Love Never Fails

a themed ficlet collection by That'sMyFiasco

Disclaimer: Well, I still don't own Inuyasha, and I'm pretty sure you can get struck by lightning for claiming to own the Bible. Don't smite me!!

A/N: All these themes/chapter titles are from 1 Corinthians, 13: 4-8. Also, while these all follow the same idea, the timeline's a little screwy (from keeping in order of the original verses), so none of the ficlets are necessarily related. In addition, I make no promises about the length or whatever- some might be short, some long, whatever hits me. This wasn't going to be a "real" story, after all- but then I though, hey, this messed-up idea might ACTUALLY work. Allrighty, enough apologizing. Whoever said that the preface is just the author apologizing for his work?

Chapter 1

-Love Is Patient-

Tap. Tap. Taptaptap. Inuyasha sat outside the middle school, leaning against a cold stone wall and tapping his claws impatiently. Eventually, the tapping turned to scraping, and finally to a soft crumbling as the stone turned to dust under his fingers. The hanyou sighed and fidgeted in his assigned spot- Kagome owed him ramen for this. Lots and lots of ramen. Slowly but surely, the borrowed red cap inched its way down the hanyou's forehead, and he sighed before pushing it back up out of his way. He hated this thing. Patience was not a virtue that the hanyou had fully come to... to appreciate, yet.

After several more minutes ticked by, Inuyasha jumped up from his seat and began pacing- back and forth, back and forth. It was going to be nightfall by the time they got back home, and then they would have no time to look for jewel shards before they'd have to camp out again. Stupid wench, never thinking of practical matters. Well, fine. If she wanted to have to keep coming back home- to look for shards, of course- forever, it would be her own fault.

Suddenly, from within the school, a long alarm sounded, and for a few seconds Inuyasha was somewhat grateful that the hat at least afforded another layer between himself and the all-too-loud sounds of Kagome's world. Noisily, the other children streamed out the wide doors and down the steps, giggles and shrieks coming from the crowds. Inuyasha sniffed in distaste, and wished he hadn't- the overpowering scent of girls' perfume assaulted his nose, and he had to try and stop himself from gagging. Finally, after far too long, Kagome appeared, a smile on her face. The hanyou scowled at her, a black look on his face.

"What took you so long, bitch? I've been waiting here for hours!!" He was more than mildly annoyed when Kagome just rolled her eyes and walked on.


Inuyasha sat up in a large tree, his glare about to bore twin holes in the thick trunk. From somewhere in the distance, his keen ears picked up the soft sounds of splashing- a sure sign that Kagome was still in the hot spring that he had found for her earlier. He snorted in disgust- Nice thanks I get, after finding her a place to bathe. Now I just get to sit here like some little puppy, waiting for its mistress to come home. He sighed quietly, and continued to sit stone still. He much preferred it back in Kagome's time, when at least the water would grow cold eventually.

After what seemed like hours, he finally heard the young girl step out of the bath, and the telltale signs of her dressing and getting ready. When she finished and walked back into the campsite, twigs crunching under her feet, Inuyasha dropped down from his perch. Innocently, she smiled up at him.

One silver ear twitched- and the hanyou snapped.

"What the hell do you think you're doing??? Fuck, it's like you think I'm your pet or something!! Sit here, stay there, wait for hours while I do my stupid human shit!! Well, I'm not a fucking dog, and I'm sure as hell not your pet, and you can't treat me like one!!!" Inuyasha paused for air, and continued in a petulant, more subdued tone.

"And besides, I'm hungry. You said you'd make me some ramen hours ago!!" Kagome frowned, and was about to open her mouth to reply, when she simply smiled at Inuyasha.

Sidling up to him, she tilted her face upwards as if to whisper in his ear. The hanyou gulped nervously and leaned down accordingly, holding his breath in anticipation.

It was really to be expected.

"Sit! SIT SIT SIT SIT!! Oh, sorry, Inuyasha, did that hurt? Well, why don't you SIT over here like a good little doggie while I prepare YOUR food for the, oh, I don't know, HUNDREDTH night in a row, like any other mistress does for her puppy." Whirling on her heel, she stalked over to the fire and began heating water, muttering under her breath the whole time.

As he lay on the ground, Inuyasha merely watched her and wondering how in hell HE had become the bad guy.

A/N2: Sorry, just felt I should say this: A double thanks goes to those of you who read chapter 17 of my story Concis and requested that it be turned into a story. Actually, I meant to make a fluffy little story... and then Inuyasha took over. Contrary little hanyou. Ah, well. Thanks a million for reading!