Disclaimer: I don't own DN Angel, but if I did, it would totally be a yaoi anime!

A Mother's Meddling

A/N: I know that they call each other Niwa-kun and Hiwatari-kun, but I'm exercising my poetic license.

Chap 1 – The Beginning

The phone rang through Satoshi's apartment, startling him out of a light doze. Blinking hazily, he looked around the apartment, trying to remember where the phone was. On the second ring, his brother Krad walked in and gave him an exaggerated look. "Moshi moshi?"

"Hey Krad, is Satoshi there?"

"Yeah, one second. Satoshi, your boyfriend's on the phone." He grinned as he handed it over to the glaring Satoshi, listening to Daisuke sputtering over the phone.

"Hey Daisuke, sorry about my brother, he's an idiot." He grinned as Daisuke still sputtered, trying to regain his composure. "What do you need?"

"You, obviously!" yelled Krad from the other room. Satoshi rolled his eyes – his brother really was an idiot sometimes.

"Umm, yeah, anyways…" Daisuke muttered, "Mom said it was alright if Dark and I had a sleepover tonight. I'm inviting you and Takeshi. Can you tell Krad that Dark is inviting him?"

"Must he? They're just going to boff like bunnies all night!" Satoshi grinned as Daisuke began to sputter again. He was so easy to embarrass.

"Heck yes we will!" Krad yelled again. "Tell them we're coming!"

"Sure thing, Daisuke. We'll be there. By the way, do you have earplugs?"

A/N: Please review! Hope you enjoy!