Sandy's Identity Revealed!

there may just be a smig of lime... Yes lime... I dun know how to make lemons Y-Y

Naruto woke up hearing loud howls that sounded like curses and it was coming from the family room. He looked around suddenly realized that Sandy was no were to be found. Oh no… Naruto thought. That's him!?

" Sandy?" he called, flipping out if his bed and running into the family room. He preyed that sandy hadn't gotten into some anti-freeze or eaten any chocolate. He heard that those were the number one killers in dogs.

Naruto burst into the family room, his blue eyes looking around anxiously. " Sandy, are you …. Oh my god…." He finished faintly, staring wide eyed at the couch. He could not believe this. This was a dream… or he was going insane… one of the two. Naruto punched himself, hard, in the head and quickly realized that it wasn't a dream at all because his head started to ache badly.

On his couch was a sweaty, panting and very naked Gaara. His chest was heaving up and down and his eyes were staring blankly up at the ceiling, his mouth was open and his tongue was lolling out of it. His skin was with sweat and his hair was messier than usual.

Naruto stared at the panting red head for a long moment, and it accrued to Naruto that Gaara must not be aware of his surroundings; he just continued to stare up at the ceiling. Hesitating first, Naruto walked over toward Gaara. As he got closer, Naruto could see that his body was shivering and twitching and he could hear Gaara whimpering like a dog (which was actually kind of sexy). Naruto sat on the edge of the sofa arm and looked at Gaara's blank face.

"Gaara?" He shouted. "Can you hear me, Gaara?"

Gaara's head jerked up to stare at Naruto, his wide eyes shrinking a little. He got one hand to prop himself up so he was staring directly into Naruto's eyes. Naruto could see that he was still shaking and his muscles were twitching randomly.

"Are you okay, Gaara, your twitching." Gaara opened his mouth to respond but all that came out of his mouth was a hoarse bark. Naruto frowned. "Come again?" This time a low, raspy growl erupted from Gaara's mouth, and Naruto could tell that he was becoming aggravated. For a minute he just growled at Naruto, and poor Naruto thought he was doing something wrong.

"I'm sorry, Gaara! I don't speak dog. What do you-" Naruto said, playing with his pajama sleeve. Gaara held up a finger to silence Naruto. Then he cleared his throat loudly.

"Water." He rasped. This time his voice formed the words but it still was hard to understand. It sounded like barking more than actual words. Naruto stood up quickly and nodded.

"Right, water…. And maybe a cover…"

Gaara stared at Naruto questioningly, and then fallowed his gaze. Gaara's face turned as red as his hair and his eyes bulged. As Naruto walked out of the family room he could hear Gaara howling and the only two words he could recognize were 'fuck' and 'naked'. Naruto sniggered, blushing slightly as he gathered an old but soft covers that he hadn't used for many months. He brushed some of the dust off while thinking about what he had actually saw. He realized that had gotten a good look at Gaara's assets. He tried to think of other things, but naughty thoughts kept on entering his mind, causing his cheeked whiskers to tent pink.

Naruto walked back into the family room and threw the cover at Gaara, who quickly grabbed it and wrapped it around himself. Then Naruto walked into the kitchen to fill a plastic cup with water. When he came back into the family room he saw, Gaara of the Desert, scratching his head… with his foot. Naruto, stopped in the door way, trying to control the erg to burst into laughter. Gaara looked up at him with a dead serious look on his face, his foot still scratching his head, which only gave Naruto a harder time trying to control his laugher. Naruto sat on the edge of the couch, were he could look over Gaara, and handed him the ice cold water. Gaara grunted for a thank you and drank the water loudly and sloppily, making slurping and smacking noises and dribbling the cold water over his chin and couch. Naruto wondered how Gaara didn't choke.

As Gaara finished his water, Naruto stared transfixed at something on his head then he started to snigger. Gaara, looked up at him and growled "What?" Gaara asked tensely.

"Sorry, Gaara." Naruto chuckled, still starting at Gaara head. "Its just… nothing."

"What…" Gaara said slightly loosing his cool. This night was beginning to be to much for him. He ran his hand threw his hair, and his stomach dropped. Perched on top of Gaara's head were two furry dog ears, twitching slightly, because of Gaara's stress. Naruto began to laugh.

"Damn her!" Gaara snared, tugging slightly on the ears, hoping that they would come off.

"Aw, come on Gaara, they don't look too bad." Naruto said eyeing the ears, the only indication that Gaara had once been his dog. Gaara ignored him still pulling on the ears.

"Why won't they come off?" he groaned, tugging on them harder, till he winced with pain.

"Gaara, your hurting yourself," Naruto sighed, pulling Gaara's hands away from the bruised ears. "And there really not bad. Now you can hear everything like a dog!"

"Lucky me…"

"Oh Stop." Naruto reached over and began stroking the crimson velvety ears gently. Liking furry feeling.

In that moment Naruto began stroking Gaara's ears, Gaara's dignity went down the toilet. Gaara began to pant, his tongue lolling out lazily and his eyes drooping. Naruto saw that his leg was moving threw the covers, he had given him. Naruto smiled, he remembering his dogs, weakness. He continued to do this till Gaara's dignity and sense came back. He batted Naruto hands away from his ears and gave him his signature death glare.

"Never do that again." He ordered, sternly.

"But you liked it." Naruto said, smirking knowingly at him.

"No, the dog liked it."

"But you were the dog, so technically you liked it." Naruto corrected. Gaara just stared him long and hard.


"Yes." Naruto answered innocently, batting his eyelashes.

"Stop talking." Naruto raised an eyebrow, and was about to say something, when he glimpsed Gaara's mouth, and noticed he had fangs. He realized Gaara was more likely to respond like a dog than what he normally would. And because of his stress level, he didn't think it wise to tease Gaara, at least right now. While Naruto was thinking, Gaara's hands had returned to his dog ears. When he was sure they wouldn't just fall off, he dropped his hands from his head in a defeated sort of manner, and sighed noisily.

"They won't come off." He hissed, trying to keep his voice from yelling. "Damn that witch."

Gaara's voice snapping Naruto from his thoughts, his eye flickering toward Gaara. "How did you become a dog, in fact who's the damn witch in the first place?"

"It's a long story." Gaara grumbled his head in his hands.

"And I wanna here it." Naruto said, folding his arms and pouting.

Gaara raised an hairless eyebrow.


"Gaara tell, me or I swear I will rub your ears!"

Gaara flinch and eyed Naruto threw the gap between his fingers, as if trying to decide were to begin. Then he lifted his head out of his hands and began telling Naruto everything. Gaara told Naruto about everything that had happened the last four days. He told Naruto of the mission he and his sister and brother had to capture the crazy witch doctor. He told Naruto how he had captured the witch doctor and how she had put a curse on him, making him what Naruto knew as Sandy the dog. All the while, Naruto stayed silent listening to Gaara. When he was finished, Naruto continued to stay silent, although now he was fidgeting, twiddling his thumbs.

If Gaara was Sandy and Sandy was Gaara, Naruto thought, that means that Gaara was in my house and I told Sandy some of my guarded secrets. That means Gaara knows my secrets! Including ones about him! What have I done while he was in my house? Oh god! I had that dream about him that one night. This is bad, really really bad. He gulped and tried to calm down. Gaara knew how to read emotions it was best to hide them. Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is. He thought trying to cheer himself up. Gaara was a dog when he heard that stuff. I don't know if he understood me, let alone remembers what I said to him these past three weeks.



"If you where a dog for the past three months could you understand humans or can you even remember what I said? After all you were a dog…. " Asked Naruto, shifting uncomfortably on the sofa arm. Gaara stared blankly at Naruto for a minute as if he didn't understand what Naruto was talking about, and for the moment, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief until Gaara suddenly smiled in the way he use to before killing some poor soul. Naruto gulped and looked down quickly, doing the Hinata thing with his fingers.

"Never mind, forget I asked." Naruto mumbled. Gaara cocked his head side to side still smiling at Naruto.

"Why? It's a very valid question."

"Because I don't think I like that question."

"I like the question…" asked Gaara.

"Well I don't. Now just shut up about it."


"What! Why!?"

"Because I want to answer the question. If you don't want to hear the answer, simply ignore me."

Naruto frowned at Gaara, who was still ginning all knowingly at him and staring him down like a wolf did to a sheep. Crap, I'm screwed. He thought staring back into Gaara's eyes.

"Well I do seem to remember a fewa things." Gaara said thoughtfully. "I remember being crushed by Lee, I recall fighting the Inuzuka's dog. I remember doing things I would…ehm…like to forget." Gaara's eyes twitched ever so slightly and Naruto would have laughed if the situation hadn't been so dire, but he couldn't count how many times he walked in on Sandy licking himself. "And I seem to recall dream my…. 'owner' had on curtain nights. These dreams would then cause him to make rushes to the bathroom." Naruto winced.

Shit! He thought, ringing his hand nervously. Wait, but I have millions of dreams when I had many that I had to rush to the bathroom. He could be talking about anyone of them. Yeah that's it. Maybe he found out something else. And how does he know I had a dream, he can't go into peoples minds…I hope.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep, Naruto?" Gaara asked, cocking his head to one side. Naruto's eye twitched again. Shit! I do!?

"I-I do?" Naruto managed to stammer out.

"Yes you do." Gaara said, his smirk growing as he noticed Naruto becoming nervous. "You say all types of things in your sleep. Sometime, it sound like your fighting someone and other time…" Gaara thought for a minute, trying to figure out how to put it. "it sounds as if you were being fucked."

Naruto blushed, and looked away. This was bad. Gaara knew!

"No I don-" Naruto tried to say but, Gaara cut across him.

"You screamed my name a couple times." Gaara said, and Naruto mumbled 'I did'. Gaara nodded. "Mm hm."

Naruto was about to make a run for it, until he felt Gaara's hand cup his cheek. Naruto flushed even more. Suddenly, Gaara pulled Naruto in his lap. Naruto started to panic, Gaara still had no cloths on the only thing stopping him from touching Gaara's bare skin was his pajamas and the thin and the comforter Naruto had given Gaara to cover himself.

Gaara pulled off Naruto's ridiculous sleeping cap and threw to the floor. "Naruto, do you know how rough it was listening to you moan for me?" He asked huskily. Naruto didn't say anything as he felt something below him twitch and he had an idea of what it might be. Gaara continued speaking to, starting to unbutton Naruto's pajama shirt. "Almost everyday, I would hear my name being screamed. And I would get so hard listing to you."

Naruto's eyes widen as Gaara told him this. Does this mean he loves me? Or does that just mean he wants to get in my pants? Could he real- But his thought were interrupted by Gaara turning Naruto's head and pushing his lips on his. And Naruto couldn't think any more.

/--------- ♣ ---------\

A/N: Yeah, It seems that I've finally rose from the dead. Has it been ten months? If it has I beg your forgiveness. I have been lazily and the biggest procrastinator .; It slightly annoying. So lately I've been thinking that I need to finish AT LEAST one of my stories damnit! .

So once I finish this story I may write a sequal or more chapters… about the mission thing. If I do that It would have Gaara/Naruto as the main pair and some Neji/Sasuke on the side… hey I think that couple is hot! I'm also thinking of doing a Neji/Gaara Christmas story, evolving egg-nog and a drunken Gaara or Neji, but I need more ideas… So if you help me decide I'll start on it! Also tell me if you would even read it… I get sick of writing and no reviews… I need some motivation people D:

One last thing! I did draw the cover for my story. Its just called Sandy Dogs though…

\link/http://fc05. \link/

Visit Me on DevaintArt some time, my name is Tanuki-Of-Yaoi. Yesh! There should be one last chapter after this one… then I'll be done and decide on more chapters or a Sequel.

Lately I haven't been motivated people that's another reason why I haven't posted . I dunno Its just I don't feel like writing a lot and its pissing me off.

Review to help me get this motivation! I need bad TT-TT