Yeah... This was done for LunarMaddness's contest on deviantart. I know it sucks, but I'm feeling uncreative. I've been wanting to do this story since I first heard about the contest, but I only just got around to it. I love how everyone in the series seems to do the hunt down the cat mission. Why did I pick Neji as the main character? In my last class of the day, we were all involved in a discussion about fate. 'Nuff said. Yes, they are in the Forbidden Forest. No, I don't know why the radios work on Hogwarts grounds. The absolute silence is supposed to convey that something is not normal in the forest... Meh...

Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto

The white noise of radio static permeated the surrounding silence, broken only by the occasional comment from his team. Awaiting the next report, he focused on the sky. Three birds gamboled through the open air. He watched them enviously, barely taking notice that they were not chirping and twittering as would be commonplace. He let out a deep breath.

"Neji," Tenten's voice cut through his thoughts, "The target has been sighted approaching the fourth quadrant from the west. Lee is tracking it as we speak."

He gave a vocal acknowledgement of her information and turned his attention to his section's perimeter. A sudden blur of orange closely followed by a much larger blur of green alerted him to the arrival of both his target and teammate. A pounce from Lee and the mission was over. "Target captured," Neji spoke into his radio, "We caught Crookshanks."

A moment later he could hear Tenten's crackled reply. "Great! Maybe now Hermione will stop yelling at Ron!" She gave a short, victorious laugh. Once more, Neji was left alone with nothing but the familiar static from his earpiece.