"You dont know what youre doing," Yuki mumbled warningly to the boy that was humming an unknown tune loudly in front of him.

The pinky fuzzball in question smiled in response. "It'll be fine Yuki, don't wor--" A series of loud noises interrupted him, followed by the smell of something burning.

Shuichi's eyes widened slightly and he ran out of the room. "Nooo! my food!!"

Yuki calmly closed his laptop and massaged his temples. He sighed. Another day, and still no writing... stupid moron. He then heard a stream of angry curses from the kitchen, and then very loud whining.

His headache roared in protest as he stood up to clean the younger male's mess. When he reached the kitchen, he was greeted with the sight of Shuichi crumpled on the floor, holding something that was badly blackened, and was acting as though rocking it back and forth would fix it.

The blonde man, now used to the boys wild antics, merely picked him up by the scruff of his shirt, and tossed him unceremoniously onto his butt in the living room. The fluff whined and latched to Yuki's leg as he made to go back into the kitchen.

"Aw Yuki, why are you so mean? Couldn't you just have asked me to get up or something instead of throwing me out?"

"No." yuki blandly stated.

"Well couldn't you say 'good job for at least trying to cook, Shuichi'?"

The blonde managed to get back into the kitchen, half dragging to kid with him. "Good job Shuichi... you completely trashed my fucking stove."

Shuichi looked around Yuki's leg at the slightly smoking stove. "oh... um.. sorry?"

The writer's hand twitched, wanting badly to sock the singer in the face. "I told you to stay away from my cooking area, didnt I? Last time you almost chopped your finger off... I thought you would listen to me."

Shuichi frowned and stood up. "I didn't do that bad though did I? I have all of my fingers still, and the cake isnt that burnt. see?" He held out the charcoal black lump to show him.

Yuki's hand twitched again. oh the temptation...

"It's awful. Now get out so I can try and clean up yet another one of your disasters."

The pink-haired boy pouted for a moment, then yelled "Fine! I'll leave!" His demeanor changed instantly yet again. "But can you say you love me for trying? pleeeeeeeeease?"

Yuki remained silent for a few seconds. "i..."

Shuichi froze in anticipation.

"... think that is the worst cake ever made." He slipped a hand under the cake and pushed it upwards into Shuichi's face. The singer made a muffled yelp of surprise and gaged on a bit of the cake that got into his mouth.

Yuki took advantage of his momentarily choking roomate and shoved him back out of the kitchen. The boy ran to the bathroom, yelling in between coughs, "Your so mean and cruel Yukiiii!

The writer turned back to the stove and began cleaning up the mess, reminding himself to call Tohma to tell him to get him a new stove... and take it out of Shuichi's pay...