A/N: I have wanted to rewrite this episode from the first moment that I saw it. This is the first part of the rewrite, which takes place during the infamous winter kiss. Primarily, it's what would have happened if Lorelai hadn't interrupted them on their 'homework-bound' trip.

Season Three - Part Two

A Deep Fried Korean Wedding - Rory's POV

That'll Do Pig

i) Scene One - Rory's POV

ii) Scene Two - Jess's POV

Lorelai Out of Water - Rory's POV

Dear Emily and Richard - Jess's POV

Swan Song - Rory's POV

Face Off - Jess's POV

A Tale of Poes and Fire - Rory's POV

Happy Birthday, Baby - Jess's POV

Keg! Max! - Jess's POV

Say Goodnight, Gracie - Rory's POV

Here Comes the Son - Jess's POV

Those Are Strings, Pinocchio - Rory's POV

Season Four

Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospel - Jess's POV

Last Week's Fights, This Week's Tights - Rory's POV

Season Six

Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out - Rory's POV

The Real Paul Anka - Rory's POV

A/N: Yeah... lots of stories to be written here. Please note that POV's can and probably will change with time and with my muse. ALSO note, that I have NOT as in I DON'T know anything about anything after season three. I refuse to watch any scenes that don't have Jess in them, they do not exist. This means that I know little to nothing about the plot after 'Those Are Strings, Pinocchio', and I also refuse to acknowledge that anything after the first half an hour of 'Keg! Max!' exists, which doesn't help with the whole plot issue. Everything I'm writing, I'm writing for the hell of it. If I do something OOC, something out of plot, out of anything, blame it on that. Thanks - Bligy.

Will Never Change

Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, 3x09 Rewrite

IC Chapter

Rated K+

"So you want some help with your homework?" Jess inquired innocently.

"You're going to help me?" Rory taunted.

"Yup," he answered instantly, with a slight nod of his head. Rory smiled at him, taking off her hat, and thought out her words carefully.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but, how?" she returned.

"Come upstairs and I'll show you," he invited, guiding her towards that side of the diner. Rory couldn't help the smile that sprouted on her face at his invite.

"Upstairs?" she attempted to confirm, allowing him to lead her.

"Yup," he stated evenly.

"Well you know how important my education is to me," she told him in mock-seriousness.

"Yes I do," he shot back, placing a hand on the counter and one on her back as they were seconds away from ascending the stairs. "Do you want anything?"

"Ooo, coffee," she requested, giving him a quick peck on the lips and dashing up the stairs with her backpack.

Rory perched on the couch, taking off her backpack and tossing it on Jess's side of the room. Luke had a tendency to want his room clean, whereas Jess didn't give a damn. There were clothes blanketing the floor and CDs strewn everywhere. Somehow it was comforting to see it, to know that this was the place he was comfortable enough to call 'home'.

"Coffee," he announced as he entered into the door.

"Mmm," she greeted, snatching the coffee and taking a sip. "It's strong."

"Yup," he agreed, and there was a slight mischievous glint to his eye. She glared at him suspiciously, and the glint was replaced by mock-innocence. "What?'

"Thank you," she grumbled, moving closer to him as he sat on the couch. She flopped down in his lap and placed the coffee on the table. "So… homework?"

"Homework," he restated, and captured her lips. Jess had a taste that was all his own. No matter how many times she kissed him, she couldn't quite place what it was. Less than a minute later, she found herself being pressed into the couch beneath him, and she didn't mind whatsoever.

"Have you seen my mustard?" was randomly screeched into the room as the door burst open and Luke smashed into the apartment.

"Jeez," Jess shouted, leaping off Rory to give her some space. Rory squirmed uncomfortably, looking at Luke apprehensively.

"Mustard?" Rory inquired softly, looking around for some sort of mysterious yellow substance and avoiding his eyes at all costs.

"Yeah, it's right over there," Jess grumbled, pointing at said mysterious mustard container that had a tendency to disappear and reappear at will. When Luke left, they both sat staring at the door with a frown.

"How long had it been?" she asked after a minute. Jess looked down at his watch to measure the time and then rejoined her in staring at the door.

"Ten minutes," he stated evenly.

"Ten minutes," she said again and turned to him. "Time it?"

He didn't say anything, just pressed something on his watch and gathered her into his arms. Yet again, she found herself beneath him on the couch, gathering his body closer to her and being drawn into the flames that were Jess, just when his alarm went off. They separated reluctantly and curled up together on the couch like they were watching TV. Luke burst into the apartment less than ten seconds later.

"I forgot my-!" he started.

"On the table," Jess muttered, pointing at another random thing that probably shouldn't be there.

"Oh… right, thanks," Luke replied gruffly, taking the strange mini-coat rack and leaving the room again.

"Jeez," Jess shook his head, burying it in Rory's neck and kissing her there.

"At least we know," she attempted to offer, but her mind was ten million miles elsewhere.

"Mhm," he agreed absently, moving from her neck and kissing her lips again.

Her fingers trailed into his hair as she gathered him even closer. Her hands moved down his head to his shoulders and gently pushed his jacket off. He shrugged it off for her and it fell to the floor. Just when the treacherous limbs were about to start playing with the material on his shirt, the watch went off again. They sighed and attempted to get comfortable in some sort of innocent position, despite the fire they were feeling, as Luke burst into the room again.

"Over there!" Jess shouted as Luke was about to say something. He pointed to another of the random objects that Luke seemed to drag up and down with him all the time. This time Luke didn't say anything, merely looked at them in warning and stormed back down to the diner.

They looked at each other, debating whether or not to continue on with their little sparing match, before he lowered himself to her lips again, kissing her very softly. It was an exploration kiss, something that wouldn't get them too riled up and disappointed when Luke burst in again. Despite their attempts, it got more and more heated before she found that he'd squirmed his way between her legs and one of his arms was gathered around her middle softly. Absently, she wondered how much time they had, went the door to the diner burst open.

"Rory I need your – Oh my God!" Lorelai screeched, covering her eyes as Rory and Jess leapt apart on the couch.

Jess cursed under his breath and perched himself on the edge of the couch awkwardly as Rory attempted to right herself.

"Okay… hey… uh, I got some presents, for grandpa," Lorelai told them, hand still averting her gaze from them.

"Great, that's great!" Rory told her.

"I need your help choosing which one," Lorelai prodded, and Rory sighed. She looked at Jess, who looked at her out of the corner of his eye and sulked a little bit.

"Bye," she told him after a moment of staring, and they kissed again as she yanked her backpack and led her and her mother's descent down the stairs.

"What was that?" Lorelai asked frantically.

"Homework?" Rory offered helplessly as she heard the alarm on Jess's watch go off above them.