thoughts.

On a close up of the silver ring, on the inner part of it was the words;

'Eternally yours – Keitaro Urashima.'


The next day Keitaro went over to Yu-chan's family home to speak with Yu-chan about the events that occurred personally. But he received news from her mother that she had left with no way of tracing her and knowing where she was. Her family deeply apologized for what had conspired and decided that they'd pay for the entire wedding expenses as a sort of 'sorry'. That didn't bring any happiness to Keitaro though. Money was the least of his worries.

Keitaro returned home, there was nowhere else he wanted to be right now. He sat at the kitchen table on one of the 4 chairs, looking at the engagement ring in his hands, reading over and over the words he had inscribed into it. Doors opened and Haitani entered with a friend of both Keitaro and himself. He was shorter than he was and bared the same type of glasses. He was dressed in a green winter jacket and jeans, Haitani was dressed the same except for a red jacket.

"…" Keitaro said nothing to them but just kept staring at the ring.

"…" The friend looked at Keitaro with sadness. "Keitaro-kun…I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to your wedding…" He waited a couple of minutes.

"…It's okay…Shirai-kun." Keitaro managed to fake a smile at both of them. "How was your vacation at Okinawa?" Shirau and Haitani seemed a bit joyed.

"It was actually pretty nice. While I was there I met this really nice girl who showed me around. It was great…you should go there sometime Keitaro-kun."

"Yeah…maybe someday…"

They were quiet once again. Shirai decided to break the eerie silence engulfing the room.

"Sorry that she left yo-" He was silenced by Haitani who smacked the back of his head.

"Idiot!" Haitani hissed at Shiari in anger. Shirai quickly realised that he was just making Keitaro feel worse. He really did love that girl.

"Thank you…" Keitaro closed his eyes and put the ring away in his pocket.

At this time Kanako had made her entrance into the kitchen dressed in a long black coat which stopped to her knees. Yes it is very called outside but it isn't winter.

"Good evening Kanako." Both Shirai and Haitani greeted.

"Good evening you two." She directed her attention to Keitaro as he didn't seem to notice Kanako just yet as he stared off into space. "Oni-san?" That caught his attention.

"Hmm? Yes Kanako?" He stared at her with lifeless eyes, this was starting to worry her.

"Grandma Hina wants to have a word with you."

"Is that so?" Keitaro looked behind Kanako from his seat. "Where is she now?"

"I'm right here." Shirai and Haitani shot back in shock gripping their hearts when they saw Grandma Hina suddenly in the seat across from Keitaro. Keitaro slowly moved his eyes to her. "Did I surprise you?"

"…No not really." He answered her like he was half asleep.



"Oh my, I'm so sorry about that. But it's not my fault you weren't paying attention." She laughed.

"What did you wish to speak to me about anyway?" Keitaro spoke out. Kanako went over beside Keitaro to his left and faced her grandmother as well. Shirai and Haitani stood behind their friends.

"Well I was going to return to Hinata Sou today in a couple of hours and I was thinking." She looked seriously at Keitaro. "I want you to come with me." Kanako twitched.

"W-what? But Grandma Hina." Kanako silenced herself as she knew not to speak against her elders.

"Hinata Sou? That sounds so very familiar." Shirai wondered. "Isn't that where Keitaro made that promise?"

"Now that you mention it. It was also a really big house." Haitani added.

Keitaro thought for a moment all the while looking at his grandmother. "Okay…I'll go with you. I need to get away from this place for a while anyway…" Keitaro sighed and reached into his pant pocket and fiddled with the ring. "Might be a good opportunity to do some studying for Todai."

"Ah then it's settled then!" She looked at Kanako. "Do you want to come too Kanako?"

"Huh?" Actually that would be great if I could go with Oni-san…but I have something important to do. "No thank you but I must stay here for a while. I may come on my own later."

"Well then we'll be seeing you right Keitaro-kun?" Shirau patted Keitaro's shoulder.

"We'll still hang out together right?" Haitani patted his other shoulder.

"Or course we will…you're my friends after all."

"Come on Keitaro." Grandma Hina got off her chair and walked towards the door. "We have things to do before we go."

"Okay, coming." Keitaro got off and followed her. Haitani, Shirai, and Kanako waved to him as he left the door. They stood there for minutes only thinking of Keitaro. They were all very worried about him and his well being. It was painful for them to see Keitaro's heart get broken in such a way.

And that was all that was left of the bright young man. He has been left with a big hole in his heart that may never recover. But maybe…just maybe…Hinata Sou could help mend his wounds. This…is the story of his path to love.

End Prologue.

Zero Eiyuu: Ah well umm... honestly I forgot what I said the 1st time before I accidently replaces this chapter so... err... I'm still working on the next chapter. But I'm not EXACTLY because yes I'm working on Chapter 2, but i'm also working on Chapter 3, 4, 5, and 6 so you can see I got my hands full, haha. Well anyway I hope yuo enjoyed this story and will continue to read my story! Please review if you wish!
