The Detective's Assassin

Disclaimer: I in no way own Death Note. However, this I will say. I hate Light, he's evil. L is justice, and justice shall prevail.

L stared at the computer screen, which flickered once more, and eventually went out. His gaze didn't drift away. He picked up the coffee cup, drumming his fingers against the rim. This wasn't enough, it still wasn't enough. Yagami Light's suspicions maybe rising, but he doesn't have enough evidence, not enough to prove Yagami Light is Kira. There's only one way, but did he want to use it? It is a dangerous case; can he really risk putting someone else's life in danger? The most important question, Light is his friend; did he even want to prove that Yagami Light is Kira? Could he?

The investigation team had left, and L went over another day's findings. He shook his head, he had to do it. No one but him can solve this case. He cannot let his emotions get the better of him, they never did anyway. No, he had to do it. He needed her, now more than ever. He need her skills, her interpretation, he had to solve the case. L picked up the phone.

"Hello?" the voice came from the other side, "What do you want?"

"This is L." L answered.

"I know you're L, I'd recognize your voice anywhere. What can I do for you L?"

L closed his eyes for a moment, and sipped the sweetened coffee. "I need your help on solving a case, Anna-san."

"Me? What case is so hard you have to work with me, L?" she laughed slightly on the other side of the line, "So this Kira, you really can't handle him by yourself?"

"Would you help or not?" L asked impatiently.

"What do you think?" the voice replied, "You saved me from facing a bunch of crazy executioners with guns. Of course I'd help, who do you think Kira is? I'll kill him for you."

"I have a hunch, but I need more evidence." L replied, setting down the coffee to pop a sugar cube in his mouth. "If I'm correct, he's already seen my face."

The voice paused on the other side, instantly serious, "Give me 6 hours." She said, and then the line went dead.

"Anna…" L murmured, sipping his coffee, he curled into his sitting position on his chair. "Anna…can you defeat Kira, defeat death?" his bagged eyes focused on the very ripples of his coffee, can he lose another person that he trusted? Possibly the only one who under stood his thoughts? He closed his eyes. The image of her face floated behind his eyelids, reminding him of their last meeting.

"Trust me."

L's eyes shot open.

"Trust me."

L's eyes dimmed as he laughed at himself. What was he thinking? If anyone can do this, Anna can. He remembered the challenges of their case together. Him trying to figure her out, she always found a way out at the last moment, no matter how perfect his plans had been. Finding her had been as hard as a needle in the ocean, a pin in the haystack. She was a jewel, hidden in the world. She was a jewel that emanated dark light, until he found her, and changed that light, so it shone bright.

"If you ever need my help, I'll take out anyone in your way."

He'd never thought that statement would come true. Every case he had solved by him self, this time, this Kira case, he needed her for this case. She understood his sense of justice. Her skills and his mind will solve the case, even if they're dealing with a genius. A genius like Yagami Light.

L sipped the last of his coffee and bit off half a sugar cube. Kira, are you so blind that you cannot see yourself for the criminal you are? Yagami Light, you have a sense of justice much like that of Kira, you are also childish, you hate to lose, you have a relationship with the 2nd Kira, Amane Misa, what have you to deny? But…these are just theories, Light is an ordinary student, how can he kill without leaving a trace? L stuffed the rest of the sugar cube into his mouth. Anna will have to get him a piece of evidence, any piece of evidence, to prove that Yagami Light is, or is not, Kira. In the mean time, he would just have to live.

L picked up his cell phone and dialed. "Watari."

"Ryuuzaki." the familiar voice came from the other end.

"Please prepare a hotel room, not too far from here, make it secret." L ordered, reaching for the sugar cube bowl, then, realizing it's empty, grunted and sat back in his chair.

"You're going to switch hotels already?" Watari's puzzled voice came through, "We only got here yesterday. Never mind, I will do as you ask."

"It's not for me." L explained, "It's for Anna -san."

"Anna- san is coming?" Watari exclaimed, and L held the phone further from his face. "Ryuuzaki…this is the first case you had to work with someone other than the police."

"Her skills are necessary." L stated, "No one but she is skilled enough to get close to Light, I need evidence." His fingers twitched for the sugar cubes, finally, L stuffed his sugary thumb into his mouth, "Keep it secret from everyone, at least until I say so."

"I'll prepare the room straight away, Ryuuzaki."

"Ah, Watari," L mumbled, "I'll need more sugar cubes, coffee, cake, and tea."

"I'll bring them, also Ryuuzaki…" Watari trailed off, "Try to get some sleep, I'll wake you when I bring the sugar cubes, coffee, cake with extra icing, and black tea."

"I don't like sleeping." L grumbled to Watari, and then hung up the phone and placed it gently on the counter. He didn't still didn't like the idea of bringing Anna into this. L ruffled his hair in frustration, what was wrong with him? He'd been able to order the police officers around with calm composure, and they had their lives on the line. What difference is there with hers? Besides, she will only act on his commands, and he can make sure she doesn't do anything that puts her in harm's way. Something was wrong.

Still, he'll need to have a plan figured out before Anna gets here, then monitor for days on end, he'll need some sleep. L curled up is his sofa seat, his eyes were open, but his breathing slowed, as he drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note: Well I hope you enjoyed this! The chapter will get longer and I will try my best to think up an ending for this fic! Suggestions welcome! Oh yea, after I introduce Anna to you guys, can you PLZ help me think up ways that they can…uhh…get together? I suck at making romance happen…and I have never written a romance scene in my life!