It was a silly wish.

It meant nothing to him. She knew that, she knew dammit, but to hell with knowing! Knowing was a thing of evil. It brought nothing but death and despair.

Knowing that the Demon could not be defeated made the Fourth sacrifice himself.

Knowing that he could not beat his brother made Sasuke seek revenge.

Knowing that Sasuke was weak in mind made Orochimaru offer power.

Knowing Sasuke had gone made Naruto strive for a strength he could not get.

Knowing Sasuke was gone made Sakura's heart break.

Knowing was a bitch. That was why she hurt all over. But she was going to go on with life pretending she didn't know, because surely if she pretended hard enough it would become true.


She was always watching, pretending she didn't know, it was easier that way.

She was always wishing that she didn't know, that he did know but her wish never blossomed.

She was always aware of her time growing shorter.

Damn time always moving. Always flowing endlessly like a river into the nonexistent future.

She hated it.

Hated the way he never looked at her.

Hated the way her limbs grew heavy.

Hated the way her lungs burned from the coughing.

Hated the way her mouth tasted after she vomited.

She hated the world for being as cynical and sadistic as to curse her with a heart and a plague.

She new her time was short, ever so short. The golden grains of time slowly slipping away. One by one. Teasing her with the slowness of their fall.

She was so bitter, but she kept her wish, kept her prayer deep within her, A tiny glowing fire that kept her alive for longer than anyone could have imagined.

But despite her will of fire, she was still sick.

Still dying.

Now, at the end of all things, she still held that one wish in her heart but knew that it would never be granted.

He was a sadist after all. He probably thought this was all amusing. Here this dying girl wanting just one wish to be granted before she died.


She was sick of it.

Sick of clinging to her one hope in life, the looks of pity, the desperate desire she held in her heart, the one emotion that persisted so fiercely even here at the end of all things.

She was sick and tired of her love for him.

Sick and tired of her wish from him.

So she let go of it.

She let go of her love and accepted his denial.

A piece of her moved on.

She let go of her hatred and bitterness.

A piece of her moved on

She let go of her self loathing and pity.

A piece of her moved on.

She let her one wish, her secret wish, that she held onto for so long, be given to the wind.

All of her moved on.

As she laid there, the machines around her beeping franticly, she heard her wish on the wind.

"Please, I just want to see your face, just once, pull down your mask."

As the noise and light and feeling faded, her last thought was full of hollow irony and sadness.

It was a silly wish.

A/N: teh Lady Death here again with another depressing little thing. I do so enjoy writing these things, keeping you guessing all the way to the end about who it is --though you might already have known since I set it up with Kxxxxxi as my main character.-- Any way I don't know when I'll be continuing with any of my other stories, though I think I might do something with the Sakura Tick story soon. I think. Anyway, I hope this was self explanitory, I have been working on not making my writing so abstract. Did it work?
