
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this story. Since I finished the first version almost two years ago, Antiphony remains the only epic I've actually completed, and for all its flaws, it's still very special to me.

I'd be very happy to hear from you, whatever you may have gotten out of this story, along with any suggestions or criticisms. The process of revision and removal of all the dross of the first version has only reminded me of how much more I need to improve as a writer.

Many of you know I had also previously posted part of the sequel, titled The Height of Faith, and then took it down. I'm still working on it, but it may take a while for me to be confident enough to post the beginning of the new version.

In the meantime, I've written an interlude between Antiphony and The Height of Faith, titled Shards. It fills in the blanks on what happened in Agrabah during the span of Antiphony's storyline. It'll be posted soon. Just put me on your author alerts to be notified when it is. In the meantime, if you're new to this story, you can check out the rest of the fics I've written in connection with it (Circum, Past the Gates of Perdition, etc.).

A very special thanks to demonegg for beta-ing all my writing with the utmost patience and thoroughness. Many plot ideas and character dialogue and other elements stemmed from her directly. A large part of the sequel is due to her ingenuity and imagination. The very fact that I even continued with the idea of an M/J pairing is because of her (though she may regret that now).

Thanks also to Katie Ann, Geniusgirl, Mengde, and Shini02 for looking over various drafts of chapters and helping with ideas.

Finally, thanks to everyone who has given me feedback, encouragement, and even fanart. Your reviews mean a lot, and without them it would be difficult to continue. My goal as a writer is still to challenge people to rethink what they know and connect stories to their own lives, and I really value the things readers have shared with me on those fronts.

See you at the sequel!


April 9, 2010