I'm sorry, but Homura just seems so very obsessed with Sanzo... XD;

Disclaimer: Saiyuki and its characters all belong to Kazuya Minekura. I'm just borrowing Homura for a bit. :D

Beneath brilliant white stars, Homura peered into the inn window, mismatched eyes intent. They never lingered on any of the faceless patrons; no, the god knew exactly whom he was looking for and was actually becoming rather distraught by the fact that his target was nowhere in sight. The distress didn't once flicker on his face.

As much as he'd rather not admit it, it was manifesting into that same lustful fixation, the one he thought he'd left behind more than five hundred years ago. The Maten Sutra was nowhere near the most unattainable thing he was coveting at the moment.

A movement beyond the other side of the window captured his full attention. He stiffened, his breath caught in his throat and he watched.

Konzen Douji, or Genjyo Sanzo as he seemed to prefer these days, had entered the lobby. No one other than the god outside had seemed to care, though with his face, stunning even in spite of the sour expression he was wearing, he may have turned a few heads.

This had become second nature. Homura was alway following him, trying to calculate his next move before he even made it and trying to come up with the most effective plan to bring the Maten Sutra into his own possession.

So why had he yet to obtain the scripture?

He had enough confidence to believe that he could outpower the whole party, even Son Goku, especially since the boy refused to remove his diadem and fight at his full potential. That was insulting, but Homura enjoyed their encounters far too much for it to bother him.

No, it wasn't that he couldn't take the scripture. It was that he did not wish to. Not yet.

Strategy wasn't his only reason to follow Konzen, but it was his only excuse.