HERE I AM (Part 5 of 5 parts)

"I don't understand why you're so upset, Jenny. It's not like this

could be all that much of a shock to you. We've talked about this

before." Junior rubbed her sister's back and tried to console her.

"We were just talking about it. It wasn't real then. Now it is.

He's gay! I can't believe it. My own dad," she wept.

"Jenny, please. Come up there with me. I want you to see them. See

how happy Daddy is." she handed her sister another tissue.

"No thank you! I already met Mr. Jack Twist! I don't ever want to

see either of them again!" She stormed into the bathroom and slammed

the door.

Alma stuck her head in the door and asked Junior, "What's goin on,

Junior? What did you say to upset your sister?"

"Oh, Momma, I can't discuss this with you." She rolled her head

until her neck popped.

"What do you mean you can't discuss somethin with me? You always

been able to talk to me. What's so different about now?" Alma sat

down on her daughter's bed beside Junior.

"It's about Daddy. I didn't figure you'd want to hear." She


"Why wouldn't I wanna hear? What's he done now that's taken your

sister to tears." She held her daughter's hand.

"Oh, Momma, it ain't like that, Daddy didn't do nothin wrong." Junior

defended him.

"He's gay, Momma. Daddy's gay!" Jenny came back into the room and

rushed into her Momma's arms.

Alma gasped, but said nothing.

"Sissy, we talked about this years ago. I don't understand why

you're so upset."

"You talked about what?" Alma asked Junior.

"We talked about Daddy not being the marring kind. We talked about

that a long time ago, Jenny." Junior went to her sister again.

"I know. I know." She continued to sob in her Momma's arms.

"Why would you say such a thing, Junior?" Alma patted her youngest


"Momma, I didn't want to talk to you about this...Sissy...Oh

crap!" Junior plopped back down on the bed.

"You watch your mouth, young lady. You may be married and on your

own now, but you will still respect my wishes in my house." She sat

Jenny down in the desk chair. "Now say whatever it is you told your

sister. Why would you say something like that about your Daddy?"

Junior heaved a great sigh and began, "I went to see Daddy up in

Lightning Flat. The place he's living on is the Twist ranch."

The name brought a sour expression to Alma's face.

"That don't mean nothin, Junior. Ranches are big places. Your daddy

used to go fishing with a guy named Twist."

"Momma, he told me. He said he and Jack Twist were livin together.

They are building a cabin on the place. It's real nice."

Alma froze; went rigid; her face white.

"I don't see what the big deal is, for Pete's sakes. It's 1983! Gay

people live together. What's wrong with that?" Junior said to both

of them.

"It ain't right!" Alma hissed. "It's a sin. And he's got no right

tellin you about his sinful ways." she finished.

"Oh, Momma!" Junior dropped her head into her hands. "That's exactly

why I didn't want to discuss this with you. You're so close minded."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Alma cut her off and ran from

the room.

Junior walked over to her sister and knelt down in front of

her. "Please come see him with me. He's so happy; looks so good.

All smilin and sweet like."

"You don't think what he's doin is sinnin?" Jenny asked still


"No. I don't. I think gay people are born that way. Why would

anyone choose to be that way?" She rubbed her sister's arm.

"But Momma says.."

Junior cut her off. "Since when do you or I listen to what Momma

says?" She smiled.

"I know but..."

"No buts, Jenny. You know as well as I do how miserable Daddy was

for years. We used to talk about that a lot. That's the main reason

I needed to come see him. He looked so alone at the wedding. He

looked so skinny and like he'd been drinkin. His trailer was always such a

mess, filled with beer bottles and overflowing ash trays. Now it's

spic and span. He got some furniture in and it looks real nice. I

met Jack's folks too and his momma is just so sweet. She asked about

you and I told her I'd try and bring you up to meet her." She

fiddled with her sister's hair.

"It ain't Daddy's fault he's the way he is. You should see them, Sissy.

Just the way they look at each other. You can tell how much in love they are."

"I didn't think...I mean...I don't know what I mean." Jenny wiped

her eyes and nose on the tissue.

"You want Daddy to be happy don't you? We always used to say that,

remember. We used to think if he had a good job he would be happy;

we were so silly." She giggled. "They've known each other 20 years

now. They loved each other all that time and kept apart mostly. They

were both married and both had kids. Jack just had one, a son. Now

they are both divorced and the kids are grown there is no longer any

reason for them to be apart."

"I want Daddy to be happy, but couldn't he be happy with a woman;

any woman?" Jenny pleaded.

"No. He couldn't. He doesn't want a woman. He wants Jack. Can't

say as I blame him. That Jack is one fine looking man!"


"Well, he is. You should get a look at those blue eyes of his and he

has eyelashes that I'd kill for."

"You're awful!" Jenny giggled.

The next day they were on their way to Lightning Flat; against their

Momma's wishes which made them all the more certain they were doing

the right thing.

Junior called ahead and warned Ennis they were coming. Said they

would have lunch in town and get a room for the night and come out to

the the ranch afterwards. Ennis was happy they were coming. He

hadn't seen Jenny in several months.

Jenny was nervous but anxious to see her daddy as well. She needed

to see for herself; this great change in him that her sister has been

telling her about.

"You sure about this, Junior?" she asked as they turned off on the

dirt road that led to the ranch.

"Positive." she smiled at her little sister. It was sometimes hard

to believe her sister was only one year younger than she was. She

always seemed so much younger. Jenny was always a Momma's girl,

babied more. Junior had always been her daddy's girl.

They pulled into the drive. Ennis and Jack were there waiting.

Jenny flew out of the door and into her daddy's arms.

"Daddy!" she squealed. He hugged her close and held her tight.

"Hey, baby girl. How you doin?" He smiled at her and petted her hair.

"Junior was right. You do look good. You look great!" she hugged

him again.

Junior smiled at her daddy and Jack, happy to let Jenny have the


Jenny finally looked over at Jack, reached out her hand to him and

said, "Hello, Mr. Twist. I remember you. Do you remember me?"

He took her hand and said, "I surely do." he smiled at her. "Good to see you."

"C'mon. Trailer's not far. Just across yonder," Ennis pointed out

behind the main house.

The four of them walked across the field, spread out. Ennis with a

girl under each arm; Jack next to Junior.

"This place is huge, Daddy."

"Over three hundred acres." he said.

"Really?" she was amazed.

"Three hundred forty three acres." Jack said.

"Is that your cabin?" she pointed to their cabin.

"Yep. If we ever get it finished."

"Oh ye of little faith!" Jack teased.

Ennis opened the door to the trailer and they went in.

"Jack seems to think we'll have it finished before the first snow

falls, but he's a dreamer. Always has been." he smiled at Jack


Jenny and Junior sat on the bed, Ennis on the chair by the tabe, Jack

hopped up on the cupboard and sat.

"Can I get you girls anything? Sodas?" Jack offered.

"No thanks," the girls answered in unison.

"This is really nice. Junior always said it was a pig sty." The

girls giggled.

"Well, it was, Daddy. You have to admit that."

"You're probably right about that. Never saw no need for cleanin up

before." he looked down sheepisly.

She looked up at Jack and smiled.

"Uh...Why don't I take a walk or somethin. Let the three of you

talk." Jack slid down off the cupboard.

"No." It was Jenny spoke up first. Two more 'no's followed.

"You sure? Cause, I can go find me somethin to do." He offered


"Please stay." It was Jenny again.

"OK." He leaned back against the sink, long legs crossed at the


"Junior told me about...things." she looked back and forth between

Ennis and Jack. "I ain't never known this, so it was

kinda hard to understand at first but Junior and I done a lot of

talkin on the way up here. She says you two been knowin each other

for 20 years now."

"That's right," Ennis shook his head, "Little more now. Spring

of '63 when we met."

Jenny fiddled with her purse strap and finally said what she had in

her heart to say. "Daddy, Junior was right. You do look wonderful.

You ain't so skinny any more and your eyes ain't bloodshot. You look

real good."

"I feel real good, Jenny, better than ever," he nodded.

"I wanna thank you for that, Mr. Twist. I mean it. I never did see

Daddy lookin this good before." She smiled up at him.

"Please, call me Jack, and you're welcome. Your daddy means more to

me than I got words to say." He choked up a little.

Junior stood up rubbing her hands together. "This's gonna be a

wonderful visit. I can hardly wait for Jenny to meet your folks!"

She said the last to Jack.

They headed on over to the house; both Ennis and Jack warning Jenny

of the old man's nature.

"She'll be fine, Daddy. I already told her all about him." Junior

said, holding his hand like they used to when she was little and he'd

take them for walks.

They were walking passed the barn when the old man walked out in

front of them. "This the other one?" he asked staring at Jenny.

"How do you do, Mr. Twist. I'm pleased to meet you." Jenny held out

her hand to him but he didn't take it.

"Two girls don't look nothin alike. Sure you got the same Daddy?" he


Junior let out a little laugh, hugged her daddy's arm and smiled

sweetly, "Of course we do, silly."

They turned to go into the house; Ennis made like he had something

stuck to the bottom of his boot and told the others to go on. Jack

opened the door and the two girls walked in.

Ennis stepped back, even with Mr. Twist, and with one swing of his

leg, the old man was on his ass in the dirt. Jack turned around

quickly to see what was happening.

"You alright there?" Ennis was pulling him up off the

ground. "Better watch your step there." he said brushing him off.

Then through clenched teeth, he repeated the message so no one else

could hear. "You better watch your step 'round my girls, or I'll

kick you ass no matter how old you are you son-of-a-bitch!"

They walked on inside to see Mrs. Twist absolutely cooing over the girls.

The visit went really well. The girls oooed and aaaaed over Mrs.

Twist needlepoint she was doing on some dish towels and she promised

to teach them how next time they came up. Dinner was an experience

with the old man being half-way civil. They left the next morning

after breakfast and hugs and kisses all around. Jack was thrilled to

be included in the group good-byes.

Ennis was beside himself with happiness as they drove home. So was


"You know, I been thinkin. We got Christmas coming up. We should

be in the cabin by then. Think we should be gettin twin beds for the

extra bedroom. Maybe we could get the girls to come up. What do you

think?" Ennis asked.

"That sounds real good to me. You think Alma would agree to let

Jenny come up?"

"Hell, she ain't got no say in it anymore; Jenny's 18 now. She can

do what she wants." Ennis said.

"Well, I think it's a great idea. We got a lotta work to get done

before then." Jack warned.

"We can do it. It'll be a snap," he smiled over at Jack.

"We sure enough can, Friend." Jack replied with a wink.

They had a lot of work to do with all the fall and early winter work

on a ranch, but they managed to finish their cabin just before

Thanksgiving and moved in. It was only a small cabin, two bedrooms,

two bathrooms, hallway that opened into a living room and a large eat-

in kitchen. The porch was a large wrap-around and the back side of

it was loaded down with firewood for their fireplace. To them it was

huge after several months in the little trailer.

Jack's favorite place was the master bathroom with it huge whirlpool

tub. It took up most of the space in the room but the extra money it

cost was worth it.

Thanksgiving evening after dinner they were stuffed with turkey and

pumpkin pie. Jack went into the bathroom to start the tub and came

out a few minutes later and joined Ennis on the couch.

"You want some more pie?" Jack asked. "Momma gave us lots of left-


"Couldn't eat another bite."

They sat there holding hands, Jack nuzzling the side of Ennis's

head. "You about ready for our bath? I got a surprise for you."

"You didn't buy me any more of them chocolates, did you? Last time I

ate half the box in one night and had the shits for two days."

Jack laughed at him and pulled him to his feet. "No. No chocolates

this time, just a nice warm bath. How's that sound?" He unbuckled

Ennis's belt then undid his own.

"Sounds like somethin I'd be real thankful for on this Thanksgivin

Day." He smiled and followed Jack into the bedroom where they


They went into the bathroom and Ennis stopped dead in his tracks!

There were candles lit on every surface, soft music playing, a bottle

of wine and two glasses sat on the edge of the tub and the tub was

filled with bubbles.

"Holy shit!" Was all he could think of to say.

"You like?" Jack asked closing the door behind them to keep the

warmth inside.

"Hell, yes. I feel like I'm in a movie or somethin. Ain't no

cameras 'round here is there?" He looked around the room.

"No. But that might be somethin to think about later on, when you

get tired of me and our sex life gets dull and boring."

Jack laughed.

"Can't see that happenin till I'm in my grave."

Jack stepped into the bubbles and reached out a hand to Ennis. He

stepped in and they sat down, covered themselves with bubbles.

"Ain't never had no bubble bath before." Ennis said leaning

back. "Feels good."

Jack poured wine into the two glasses and handed Ennis one.

"What's this?" Ennis asked smelling the red liquid.

"Wine." Jack answered.

"We run out of whiskey?"

"Nope, this ain't a whiskey night. It's a wine night. Just sip

it. You'll like it." Jack sipped his.

Ennis took a sip, made a face and commented, "It's sweet".

"Uh huh. Just like you." Jack answered and kissed him, tongue


He broke the kiss, brought his wine glass over and trickled some down

Ennis's shoulder; then bent down and licked it off.

"I think I'm gonna like this bubble bath - wine night stuff." Ennis

said voice husky.

Jack lifted Ennis's hand and dribbled some wine into the palm of his

hand and over the fingers; then slowly llicked it off, taking great

care to suck each finger into his mouth to clean it thoroughly.

"Do I get to do any of this tasting?" Ennis asked, barely able to


"Sure. Help yourself." Jack offered.

Ennis picked up his glass and poured a stream down the side of Jack's

neck and down his chest. He leaned forward and began licking the

sweet red wine off Jack's neck. He licked down his chest and stopped at a

nipple and spent a long time there sucking. Jack had very sensitive

nipples and Ennis liked to spend a lot of time working them, making

Jack squirm.

Jack leaned back and emptied the rest of his glass on his own chest;

covering the other nipple.

Ennis chuckled and followed the wine trail with his tongue.

Jack refilled their glasses, sipped a bit and leaned in for another

kissing session. Ennis pulled him over on his lap; water and bubbles

splashing onto the floor a bit. Their mouths came together again;

holding, claiming.

Ennis slipped his hands under Jack's hips and lifted him enough to

get under him and entered him.

" Ooooohhhh" they both groaned at the same time. Jack on his knees,

arms around Ennis' s neck; Ennis holding on Jack's hips with one arm

around, the other hand working Jack's cock. Their mouths plastered

together like nothing would ever tear them apart. All too soon the

room erupted with their cries of completion seconds apart.

They lolled in the tub for a time then got out and dried each other

off. They blew out the candles and headed for bed.

Ennis lay back on the fresh white sheets, a look of pure bliss on

his face. Jack fiddled with something in the back of the closet.

"What're you doing?" Ennis asked him.

"Got another surprise for you," Jack smiled and placed a box on the

bed beside Ennis.

"Jack. You didn't have to do all this...Shit, I didn't get you

nothin." Ennis sat up and held the box for a moment.

"It ain't a gift really." Jack explained, "More just a surprise."

Ennis lifted the lid and parted the tissue. The look on his face,

pure astonishment. He reached into the box with both hands and

caressed the fabric. He pulled out two old dirty stained shirts,

one white plaid, the other blue denim. White one tucked protectively

inside the blue.

He held the shirts to his face and tears began to roll down his


"All these years..." he couldn't finish the sentence; didn't even

remember what it was he was going to say. He pulled Jack over to him

and buried his head against his chest; Jack's arms came around him

and held him tight.

"You like your surprise?" Jack whispered against the tear-stained


All Ennis could say was, "Jack...I swear."

The end of part 5 of 5 parts.