Kyouya was slightly taken aback when he walked in on the shortest member of the Host Club kissing its tallest member. Not, to be sure, that he was surprised about the kissing; rather, it was the ferocity with which Honey clasped the front of Mori's jacket, dragging his face down to a more reasonable level, while the smaller boy's other hand clutched almost desperately at the back of Mori's head. Bent practically in half, Mori looked nearly comical. It was obvious he was stunned, judging by the stiffness of his torso and his ridiculously wide eyes.

Honey broke the kiss and relaxed his grip, the fierce expression fading from his eyes. Mori didn't immediately straighten up. Poised precariously over the blond, Mori moved his mouth silently in syllables of shock.

The stillness of the room was unbroken for almost a minute. Then, a sudden intake of breath, a rustle of fabric, and this time it was Mori who began the kiss. As Honey's hand raised to thread through his cousin's hair, Kyouya backed out of the room and soundlessly closed the door. It would do to give those two some time to themselves, he decided. He pushed his glasses up his nose, and idly wondered how he could go about telling Kaoru that Hikaru owed him money.