Disclaimer: I don't own ATLA (:P)


Mama said that papa was a great man, and that she was married to a very powerful bender.

It was a beautiful morning in the streets of Omashu, and Toph had taken her daughter with her to the market.

As they walked hand in hand, Hazumi's eyes beamed in awe at all the things she saw. Both girls stopped in one stall where they sold plums. As the two adults talked, another thing called the little girl's attention.

Not too far from where they both stood, two women were chatting on about something. One woman was very plump and held cabbages in her basket. The other was aged and thin, carrying a chicken.

"Has the Avatar returned?

"I've heard he hasn't"

"Poor family, they must really miss him,"

"If anything, he could be just in battle somewhere in the Fire Nation

"True. There have been quiet an amount of rebellions"

"Or he could be

"Shush! Don't you think that way"

"Hazumi! come now!Snapping from her concentration, Hazumi followed her mother and walked in the same pace. She looked back at the two women, who were still busy in their conversation.

"Mama," she looked up to her mother.


"Who is the Ava…Ava…" Hazumi still couldn't articulate words well. "Avataw?"

Toph paused, and looked at her daughter in a blank expression. She then regained her composure and continued walking.

"Now, why do you ask?"

"Those two ladies were talking about the Avataw"

"Were you eavesdropping, my little fox?" Toph said, picking up her child and tickling her nose. Hazumi giggled and cupped her hands around her ears.

"No, I can hear really good! Tell me mama! Who's the Avataw?"

"The Avatar, my love is the master of all elements. He can bend water, earth, fire, and air

"Wow! All of them mama?"

"Yes, all of them, he's a very powerful bender"

"Like the Boulder?! Gggrrrr!" Toph laughed at the way her daughter grunted and flexed her tiny arms.

"No, the Avatar is way stronger" she paused and smiled "He brings balance to nature and peace to the four nations"

"Wow…" Hazumi yawned and rested her little head on her mother's shoulders.

"Mama? Can we go visit the Avataw?" she said, drowsily.

"No, I'm afraid we can't visit him today" Toph faced the ground sadly, bringing her bangs over her eyes.

"Why?" was the last word, as the 4 year old drifted to sleep.

"We just can't, baby"

Toph moved the bangs on her daughter's head, kissed her temple, and continued walking.

sTitchEd016: I'm working on tragedies, that's all i'm saying...