A.N. Aww, barely any reviews for the last chapter, eh? Well, thanks a lot, Haruko! Even if you were anonymous, it still means a lot that you were the only reviewer!!!


Kagome couldn't believe her eyes, it was really him, InuYasha, her boyfriend. Why was he here, had he found her on his own, or… wait, COUSIN?!?!

"Ranma, did you say that InuYasha Taisho is your cousin?" she stressed the last word to Ranma, trying to get a point across without downright explaining.

"Well, yeah… what'd ya' think when I said that I was contacting my cousin? I said his name, didn't I?" Ranma pondered, taking his hand from her shoulder, where it had been patting her comfortingly.

"No," Kagome said, glaring at the man. "You let that little detail slip; didn't you?" Kagome said sarcastically, her face furious.

"Ahh, goman, goman," Ranma sighed with a shrug. "You can't expect that I remember every detail, you know."

"I'm just glad he's here," Kagome sighed, turning back to the window to watch the hanyou sprint silently across the grounds, sword in hand.

"Wait, do you know my cousin?" Ranma asked, curiously. He furrowed his brow and turned Kagome to look at him when she answered. His light brown eyes searched her face for answers.

"Very well! He's my steady boyfriend, and I love him with all my heart," Kagome sighed, clutching her heart with her hands. She got stars in her eyes and melted on the window sill as she watched him. "I'm so glad he came."

"Well, er, that's good to hear," Ranma scratched his head and closed his eyes with a nervous smile. Wow, InuYasha never mentioned her being his girlfriend! Maybe that's why he got all worked up when I mentioned the name….

"InuYasha, my love, do hurry! I wish to be out of this hell hole and to feel safe in your arms once more!" Kagome exclaimed randomly, here last few words sounding very urgent. Ranma doubled back and stared at her, blinking.

He kept looking at her, but realized that he wasn't going to get a response just from that. The girl's eyes were trained on the youkai that was speedily moving towards the building. The martial artist waved a hand in her face, but she just kept watching the boy with her brown eyes.

"Kagome!" Ranma exclaimed, trying to get the girl's attention.

"InuYasha!" she called out the window, her voice a bit louder than normal.

His keen ears picked up on her voice, and already recognized her scent, as well. He looked up, and his eyes seemed to light up at the sight of her, even under the make up, which wasn't much but still more than she usually wore, which was none.

"Kagome!" she and Ranma saw him dash towards the house, and scale the tree a couple of meters from the house. In mere moments he had soared toward the bedroom window, and was supporting himself. His clawed hands hung to the windowsill, and as if in a crouching position, his feet were pushed onto the wall outside, keeping him up.

"Hey, coz," he nodded to Ranma, who nodded back, unsurely.

"InuYasha," Kagome breathed, reaching out to him, and in one swift movement, he had pulled her quickly into his arms, pulled against his chest. Of course, in his precarious position, he ad lost his grip, and was now sailing backwards through the air.

Kagome yelped, and wrapped her arms tightly around his middle. The bare fronts of her thighs scraped against the rough windowsill as she was pulled from the room and outside with InuYasha. Turning her head, she saw Ranma gaping in shock, and reaching out a hand as if to catch them.

Kagome realized that they were on the sixth story of the mansion, and was terrified of the inevitable. Turning back, she buried her face in InuYasha chest, tears beginning to soak his kimono as she imagined the crash. He would die, probably, and cushion her fall. When they found her in the morning, she would be severely punished.

But that crash never came, and instead, she found herself being set down gently on her feet. Still clinging to the red haori, she mumbled one word…


"What's that, Kags?" she heard his voice above her.

"How'd you find me?" she asked, looking up into his face, her chocolate eyes swimming with tears.

"Ranma told me," he answered simply. "Why, what'd you think?"

"I dunno," she answered. "I'm just glad you came before it was too late."

"Well, I'm not quite finished punishing these people. Stealing back one amazing girl isn't quite enough, right?" he asked her, tenderly stroking her cheek.

"Sure. You do your thing, baby," she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. They were interrupted a second later though, from a voice above.

"Aww, that's so sweet, you guys. But we have some things to do, now! Come on, coz!" Ranma exclaimed, in a half whisper that reached down six stories.

"We're coming, we're coming! Hang on, would you?" InuYasha called back in the same voice. Looking back down at Kagome, though… "Now, where were we?" he asked, smirking.

"Oh, somewhere around, here," she said coyly, pulling him back into the kiss.

"I can't win, can I?" Ranma mumbled to himself, his cheek in his hand resting on the windowsill. He turned away from the lovers… watching other people romance sickened him.

"Jump!" he heard InuYasha exclaim from below. Without a second thought, he back-flipped through the window and soared down head first towards his cousin. InuYasha reached two hands upwards towards Ranma's extended ones, and the martial artist sprung himself off of them into another flip, this time landing safely on the ground in a crouch.

Standing up, he turned away to look back up at the house as if it was nothing. Kagome stood a couple feet away from the boys, her jaw wide open. Her eyes had grown huge, and a stress mark had appeared on her head.

"I never knew you could do that," she gaped at the cousins.

"Oh, really?" they asked her together.

"I thought that I'd mentioned something about practicing with Ranma," InuYasha scratched his chin. "Maybe not?" he asked with a nervous laugh.

"I didn't even know that he was your cousin, for God's sakes!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"What, huh?" Ranma turned back towards the couple as if he'd just realized the conversation was happening. "What'd we do?" he asked the teenage girl.

"That was absolutely amazing!" she complimented him, shaking his hand with vigor.

"What? That little thing? That's nothing! We've done much better," he waved it off sincerely. "But enough about that, we need to free the other women in there!" he broke into a sprint towards the building.

InuYasha threw Kagome over his shoulder and quickly caught up to his cousin.

"What? We're going back there? Shouldn't we call the police?" she exclaimed, pounding her boyfriend's back.

"Nah. This way's funner, anyway!" Ranma and InuYasha cackled evilly together.

InuYasha tossed Kagome easily into the air, never breaking his run. She shrieked, and heard InuYasha ten feet below. "Ranma! Catch!"

She plummeted, and found herself over the other boy's shoulder in mere seconds.

"Wow, you're light. Do you eat at all?" he teased her.

"I'm not a rubber ball! Don't toss me in the air like a game of catch! I could've gotten hurt!" she exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

The boys laughed together, and suddenly Kagome heard a loud booming sound. InuYasha had kicked the door down.

"Everybody put your hands up where I can see 'em!" she heard the hanyou's booming voice echo through the entrance hall.

"What the- who the HELL are you?" she heard a man's frightened voice.

"I'm your worst nightmare," she heard InuYasha's hiss. Pulling Ranma's elbow out of her way, she saw InuYasha grab the guard by his collar. She was upside down, however, so when he tossed the man into the air and kicked him back down into the tiles again… it looked as if he had tossed him down and kicked him up.

"InuYasha!" she exclaimed, alarmed. "You'll get in trouble if you kill him!"

"So what?" he asked. "Do you think anybody's really going to come after me for attacking a rapist?" he asked.

"Hmm, I suppose that you're right," she answered.

"Good thinking," she heard Ranma's sarcastic tone. Looking down, she noticed that the man was unconscious as they whizzed past him, and the tiles were broken. She tried to force herself to realize that the man would have hurt her if given the chance… but she couldn't help but think: I hope he's not dead.

"Kya! You think that you can take me on?" she heard InuYasha's voice ring out from another corridor.

Voices screamed, and there were loud crashing noises and bangs as the wall next to Ranma and Kagome exploded. Three men's unconscious bodies fell from the hole. And Kagome heard herself scream. InuYasha stepped through the holes, on one man's torso, and motioned them through.

"This way!" he exclaimed. "There's a million people coming!" he warned them. "Ranma, you protect Kagome. I'll take down all those scum bags," he ordered his cousin.

"Aww, how come you get to have all the fun?" he asked.

"Okay, whatever," InuYasha sighed. "I'm not going to argue now, there's no time. Just make sure Kagome isn't hurt, okay?" he asked.

"Sure," Ranma replied.

They dashed through the hole, and found themselves sprinting up a flight of steps. Ranma set Kagome down and grabbed her hand. "Walk for yourself now," he ordered in a yell, pulling her along behind him. She had to run top speed to keep up with the men, but soon they stopped as they collided with five others on the steps.

"Who the hell are you guys?" the head man, armed with a club, demanded in a bellowing voice.

"We're the Saotome Taisho Double Trouble!" they replied, standing back to back in battle poses.

"GET 'EM!" the clubbed man exclaimed. InuYasha grabbed the bat and broke it over the man's head. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Jumping into the air as Ranma kicked a man in the danger zone below, he came down on another's face with flying kicks and punches.

"Hiya!" Ranma gave a battle cry, sending a punch at another man's face. More people came surging up the steps behind them, and down at them, as well.

"Kagome!" InuYasha called, his eyes growing wide as a man grabbed Kagome by the back of the head.

"No!" she cried, fighting to break free. She heard the man chuckle as he pulled her hair tighter.

"Sorry, girly," his voice was husky, as he shoved his hand down her shirt. Kagome yelped as the man groped her chest.

She heard InuYasha and Ranma's bellows of fury, but they were blocked from her by other people. The sound seemed to drown out in her ears, and everything went red. She couldn't hear anything, but she knew everything.

She saw InuYasha and Ranma punching people left and right, trying to get to her. She knew that there were a million girls in this world, and some of them were right near her, being ravaged (quite against their will). She knew that she was going to do something to help those women and girls… and to help protect others. She knew that this man was getting pleasure from touching her. And she knew… that he was touching her where no other man had… which really pissed her off. But most of all, she knew that she had a knife strapped to her stomach.

With her free hand, she ripped the knife from the place where it was duct taped to her stomach. She brought it around the back of her head, and cut her hair free of the man's grasp. Her hair went flying away from her head, wisps and tendrils falling to the floor. Spinning around, the man's hand flew from it's place at her breast. But it was pulled out of the shirt, exposing her.

She didn't care, she brought the knife at the man, and cut his arm open. He bellowed in pain. Suddenly, at that cry of pain, all the sound came back.

She'd been wronged, so many girls had been wronged. Why was it that females got the raw end of the stick all the time (no pun intended, pervs)? She was going to do everything in her power to be free, and to free everyone else. She saw the man's blood flowing from his arm, and his other hand grasping it, trying to stop blood flow.

She looked at her blade, and saw his blood on it. With an evil smile, she licked it from the hard metal. Her attacker watched, horrified. Kagome Higurashi was blood thirsty.

She stabbed him in the hand that had touched her, wanting to destroy it.

"Get away, girl!" he tried to grab her. She let out a battle cry as she dodged under his arm and shoved him with all her might using her right shoulder. He fell backwards down the stairs, hitting his head off the railing, knocking him unconscious. He knocked into the man behind him, who stumbled and let out a cry of anguish as he toppled and the row of men behind him fell, too.

Pinning around to face the people behind her, she saw Ranma and InuYasha still fighting their way down towards her. She stabbed the man directly in front of her, his back was to her. He crumpled to the ground, she'd gotten him in the leg. He, too, cried out in anguish.

She stomped on his windpipe until he lost conciousness, and then took on the next enemy. Punching him with her small fist in his fat gut, she kicked him where the sun don't shine with her left leg.

"How's that feel, you dirty bastard!?" she cursed at him as he fell, and then spat in his face. He clutched at his crotch, doubled over in pain, his gray eyes watering.

"Kagome!" she felt InuYasha lay a clawed hand on her upper arm.

"How you doin'?" she smiled at him, her eyes wild and sparkling.

"I should ask you that! Do you realize that you just took down nine men?" he asked her, stroking her hair. When he realized how short it was, his eyes got wide.

"What happened to your hair?" he exclaimed. His eyes searched the steps, and saw her dark raven locks scattered about on the ground.

"I'm going for a new look. How do you like it?" she teased, spinning around to display the cut.

"It's messy, now. We'll have it fixed later," he whispered to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Kagome saw over his shoulder as kicked the last man in the head, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Good job, Kags!" he smiled at her.

"You too!" she exclaimed, as InuYasha pushed the man that she had kicked a second before down the stairs with his foot.

"You did great," InuYasha complimented her. "Where'd you learn those moves?" he asked her, wrapping strong arms around her waist from behind. She turned her head to look back over her shoulder at him. His face was alarmingly close, but she didn't even flinch.

"Oh, I dunno," she whispered, her lips brushing his. "A little here, a little there," and with that, he pushed his lips onto hers, into a full out make out session.

"Yeah, I know that this is great and all for you guys," Ranma tapped InuYasha on the shoulder. "But this might not be the time. Let's gather up the rest of the women, and get to the police station," Ranma pulled the two apart and dragged them down stairs again.



"So, you kids seriously managed to free all those women, including yourself," the officer gestured to Kagome. "On your own?" he raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Yup. It didn't take much. We just went in, knocked down a door, and beat the crap out of twenty five guys or so," Ranma shrugged. "It was nothing."

"Wow," the officer nodded, impressed. "It looks like the girls from that location you gave us the address for have just come in," he nodded towards the window. Kagome smiled and blushed, glad that she'd been able to remember the address. She couldn't wait to see Sango again, and find out if she were alright or not.

She prayed to god that nothing had happened, and that she'd been as lucky as herself. Plus, she wanted to meet this Akane girl.

"It was all to save the women," InuYasha smiled. "Feh, I mean, we couldn't very well call ourselves men if we didn't have the balls to try; at least," he nodded.

Kagome blushed red at the word 'balls.'

"InuYasha, watch your tongue," she reprimanded.

"Sorry, Kags," he smirked at her.

"I'll be back in a minute. Help yourselves to donuts and coffee," the officer motioned to the items on the desk before them. As soon as the man had left the room, InuYasha grabbed a jelly donut and stuffed it in his mouth whole.

"Mmm, das' uh goo' donu'," he commented through powdered sugar and grape jelly.

"Chew with your mouth closed," Kagome reprimanded him, taking a bite of a chocolate donut. She was starving, she hadn't eaten a real meal in days.

"I agree. You're really rude sometimes," Ranma elbowed his cousin in the ribs. Ranma's feet were resting on the desk next to the donut box, and he was reclining on the back legs of the chair.

InuYasha swallowed the donut. "You're one to talk," he replied, pushing the chair backwards. Ranma toppled over on his back and the wooden chair's rungs cracked.

Sitting up Indian style, he pushed his feet together and held his head. "Hey! What was that for?!" he exclaimed angrily up at InuYasha.

"You elbow me, I push you over," he replied calmly, shoving another donut in his mouth, this time glazed cruller.

"Men," Kagome sighed, taking another bite of the sugary breakfast food.

Suddenly, the door came crashing open, and a blur of dark hair came crashing in. Kagome was suddenly pulled into a hug by another girl, and her donut went flying into the air.

"Kagome!" Sango exclaimed, tears rushing down her face, soaking Kagome's shoulder.

"Sango!" she shrieked, standing up and grabbing her friend with crushing force, but she was being held back with the same amount of pressure.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt? How'd you get out? How'd you find us?" her questions came out almost indistinguishable.

"I'm alright! No, InuYasha and Ranma saved me! I remembered the address, is all!" she replied, sobbing for joy. "Are you hurt, was I too late?" she pulled back but still clung to her friend, staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

"No. I'm fine, too," she replied, smiling a wide smile.

"Oh, Sango," she cried.

"Kagome!" she exclaimed, and suddenly they were stuck together again.

"Um…," a voice came from the doorway. "Is this a bad time?" The four looked at the doorway. A dark haired, tall boy was standing beside a petite, blue haired girl.

"Ranma?" she whispered, reaching out a hand towards the Saotome.

"Akane?" he stood up, and suddenly his face lit up. "AKANE!" in a blur of light she was in his arms.

"Ranma…," she whispered, but didn't get to say another word, because suddenly he'd kissed her, keeping her from talking.

"Hello," Fumei reached a hand towards InuYasha's claw.

"Hi, who're you?" he asked, shaking the other boy's hand.

"Fumei. You must be InuYasha," Fumei nodded. "Pleased to meet you." He said to the half demon politely.

"Ah! So you've heard of me! I guess I am quite famous, aren't I, though?" he asked, flipping his hair over his shoulder and out of his brilliant amber eyes. Crossing his arms, he turned away as if it were nothing.

"No, actually, Sango described you as a white haired, dog eared, gold eyed, boy," he nodded. "And seeing as you're the only one in this room that fits that description," he shrugged with a half smile.

"Oh," InuYasha replied simply with a scowl. "So… how do you and Sango know each other?" he eyed them suspiciously.

"You could say that we're partners in crime," Sango smirked, taking Kagome's hand and swinging an arm over Fumei's shoulders.

He wore no collar.

the end

A/N So, that's the end. Thank god. I'm so glad to have this over with. I finished one story today, at least. Thank you so much to all my reviewers. Haruko, thanks for reviewing last chapter, again!!! Fusako-chan, you'd better read and review, this time!!!! I spent half an hour on this chapter!!! I even put InuYasha in to make you happy!!!

Bye bye!!! That's the end!!!