Her Missing Piece

Summary: Ichigo and Rukia couldn't ask for anything more. Life is but fine and dandy well not until Byakuya found out about them.

A/N: My first Bleach AU fic…

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach because if I did…it would be a shoujo manga

Chapter 15 Meet the Parents

"I honestly hate dressing up," Ichigo said as he looked at himself at the dressing room mirror.

"Trust me, you actually look human for the first time," Renji said jokingly.

"You're one to talk," Hisagi said smugly. He was wearing his Versace Black suit and his slick black hair made him even more good looking.

Yumichika just finished fixing his tie and looked at himself in the mirror. "I hope you guys are ready to be mesmerized by my looks," he said probably to his own reflection.

"Come on we all know that those girls outside are crazy about us already but we should be more worried about our women. You do realize that a lot of bachelor rich dudes are out there and we have to make sure that we keep our women by our side," Ikkaku said.

"For the first time I agree with you. I can't believe Rukia's finally introducing me to her old man," Ichigo admitted. He would have liked it if Rukia was the one fixing his tie. He promised he'd be at his best in the Ball. If it were a regular day he wouldn't have cared or he would have talked his way out of attending but since it was something Rukia had to do for her mother, not to mention it was an opportunity to meet with her parents, he knew he had to take the chance.

"Are you boys ready?" Ririn, Rukia's younger sister knocked then poked her head in.

"We're about done," Kira replied as he walked out with a nicely tailored black suit.

Ririn ogled at him but went to look for her sister's boyfriend Ichigo. "Ano Ichigo-kun, nee-chan wanted to know if you're ready she said she'd like to talk to you for a bit. Your sisters and Kon are already here but your dad still hasn't arrived yet."

"I'll be right there and thanks for the heads up," the orange top replied before he followed Ririn out.

"Do you think everything would be okay?" Renji asked Hisagi rather seriously.

"It's a social gathering I don't think Byakuya would do something that would embarrass his own family. At least I don't think he's like my father because my dad wouldn't care less," the dark haired young man replied.

"Speaking of which, I really need to ask you this, just to get it out of my system. Are you serious about dating Isane? She isn't someone your dad would consider as a price catch. I thought his eyes were all set on you marrying Rukia?" Renji asked.

"I was listening to my damn father for the longest time and I almost lost the most precious person in my life. To hell with what he thinks. I figured Rukia is happy so I should be too and to be honest I can't believe I overlooked Isane all these time. I've never felt like this before not even when I'm with Rukia. I guess I'll just wish for her and Ichigo to be happy.

"Glad to hear that. Well, I'm off to see if my date has arrived. I hope she's not wearing her karate uniform though," the pineapple red head joked.

"Good luck with taming that one but the fact that she said yes to you could only mean one thing," Hisagi said.

"And what would that be," Renji inquired.

"It only means she has the hots for you too. My only advice is for you to not blow the chance of asking her to be your girl," the dark haired guy replied.


"Whatever happens, don't lose your cool in front of my dad. He looks stern but he's okay. He's completely different from how cheerful and funny your dad is," Rukia said as she paced around the dressing room set for her. She was briefing Ichigo on how to act around her dad. She knew that the carrot top was someone she can truly trust and be proud off but she can't settle with the feeling of his dad scrutinizing her boyfriend.

Ichigo reached for her hand and gently squeezed them in his. "Relax will you? You look all silly worrying too much," Ichigo muttered trying to reassure her. She was definitely someone to look at. Rukia in her lavender dress was a sight to behold. He could not believe his luck, to be walking in the ball with Rukia by his side.

She sat on his lap and gave him an adoring gentle kiss on his lips. "You're right I shouldn't be worried," she muttered as she snuggled in the comfort of his embrace. "For some reason I'd rather stay like this in here with you," she voiced out.

"I would so love to do that too but we can't disappoint your dad, can we," he pointed out.

She just nodded and stood up.

He somehow felt uncertain of letting go of her.

She checked her reflection in the mirror and straightened out creases on her dress from sitting. She admired the bracelet Ichigo gave to her because it was a perfect accessory that worked well with her dress.

Ichigo loved how she looked and adored her petite frame and graceful demeanor. He was both happy and scarred of the idea of finally meeting Rukia's old man. He has never seen him to actually fear the guy and it was difficult for him to believe that for someone to have a wonderful daughter such as Rukia to be anyone that bad.

"Don't worry about it too much I'll try my very best to make your dad like me," he muttered.


Byakuya eyed the person his daughter brought along with her as soon as they entered the hall. The boy was tall and considerably well built; everything seemed in order physically except maybe for the atrocious colored hair.

"Otou-sama, oka-sama, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Kurosaki Ichigo," Rukia introduced.

Ichigo held out his hand to Hisana who welcomed him with a hand shake and a warm smile. He admired the lovely lady that gave him a future glimpse of what Rukia would look like ten to fifteen years from now and he was very well pleased.

"It's an honor to finally meet you ma'am. I finally know where Rukia got her looks," Ichigo commented.

Hisana smiled at the young man, 'he sure had his father's demeanor when Isshin was his age,' she thought.

"It's an honor to meet you sir," Ichigo greeted Byakuya.

"I finally meet the infamous Kurosaki, Ichigo," the older man said with an expressionless look on his face completely ignoring the boy's held out hand.

In all honesty, Ichigo's hands were all sweaty from the anticipation. His father was running late since he had to attend to the clinic but he got a call that they were already on their way. He didn't like social gatherings that much and it doesn't help that his hair color made him outstanding in the crowd. Rukia's father was not making the situation any easier but he didn't want to look like a wimp.

He couldn't quite put into words what Kuchiki, Byakuya was making him feel. The man truly knew how to intimidate people. Rukia probably got the cold attitude from her father because she had a way of intimidating people when she wanted to.

"Where is your father?" Byakuya asked.

"My old man is running late but he'll be here soon," he replied promptly then scratched the back of his head.

"I'll speak to you later when your father arrives," Byakuya said then walked off with his wife.

"That went pretty well, "Rukia sighed in relief.

"Clearly he doesn't seem to like me," Ichigo admitted.

"Trust me it could have been worse. I guess introducing you in a public function was not so bad. Let's just enjoy the night shall we," Rukia said then smirked.

Ichigo was no dancer but in the presence of a beautiful lady such as his girlfriend who was he to say no.

"Ichi-kun!" Nel, Rukia's youngest sister called out. She was accompanied by a pink haired girl about the same age.

"Nee-chan, Ichi-kun, I want you both to meet my best friend," Nel said excitedly as she held her friends hand. "This is Yachiru-chan," she pointed out to the pink haired girl who was sucking on a big lollipop.

"Konbanwa," the little girl greeted between bites.

"Kawaii," the girls in the dance floor said as they watched the little ones.

"Are your sister and ichi-kun dating? Ichi-kun will soon get your onee-chan pregnant," Yachiru said nonchalantly.

Both Rukia and Ichigo went bit red from embarrassment. They have been dating but certainly have not done anything beyond sharing some passionate kisses.

"You think so. That would be good so I can have a new play mate in the house," Nel said thoughtfully.

"We won't have any babies not until we are older," Rukia explained to the two kids.

"You're sister is right. We have to finish school, then go to college then get married before all that," Ichigo added.

"I'll bet you all the candies I have in my house, Ichi-kun while knock your sister off before they get married," Yachiru said as a matter-of-factly.

"Let's shake on it then," Nel agreed which surprised both Rukia and Ichigo along with their friends and other on-lookers. "We're going to play with the other kids now, ja" Nel said as she dragged her friend with her.

"I'm not sure if it's safe for your sister to hang out with that kid no matter how cute she is," Ichigo commented.

"I have to say I agree but maybe it was just harmless chitchat," Rukia reasoned.

"Oi Rukia-chan sashiburi da ne," a familiar voice from behind her called out.

"Kaien-dono," she muttered she turned and looked behind her to see Kaien with Miyako. She was pleased to him after a long time.

"I couldn't miss Kuchiki-san's charity ball. You must be Kurosaki-kun. I'm Shiba Kaien, I used to go to Karakura high before I went to college. I worked with Ru-chan on the school paper," Kaien held out his hand to the younger man.

"Nice to meet you," Ichigo said. He couldn't help but find it odd to be looking at someone who looked rather similar to him only the only a little older and with black hair. He also heard the name before from Rukia.

"You're one lucky guy. A lot of guys would want to be in your shoes right now. Rukia is someone you can't easily get. You've got guts to finally be able to get a hold of her," Kaien said.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Ichigo replied.

"That's why I think you should take care of her. She may not look it but she's very fragile. Don't ever hurt her feelings or you'll get it," Kaien whispered.

Ichigo just smiled he found the whole thing funny almost all of Rukia's guy friends gave him threats.

Rukia was busy conversing with Miyako to notice what the two young men were talking about.

"There you guys are," Momo called out as she approached Rukia and her company. "We're all up in the lounge. You guys should come up," she said before she spotted Ichigo talking to Kaien.

"Shiba-senpai you're here," the peach girl gasped.

"Hinamori-san, how are you," Kaien asked the girl.

"I'm doing great. I think you guys should join us up stairs I'm sure everyone would like to see you," Hinamori said excitedly.

The ball went well as the main hall was flooded by high class people the teens more specifically Rukia and her friends were having their own little party in the upper lounge.

"So you finally come face to face with Rukia's first love," Hisagi said.

"You mean Shiba-san," Ichigo asked. "Well, he seemed like a good person. He gave me the usual death threat that you guys constantly remind me when you first found out that I was dating her."

"Didn't notice it till now, you guys kind of look alike," the dark haired teen added. "Probably gave you the advantage in the first place since you resembled Shiba."

"Cut Kurosaki some slack they don't look the same. After all Shiba look's better," Renji joked.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," The orange haired teen said sarcastically. He didn't want to admit it but it bothered him a bit. Was it possible that Rukia liked him because he resembled Kaien? He pushed the thought out of his head. It was bad enough that he had to meet with Rukia's dad and let alone meet someone that his girlfriend was all smitten with before.


Izuru waited in the lobby for almost an hour. He knew that Matsumoto would be coming to the ball. He was just hoping that she would not meet with Gin's fiancée. He heard about the news from Hisagi because it was his uncle Aizen who introduced the girl to Ichimaru Gin. He was not sure whether the girl was invited but anyone who came from a noble family was definitely welcome. Matsumoto, just like Miyako was invited because of being acquainted to Rukia.

"Izuru, what are you doing out here. I'm an hour late don't tell me you've been waiting here?" Rangiku asked.

"I just went out for fresh air," Kira replied not wanting to look obvious.

"Really now," the girl just said with an eyebrow raised. She then kissed the boy on the cheek. "I think you're sweet." The two went inside and joined their friends in the lounge.

"Oi Shiba!" Matsumoto hugged him. "I heard you're doing well in Todai," she added.

"Well, I'm getting the hang of things. Are you planning on getting back to the university? I think six months break should be enough I heard you went and attended 2 out of your 6 subjects," Kaien replied.

"I'm thinking about it. Let's not talk about school. I heard you and Miyako moved in together last month," Rangiku asked.

This caught the attention of everyone in their group especially Rukia.

"I, well, you see. We weren't going to tell you guys until our engagement party," Kaien said.

"Oh my, it's true," Isane pointed out Miyako's left ring finger. The girls squealed in excitement.

"Congratulations," Rukia was first to greet Miyako. She hugged her friend.

"Yukatta, I'm so relieved that you're okay with it," Miyako said.

"I think me dating Ichigo is a good enough proof that I'm okay with it. I'm truly happy for you," the raven haired girl replied then hugged her friend again. All the girls joined in hugging Miyako.

"Well, I gotta say congratulations," Ichigo said to Kaien then shook his hand. The other guys did the same and some patted Kaien on the back.


The merriments went on until Aizen Sousuke arrived. He also had Ichimaru and his girlfriend and soon to be wife who looked exceptionally beautiful following behind with Hisagi Takahashi coming in last.

None other than Kuchiki Byakuya was the one who greeted them with his wife by his side. In all honesty the older Kuchiki did not approve of Hisagi Takahashi more the man's cousin Aizen. He only accepted them because of their social status and their ranks of nobility but truly it wasn't enough for him to put his trust in such men. He also could not erase the fact that Aizen once tried to lay a hand on his wife. Of course given that it was all in the past he had to put a civil façade towards the said men.

Ichimaru excused him and his companion to meet with his younger comrades or at least he still thought they were. He knew that his engagement with Sato Megumi would not escape his former high school friends but he had to face them eventually. He particularly didn't want to see Rangiku because he didn't actually know what to say to her. She was truly important to him, he took her in during the time she had no where to go but he knew that it wasn't a good enough reason to justify the pain that he was inflicting her at that very moment.

"Oi Gin, I didn't know you would make it," Shuuhei greeted his cousin. "You even brought Sato-san with you."

"Before I forget I would like all of you to meet my future wife, Sato Megumi," Gin introduced the brown haired girl. She looked very simple in her baby blue printed Yukata but it was certain by the way she greeted everyone that she was of nobility.

Izuru was quick to grab Matsumoto's hand and dragged her out of the party hall. The two ran off until they were in front of the building's parking lot.

"You didn't have to but thanks," Matsumoto said as she tried catching her breath. She could not believe that Gin could be insensitive or maybe it was her fault. She wasn't exactly part of the rich and the famous crowd so he didn't expect her to be present in the event. When her parents died and all their money was taken away, she became dirt poor and Gin was the only one who took care of her.

"Are you okay? I didn't think he would do such a thing," Kira said. He knew that she was probably surprised not that it was unexpected even he wasn't expecting Gin to bring his new betrothed with him.

"I guess it's over," Rangiku said and she held on Kira's shoulder for support.

"It's alright you can cry if you like. I'll always be here for you," Kira muttered and it was enough for Matsumoto to burst into tears. She held on to him as if holding on to dear life. "I'll take you home."

"I can't go back to my apartment. Can I crash at your place for now I'll be looking for a new apartment tomorrow," she asked.

"Don't worry I'll help you and sure you can stay in my house. My parents won't be back till next month," Izuru replied. They went to his car and drove off.


"You think Ran-chan would be okay?" Rukia asked Ichigo. She was all worried and wanted to follow Izuru and Rangiku out of the party but Ichigo told her that Kira would take care of it and she should stay.

"Knowing Kira he would make sure she's doing fine. We can call them later to check on them if you want," the carrot top said the he squeezed her hand reassuringly.

She leaned her head on his chest and sighed. "I wish we could just get out of here. Maybe you can skip talking to my dad and let's just go some place far away," she muttered wishfully.

"Well we can bail out for a bit and then be back, although I haven't seen my old man, if he arrives before we do your dad will definitely come looking for us," Ichigo said.

"Well, you've got a point let's just wait for your dad then," she sighed.

"Don't look so gloomy we can just go outside, this hotel has have a big garden right," he inquired.

She nodded in agreement and they went outside.

The hotel grounds were lit by light ornaments and lanterns. They could also see the fountain in the middle of the garden and a number of well lit gazebos.

"Have you ever been in love before? I mean with someone else?" Rukia asked out of no where.

"I…well, you could say that but I really can't compare it to what I'm feeling for you right now. I guess I could ask you the same question. I wasn't able to ask you before because I didn't really have an opportunity to but what is Shiba Kaien to you?" he asked.

"The first person I had a really big crush on. That was before I met you. I was at one point head over heels for him. Actually I have to say that your timing is impeccable. The day I got my heart broken was the same day I bumped into you in the bookstore," she recounted. How her feelings for Kaien changed the moment Ichigo popped into her life was an amazing miracle.

"Did you ever like me because I resembled him?" he asked, curiosity was getting the best of him.

"That never occurred to me until you pointed it out today. I never really noticed. You guys resembled each other?" Rukia thought about it all of a sudden. She never really noticed if the two looked the same. Kaien always had a smiling face and Ichigo well he always scowled but during times when he smiled they were truly precious to her.

Ichigo was relieved after hearing what she said it made no sense for him to be insecure after all. Shiba Kaien was from her past and he's the one reveling in the feeling of holding her in his arms.

"What's so funny," she asked when she saw him smiling all of a sudden.

"It's nothing," he replied.

"Now, tell me about the girl I saw in your sketchbook, the one lying around in your room. Was she your first love?" Rukia inquired.

"Eto…You saw my old sketchbook. I haven't spoken about her for a while. She's my senpai, a couple of years older than me not that you would notice when we're together since I'm tall. She befriended me when I moved to the US with my family. My mom just died and I felt really lonely. She lived close by and she kept me company. She became a subject of majority of my sketches in the past but she was seeing someone so I just had a secret crush on her. She was the one who introduced me to racing. I never had the courage to tell her what I felt for her until the day she died of a car crash on my way to my birthday. No one knew that she would die that day. If I knew I could have offered to pick her up. It was a freak accident she was in her motorcycle when someone went pass her and she lost control of her balance," he recounted. It was sad to relive painful memories.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up really sad memories," Rukia muttered. She felt moved by his story but a slight pang of jealousy also came over her. She didn't know a lot about him and it was something he didn't mention to her until that night.

"Hey, I never mentioned her before because I really had to move on. I'm glad I met you when I came here other wise I would probably still be a mess," Ichigo uttered.

"I'm glad you told me about her. I guess I feel a lot closer to you now," she admitted. "Can you tell me her name?"

"Senna, that's her name and she was very fun loving and adventurous. She however didn't have a lot of friends like you do," Ichigo recounted.

"Eh.. she had a pretty name. From the sketches you made I could tell she was really beautiful. It must have been really sad to lose her," Rukia muttered.

"I was at my worst then but I don't think I could ever go through something like that again. I guess the reason I had the courage to face my feelings towards you is because I don't want to miss important opportunities in life. I guess losing someone like Senna was something but losing you I don't know how I'll go through with that," he admitted.

Rukia only did what she felt at that moment and kissed him on the lips. She felt like she was in cloud nine. She had her fears because of the sketches she saw in his room but his evident jealousy over Kaien and his admittance of fearing the possibility of losing her was just enough to make her the happiest person a live.

"Eh, Kuchiki I think you can do a lot better than that bleach head," Grimmjow said out of nowhere.

This caught Ichigo and Rukia's attention. The two immediately broke apart.

"Who the hell are you," Ichigo immediately asked. He pulled Rukia behind him.

"Grimmjow Jaggerjaques, I finally meet the great Kurosaki Ichigo. I'm a racer from team Espada I think you remember beating one of our guys Aaron," The blue haired guy said as he offered his hand for a hand shake.

"So you work for Aizen-san," Rukia cut in.

"Yes, I race under his team. It's a pleasure finally meeting you Kuchiki Rukia. I heard you were beautiful but I think their claim is such an understatement. You're gorgeous," the intruder talked slyly.

Rukia didn't really know how to react and in all honesty she wasn't really sure if she would believe what the man just said. It didn't feel right. It felt like he's disguising a way of harassing her by throwing in a compliment.

"I know my girlfriend is beautiful but you gotta know when to back off," Ichigo interjected. "I don't appreciate you hitting on my girlfriend in my presence."

Rukia had never seen this side of Ichigo before. He was infuriated and the fire burning in his eyes clearly meant trouble.

"Oi what the hell are you punks doing here? Are you even invited?" Renji interjected out of nowhere. "You've got some nerve to show your face here." The red head had Ikkaku, Yumichika and Hisagi with him.

"We are guests here you punk. And unlike you I can afford to be here. I only came here because I heard Kuchiki Rukia would be here tonight. I thought I should pay her a visit," Grimmjow replied looking intently at Rukia who stared back at him with disgust.

"Teme! Just who the hell do you think you are," Ichigo growled as he grabbed the man by his collar. "Don't you ever try messing with my girl or my friends," he spat. The others were ready to help beat the guy up.

"Please unhand him," Aizen said. He came out to the garden with Hisagi's father and an emo looking guy that looked familiar to Ichigo. "I'm sorry if he's creating such a racket. Grimmjow please leave immediately," he ordered.

"Why did you bring those punks here?" Hisagi directed his question to his father.

"We were just stopping by. I heard news that Kurosaki here raced back where he came from. I hope he wouldn't mind racing for my team I think he would be a very good addition," Aizen answered him instead.

"He's already in my crew," the younger Hisagi replied.

"Then you wouldn't mind racing against your uncle's team then," The older Hisagi spoke. "I'd like to see some fine competition. I believe Ulquiorra here wouldn't mind racing him."

Before Shuuhei, Ichigo or any of them could reply Urahara interrupted them with his very loud entrance.

"Minna Konbanwa!" he greeted. He was surprisingly with a very beautiful dark woman and Kurosaki Isshin.

"Still picking on kids I see," Isshin remarked as he stood in front of the older Hisagi.

"Ah Isshin it's been a while. I thought we would never see you again," Aizen answered back.

"Boys boys keep all these talk for later. The kids should be inside enjoying the party. Isshin here would also need to meet his future in laws," the dark gorgeous woman said.

"You are truly wise my love," Urahara said admiring his beautiful companion. He started kissing her passionately in front of everyone.

"Now Yuroichi, Kisuke, let's not all be too showy, you will be scarring this kids for life," Isshin commented. "But you are right my son would soon walk the path of being a true blue male adult and soon I would have grand children in tow," the man seemed to be thinking out loud while he brandished a wishful look on his face.

"Oi Oyaji stop that! You're scaring Rukia," Ichigo spat. He didn't know whether he should be happy or upset by his father's arrival.

"Oh but he's seriously funny," Rukia said. She was actually relieved that nothing like a brawl irrupted, all thanks to Ichigo's dad arriving.

Even Ichigo was thankful for the arrival of his dad and his god father.

A/N: Hontoni gomenasai minna… It took me a long while to put an update… I've been super busy with work. I know this isn't much but I hope you guys take the time to read and review.