The Chemical Reaction

Warnings: Language.

Disclaimer: Fansite.

Chapter 11:

Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. Franklin P. Jones


The cloaked figure sat, sipping on a glass of ice cold milk, then looked at Urahara. "These kids are taking forever," Yoruichi complained. "Tell them to hurry up."

"And how do you propose I do that? Telepathically?" Urahara said sarcastically.

"Actually—" Yoruichi began.

"Look, here comes Inoue."

The cloaked figure took their legs off the table and sat up right, then finished off the rest of the milk and became attentive to the situation.

Inoue Orihime entered, slightly nervous, but quiet and took a seat beside Yoruichi. "Good morning, Yoruichi-san."

"Morning. Where's everyone else?"

"I do not know."

Urahara had stepped out of the small and enclosed area and into the streets, so Yoruichi looked at Orihime sympathetically (although no one could see it). Truth be told, Yoruichi felt slightly guilty for berating Orihime about her reasons to return to Seireitei. It's not like she wanted to make Orihime feel like a bad friend, however, she did want Orihime to at least acknowledge there were feelings on the table.

"Inoue, look at me." Yoruichi said sternly.

"If you're going to go with Kurosaki to Seireitei to save Rukia, then that's all fine and well. But do not let your feelings for him interfere."

"Yoruichi-san, I would never let anything interfere. Kuchiki-san has saved my life before, thus I'll save hers. Wholesomely and completely without a doubt in my mind or letting anything come before that priority. She's my friend." Orihime replied confidently, then smiled. "Sound good?"

Yoruichi leaned back and shrugged, putting feet back up on the table and grinning maliciously under the hood of the jacket Yoruichi was donning.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard ya. I'm here. Stop bitching." Ichigo snapped irately at Urahara, then looked to see Orihime. "Oh, Inoue. I didn't know you were coming."

Orihime grinned and waved at him slowly. "That's fine. I sort of had a feelings you were coming, Kurosaki-kun."

"Now we're just missing two more," Urahara announced gleefully.

"Two more? Who else are you dragging into this?" Ichigo asked harshly, taking residence in a chair.

"Oh, no one. Just your sisters."

"My sisters!" Ichigo screeched, sitting up straight.

Urahara laughed. "No, just kidding."

"It's eleven AM sharp, Kisuke." Yoruichi stated flatly. "Clearly, they don't listen."

"Thank you, Yoruichi. I heard you the first fifty thousand times...oh, and look! Our two other visitors are right on schedule."

Ichigo leaned his head back from the chair he had now reclined in. "Chad?"

"Ishida-kun?" Orihime murmured.

"What are the two of them doing here?" Ichigo asked, looking at Urahara.

"They're here to help." Yoruichi stated flatly.

"I don't need their help. They're only endangering themselves—" Ichigo retorted, before getting cut off by Yoruichi.

"Oh, do shut up. You don't even know what you're getting into. At least Ishida and Inoue have a clue."

"Ishida? As in Ishida Uryu, the prick from my high school who had to make sure everyone knew he was the best student ever?"

A thump came down beside Ichigo on the table and Ichigo jumped away from the sound, falling off his chair, looking up to see the person who slammed the book on the table.

A pair of icy eyes hidden behind wire-framed glasses shot an angered glare. "No, Kurosaki. As in Ishida Uryu, the guy who exposed you for the fool you really are in the science fair."

Yoruichi bursted out laughing. "You were a science fair geek, Kurosaki? Damn. Didn't see that one coming!"

"All right, all right, now that we're all here, let's introduce ourselves and try and explain why we're here. I, of course, am Urahara Kisuke. I called you all here. Why? I think you all can contribute something to this rescue operation. And I don't think Kuchiki Rukia-san deserves to die. I'll be preparing you for your journey to Seireitei."

Yoruichi twirled the now empty glass of milk on the table and looked up for a moment, gold eyes catching the sunlight. "I'm Shihouin Yoruichi; your guide to Seireitei. I'd also like to point out that I'm going to be your boss. You listen to me and you comply when I say it."

Ichigo had regained his composure and taken his seat on the right side of Orihime, running a hand through messy orange hair. "I'm Kurosaki Ichigo, and I want to know why the fuck all these random people are here."

"Good question, Kurosaki-kun! You see, we've connected Kuchiki-san to all of these people. She's connected to Sado-kun because she saved his life during a bank heist not long ago. She's connected to you, well, we all know that you feel indebted to her. She also saved Inoue-san many times and helped her during her work at Seireitei. And again is he connected to Kuchiki-san?" Urahara replied, then looked to Yoruichi for the answer to his question.

"He's a Quincy. There were a few people who worked at Seireitei who's families helped surviving Quincy families escape."

Orihime looked in Yoruichi's direction. "I'm sorry, please excuse me, but I can just not picture Kuchiki Byakuya-sama giving support to those of Quincy decent when they were determined a failed project."

"Because he didn't. Kuchiki-san's sister did." Yoruichi answered.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow. "Her sister?"

"Exactly," Yoruichi continued, beginning to elaborate, "However, due to a terminal illness, she passed away. However, a Quincy is bound by honor to repay his debt, am I correct? I'm sure Kuchiki-san's sister would want you to repay it in this sense, by saving her only flesh and blood."

"And does Rukia know of this?" Ichigo asked.

Yoruichi and Urahara shook their heads, symbolizing the answer 'no'. Ichigo bit his lower lip and nodded, looking down. "Byakuya doesn't either, does he?"

Again, two shaken heads from the two eldest within the group symbolized the answer 'no'.

"This is more complicated than I thought," Ishida mumbled.

Silence—the awkward and undesired kind. Orihime opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. Chad remained typically quiet. Ishida used his forefinger and thumb to adjust the position of the wire framed glasses on his face.

"But it doesn't matter." Ichigo finally stated. Everyone's eyes fell on him. "It doesn't matter how complicated this is; I'm going to save Rukia. She put her life on the line for me, and now I'm returning the favor. Urahara-san, Yoruichi-san, please help me save Rukia."

"Anyone else interested in saving her?" Urahara asked quietly, his tongue in his cheek now. "I won't give you any lies—this will be the most dangerous time of your life. But ask yourselves if she really deserves to die and if you want to give your life. Don't think you're a coward if you're afraid. A real hero and a brave person both know they're afraid of something, they just put it aside to do what's right. None of us will look ill upon you if you say n—"

"I'm going." Orihime announced firmly. "It doesn't matter what the risks are, I'm going."

Ishida smoothed the sleeves of his cleanly pressed and crisp white shirt out and opened his mouth to speak, "I'm going too. Hell knows that everyone who does go will die if Kurosaki is in charge. He'll forget about food, water and rest."

Ichigo rolled his eyes, muttering a low, "Stupid bastard..."

Chad nodded his head, "Kuchiki-san saved my life. I will save hers in return."

Urahara looked to Yoruichi with a grin. "Great, but there's a few things you ought to know before you go."


"Kukaku," A cool feminine voice spoke on the cell phone, gold eyes sparkling in the moonlight, "I need a favor or two."