Authors Note!!: I am so deeply sorry for taking such a long time! I have been working on this chapter for the whole time I've been gone, it just took me a while to figure out where I wanted to go with them. Plus I've been at school, dealing with family deaths, going to the emergency room twice, and so on…but honestly I am sorry, and hope this extra long chapter can make up for it!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kane….unfortunately….I do so less than three him… (3)

Chapter 6: All In a Days Work

Monday morning dawned bright and way too early for Keagans taste. Every since her meeting with Vince, she had been a nervous wreck, and more than half of her didn't want today to come. She was pretty much supposed to improvise in their part of the story, as the writers hadn't had enough time to write her in completely.

What the hell am I going to do? Was all she could think while she got ready for breakfast that morning. It had become some sort of tradition now that at 8 'o clock every morning, the two would meet in the hotels restaurant, and have breakfast. "You know what? I don't know why you're getting so worked up over this." She told herself in the bathroom mirror. "You've done this once already, and people loved you. Right?" She couldn't help but to give her reflection a nervous smile, before she turned and walked out of the bathroom.

Break line--

Kane was already sitting down at a table when she arrived. Normally, she would have felt bad for leaving him there alone, while she got there late, but they had become so comfortable with each other that she knew that either, he didn't mind that she came down late (for she needed to take extra time to look good), or he had just arrived there moments before she did.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." She smiled at him, before taking her own seat across the table from where he sat.

"Hey. Nah, it's alright darlin'. I understand you women need your extra time." Keagan rolled her eyes, but they both laughed.

After they both had ordered their meals, they immediately began their routine conversation on how each others night were, how they slept, so on and so forth. Keagan then began to explain that one of her friends from back home had heard that she was going to be in the show tonight, so she decided to fly down to where the show was to give her best friend support.

"Celeste and I have been friends since we were 5. It'll be nice to see her after not having been able to in a while." The girls had started out going to college together, but decided they wanted 

different things, so after two semesters, they went their separate ways. "What are your plans for the day?"

"Well, I thought I'd take you to the weight room at the arena. We need start your training today, if you're going to be any good."

"Well thanks Glenn. I can see you really believe in me." She tried holding her frown in place, but it didn't take long for a soft giggle to escape her.

"No problem miss. sarcasm. So come on, hurry up and eat your breakfast and grab your workout clothes. We need to build up some of those muscles." Keagan's only response was to scrunch up her face and do as she was told.

--break line--

"Okay so, what do you want to start off doing first?" Kane asked her after he had made her stretch.

Keagan shrugged. "I dunno, this was your idea." Kane couldn't help but smile down at her as he lead her to the weight benches. He knew that she would have rather done so many other things than work out, but the fact that she was there, made him very proud.

"Alright, so, how about you start off with a couple sets of skull crushers…" And that's how it went for the next hour. Kane didn't want to work her too hard when he knew that they had a show that night and didn't want her looking to tired.

"Glenn, please. Can this be it, I'm so tired." And as if to help explain her exhaustion, she laid down on the matted floor after she finished her third set of fifteen jumping jacks. Kane was so shocked that he forgot to respond. Did she just call him…Glenn? He didn't even realize that she knew his real name. But then, he thought, She could have just called me that without realizing it. I mean, we have been getting closer.

"Um, hello? Glenn, did you hear me?" Shaking out if his reverie, he gave her a smile before nodding.

"Yeah, sure we can be done in here." Keagan gave out a large sigh of relief.

"Thanks! All I want to do now is go back and take a shower."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We maybe done in here but we're not done completely." He explained.

"We aren't?" She grumbled.

"Nope. Now come on, we gotta work on your defense moves just in case a body is thrown at you." Keagan knew she had no choice but to go along with what he was saying. But that didn't stop her from whining under her breath as he led her to the ring.

--break line--

Keagan unenthusiastically followed her large friend down to the ring, and was very surprised to see two other wrestlers practicing in the ring.

It wasn't until they got closer could she tell that it was John Cena and Rob Van Dam.

"What are they doing?" She asked. She had met Cena once before backstage after her first night.

"Practicing for their match tonight." Kane explained. "And as soon as these amateurs finish, we get to, too." He had spoken the word amateurs loud enough for the wrestlers in the ring to hear them.

"Excuse me? Pssh, puh-lease Glenn. I am anything but amateur." Cena said in mock cockiness. Keagan laughed at the boys antics. John Cena had turned out to be every bit as hyper and playful as he was on TV.

"Come on guys we need to practice. Hurry it up!" Boomed a voice from behind her and Kane. She found herself being shocked again when she saw the men who played the Great Khali…speaking English.

"We're goin, we're goin'." Rob told them as both he and Cena grabbed their water bottles and made their way to the ramp. As ge passed her by, Cena gave Keagan a wink and a grin, which and Kane growl and pull her along with him towards the ring.

--break line--

"Glenn…I hate you." They were back at the hotel (finally) and the first thing that Keagan did was collapse onto the bed.

Kane let out a bark of a laugh, "No you don't. Besides, you'll thank me in the end when you can beat up the Woman's Champion."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Was her response as she turned onto her back. "And who said anything about wrestling the Woman's Champion? I'm just here to your valet, remember?" She had pulled a pillow over to her and placed it underneath her head. "Sleepy time." She mumbled before she closed her eyes.

"Uh, no. No sleepy time for Keagan" He stood up from where he was sitting at her desk and walked over to grab her hands.

Keagan let out muffled grumble which he thought was, "why no sleepy time?"

" 'Cause you need to get up and take a shower." He pulled on her arm, but all he achieved was pulling her off her pillow and closer to him, not actually up. "Then you need to order a small 

dinner, before we drive back to the arena." He pulled again, and when he received the same effect as before he grabbed her other hand and pulled harder.

"Gleeeeenn" She wined out. "Let me sleeeeeep."

"Sorry darlin', can't do that." He finally got her up to a sitting position. "Besides, you wanna be ready for when Celeste comes later, don'tcha?" At this, Keagan's eyes opened in a flash and after pushing Kane out of the way, she ran into the bathroom and shut the door.

--break line--

When she walked out of the bathroom, all fresh, clean and awake, she saw that Kane had been kind enough to order her a bowl of broccoli cheddar soup and a roll. She was grateful for this since she knew that there was going to be no way that she would be able to hold down a huge meal.

Kane himself was back to sitting at the desk, eating his own small meal. He looked up her form the newspaper he was reading and smiled at her, "Hey there lovely. Now, I know that the soup isn't much but you don't want to go eat too much before wrestling. Besides, Maybe I'll take you girls out for a late night meal after the show." Keagan nodded her head in agreement and sat down to eat her own meal.

It was soon time for them to leave and go back to the arena. Keagan had heard from Celeste before they left, and was informed that she had landed safely from her flight and would see her at the show.

They arrived just as some others were as well. And Keagan could feel herself going into star-struck mode. "Holy shit Glenn it's the Undertaker!" She had grabbed hold of his hand, and was squeezing rather tightly.

"Yes Keagan…good job." She returned his sarcasm with a glare. "But he prefers to be called Mark by his peers. Right Mark?" She hadn't realized, but the wrestler had walked over to the couple and joined them in walking into the building. Her response was to slap Kane on the arm and duck her head down.

"Right you are Glenn. How are you little lady. Glenn's told me a lot about you." He held his hand out for her to shake, which she did.

"Really? Because he's told me nothing about you." She said conversationally.

Kane gave out a loud laugh, "Only because I figured you knew everything about him already." At this her cheeks gave a pinkish tint.

The threesome made their way into the building, and luckily for her, she had to part ways with them to go to the woman's locker room. The room this time was much busier than last week. She 

spotted not only Ashley, but Maria, Torrie, Candice Michelle, Lita, and Trish hanging around, getting ready for the show. Ashley looked up when the door opened and when she spotted Keagan, she smiled and walked over to her.

"Hey girl, glad to see you weren't scared off." The girls shared a laugh. "Oh, I heard the good news, McMahon gave you job?" Keagan nodded.

"Yup, you're stuck with me. But I'm not wrestling; I'm just here to be Kane's valet." Ashley nodded.

"So you're the new girl." Amy Dumas who wrestled as Lita walked up behind Ashley. "Figures."

Keagan gave a frown, "What's that supposed to mean?" She demanded.

Amy let up her hands in defense, "Nothing at all. I'm just not surprised they'd get some naïve little girl to be Kane's partner." Keagan could only give the girl an outraged look. "Look kid, I'm just trying to warn you. You don't know what he's really like. He can seem nice, but if you get on his wrong side, you never know what he might do to you."

"Well I don't think he'll have to worry about me. I won't go sleeping around with all the other wrestlers." She retorted. Amy gave the girl a death glare, before knocking into her shoulder and storming out of the room.

"Jeeze girl, this is only your second week and you're already making enemies." They chuckled, and walked over to their lockers. Earlier Glenn had taken her to the costumers so they could give her the clothes she would be wearing that night. And truth be told…what they were having her wear just made her even more nervous to go out in the ring.

They had chosen a very very low cut halter top vest to go along with a pair of too tight jeans. What the hell! How was she going to explain this to her father? Shit… After rolling her eyes in frustration for what seemed like eternity, and much coaxing from Ashley, she finally put the clothes on, along with the pair of heels she was given.

"Wow. Kane doesn't stand a chance." Maria commented as she passed by. Keagan gave a huge sigh, but this only succeeded in making her even more uncomfortable, and cover up her very revealed chest.

Then there was a series of knocks on the door before it opened slightly and a stage hand announced that she had to out to the gate to meet Kane, and that their segment was going to start pretty soon. She gave the stage hand a nod that she understood and followed him out of the room, appreciating the words of encouragement from the fellow divas.

The walk to the gate seemed unbearably long, and all she wanted to do was grab Glenn and run out of the arena…after she changed. But no, up ahead she could see Glenn in Kane mode. He 

was dressed in his normal uniform, with a bottle of water in his hand. But as soon as he spotted his girl, he seemed to relax and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You okay?" Her only response was to give him a look which said "Yeah…sure." "You'll do great, I know it." She nodded, and gave a huge sigh. Come on Keagan. You can do this; you know it won't be that bad. You'll have Glenn there to protect you, and there's no way people won't like you.

"Shit." She leaned herself up against the wall next to the entrance and started deep breathing.

"Keagan, listen to me. You will be fine. There is absolutely no way they wont like you." But his attempts to calm her down were in vain when she gave another shudder as the crowd gave another loud roar. "Are you sure you're okay"

"Did I ever mention I have an extreme case of stage fright?" Glenn let out a laugh.

"Well I figured. Listen, you look absolutely gorgeous right now, and I need you okay? You're the distraction…" Finally she gave out a laugh and just in time too, because Kane's music started to play. "Alright, time to show these people what you're made of." And with that he grabbed her hand and pulled her out onto the top of the ramp.

Immediately she could feel the change in the giant man beside her. He was now Kane, the Big Red Monster, the fire obsessed psycho. Where as two seconds ago he was Glenn, one of the most caring, sensitive men she knew. His shoulders were now tensed up, his glare was set, and his grip on her hand was much tighter. It almost freaked her out; to see such a change in the man she had gotten so used to being with. And if it wasn't for the quick sideways glance that pretty much said "It's alright Keagan, I'm still me." She would have been frightened.

Kane pulled her up towards the ring, and in front of him, motioning for her to go up first. She couldn't help but to blush as she bent under the second rope, all the male fans yelled out and whistled. She looked back at Kane and saw the dirty looks he was giving them back. When they both were in the ring, they stood off to the side to await his opponent. It was there where she spotted Celeste standing in the front row with a sign that read "I want Keagan's bod!" and it took every ounce of her self control not to burst out laughing.

But her joy was then silenced when Kane's opponents' theme music started to play. At first all she saw was two large eyes which turned into tiger eyes, and she immediately knew who Kane was going to fight. As soon as the Great Khali walked out, the crowd had a big difference in reaction. Some cheered for him, while most others booed him. Keagan looked up at Kane, fearing what the outcome of this match was going to be. Knowing that Kane isn't the type to sooth his mate's fears, she decided to just yell "Good luck, don't die." Before she exited the ring.

She ended up standing right in front of the barrier that Celeste was standing behind, so of course she could here all of the comments being made by her friend, and again, it took all of her self control to hold in her laughter and stay in character.

The bell rang, both of the giant men circled each other, neither one of them wanted to be the first one to start the mach. "Come on Kane!" She screamed out her support. Was this what she was supposed to be doing? Was she even doing it right? I really hope I don't sound as annoying Melina as she screams. She thought critically of herself.

Finally it was Khali who made the first move, and knocked Kane down to the ground. "That's a nice man you got there Keagan." Celeste yelled sarcastically. Keagan flashed her middle finger at her friend before she turned back to yell out encouraging words to the wrestler she was there for. She couldn't help but get really frustrated with the match. It seemed that every time Kane would get up, or prepare to do a move, Khali would just throw him back down and try to kick him. But then finally Kane's luck turned around when he caught his opponent off guard and kicked him in the stomach. This made Khali bend down which gave Kane the perfect opportunity to set up for a Chokeslam. Unfortunately Khali was too fast and chokeslamed Kane first. Keagan let out a huge cry of disappointment and glared at Khali. But this didn't seem to faze Khali any, as he rested his foot on top of Kane's chest, and the ref counted to three.

Keagan waited for Khali to exit the ring before she went in herself. By this time Kane had sat up and was giving Khali a huge death glare. He stood up and continued to glare as his opponent made his way up the ramp and backstage. But when he noticed Keagan standing next to him, his gaze softened. Then, the next thing she knew, one of his huge arms were around her, pulling her straight up against him, while he planted a very passionate kiss on her lips. After he pulled back, Keagan was in all but a shocked state, yet she could hear the loud cheers from her friend the front row cheering and whistling along with the rest of the crowd. It was only when Kane lifted up his arms and set off the fire on the corners of the ring did she snap out of her daze. Kane then grabbed her hand and helped her out of the ring, then up the ramp and into the backstage.

The minute they were backstage they were bombarded with cheers and whistles from their peers who had been watching the screen near the gate.

"Nice going Glenn!" Someone shouted in passing. Keagan could feel a hot blush creep its way up her neck.

Kane too started to blush, and quickly tried to explain. "Look Keagan… I uh…I didn't mean for that to be so unexpected. And I apologize if I …uh if I..."

Keagan shook her head quickly, "Glenn, don't worry about it. I completely understand." Then after she rested her hand on his upper arm, she gave him a soft smile and went to go change back into her street clothes.

Usually Keagan had no problem being sweaty and gross, but lately she had found herself needing to feel clean at all times when around Kane. She didn't want him thinking she was disgusting, did she? Or course not!

She tried as quickly as possible to take an effective shower, all the while thinking of the kiss Glenn had planted on her. Even though he was in character, she could tell that when he kissed her, he was no longer in Kane mode, but himself as Glenn.

What the hell was she supposed to do? And immediately she couldn't wait to get Celeste alone so they could talk.

--break line—



ThereAre666Ways2Love: Aww thanks, I so wish I were her. Haha. Thanks! Next chapter I'll start to officially call him Glenn the whole time.

KageMori: Thanks for the review, I truly hope you like this chapter!

2 Die is 2 Live: That's what I thought! Awww thanks im so happy you like it!

Wwe whore: YAY im so glad! So sorry it to so long to get this one out! Thanks, I love Keagan too, but the other day I took a reeeeally long quiz to see if she was a Mary-Sue, and it said that she was!! Can you believe that??

ShadowVixen: Oh, don't worry, she'll definitely be one of those! Thanks so much for the review!

Jada951: What do mean how can this be completed?

Turtle gurl 17: Awww thanks! Wow, since 3? Wow.

Corrupt me: YAY! Thanks, that's what im hoping for!

Tazzels: Thanks for the review! I know what you mean about being drawn to him. I'll think about bring Marie back in, it all depends on where I take the story.

--You know what to do! R&R!!--