A/N: New Story! I know, I shouldn't be starting a new one... but it called to me!

This one will be a little different. In ever chapter (excluding this one), you will get a taste of what I think would be on Tenten's MP3 player. I will have some lyrics and everything. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, nor any of the songs mentioned in these stories.

I never was a main stream kinda girl.

Take my MP3 player for example. When everyone else rushed out to get a new iPod, I stuck with my little buddy. They all raved about how their iPod was so much better, but I was content with my little music player. It held so many good memories.

And while everyone else jumped on the bandwagon to fall in love with Sasuke Uchiha, I stuck with the best.

The most handsome, reliable man around.

Neji Hyuuga.

When I first laid eyes on him, I knew that we were meant to be together. But it took him a while to realize that we were mean to be. Ever since we were little, he was always distant. He tried to stay emotionally cold. No one could beat him. He really was a genius. A genius that never noticed the brown haired weapons master that loved him more than he could ever realize. I would always be there for him, yet I always felt like he didn't care.

Boy, was I wrong.

A few months ago, Team Guy was sent on an important mission to Kumogakure. The Raikage needed a message delivered to Tsunade-sama, and she sent us to do it. It was an urgent message, so she needed a fast team. And we are the fastest team, after all.

It was the usual mission for our team. We just thought it to be a quick trip, get in, get out. We had assumed too much, I suppose.

A/N: I'm working on the new chapter as we speak! It will be written in first person. I hope you enjoy, read and review!
